Doomsday Rebirth: Stock up on SSS-level cards at the beginning

Chapter 441: The Supreme Council and Pirates

An ancient castle shrouded in an evil atmosphere, exuding a choking smell of sulfur all the time.

Twelve phantoms of ancient beings surround a long table. Their shapes are all different, but they have one thing in common. They all have horns on their foreheads and tails on their waists and backs.

They are the twelve leaders of the [Supreme Council].

"I believe you all already know the matter. Nadya, who was perfectly awakened, fell. Things have developed far beyond expectations. This human named Qin Lang must not be allowed to live anymore."

The ancient being sitting in the middle spoke quietly.

He is the smallest among the gods, only 1.5 or 1.6 meters tall. But when He speaks, the whole place is silent and you can hear the drop of a pin, which shows that He has a high status in the Supreme Council.

"I thought I could kill Qin Lang by releasing a large number of divine slaves to pretend to assist and let Nadya wake up perfectly. I didn't expect him to be such a waste. It's my fault." The burly manager in the last seat stood up and crossed his right arm. Bowing in front of his chest, "I will kill him myself."

Eleven eyes fell on the manager.

"There is a big secret buried in Qin Lang. Kill him and dig out the secret. Godani, you know, this is related to the dignity of the Supreme Council. Once it fails, what will be the consequences..." The noble man said quietly.

"Please don't worry."

Goldani slowly exited the meeting hall, and a [Superior God] who was waiting in the form of a gargoyle came closer, "Sir, it's just a human being, why do you need to take action yourself? Let the villain... oh!"

A big hand appeared in the void and grabbed the gargoyle firmly. With a little force, the gargoyle spit out blood. He begged for mercy sternly, "Sir...sir, I know I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

"Don't talk while I'm thinking."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong."

The big hand disappeared and the gargoyle hit the ground hard. He struggled to hold up his wings and limped to follow Goldani.

This funny scene immediately attracted ridicule from other congressmen's followers.


early morning.

The sunlight was crushed by the cracks in the window, and every inch fell on the ground.

The dog next door is barking and the rooster is crowing.

A new day has begun.

Qin Lang walked out of the wooden house with a pale face. He took a cup of cool stream water and splashed it on his face. He was wondering why the stream had a strange smell. When he looked up, he saw several little kids wearing crotchless pants peeing into the stream not far upstream. , he looked about five or six years old.

Just when Qin Lang was about to have a fit, the mother of one of the little kids grabbed his ears and yelled at him, kicking his butt a few times, "How many times have I told you! Don't pee in the stream!"

"Wow! Mom, I was wrong! Wow~" the little kid cried loudly.

Qin Lang's mood instantly became beautiful.

"Brother Xiao Qin, good morning."

Wei Juan waved her hand towards Qin Lang. Today, her hairstyle was a pair of ponytails, bouncing up and down, and the two ponytails were swaying very gracefully.

"Come here so early to listen to your brother Huang Long brag?"

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, we usually get up this early, we're used to it."

"I forgot to ask yesterday, how did you get here?"

Qin Lang took out some food cards and considered what to eat in the morning, or whether to eat them all.

Wei Juan grabbed Qin Lang's food card, her big eyes sparkling, "Good guy, there are so many food cards, confiscate them."


"In our shelter, all resources must be centralized first and then distributed uniformly. Individuals are not allowed to hold cards without authorization."

"Oh, then why did you pack the milk tea cards separately?"

"Yes! You! No matter!"

Wei Juan pinched her waist and said arrogantly: "You are a little awakened person, don't care about the affairs of the second awakening person, you know! Otherwise you will be beaten easily."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, okay." Qin Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"What did you ask just now, oh, why did we come here? At that time, not long after the high school entrance examination, I pestered my brother to buy me a mobile phone and went shopping. Suddenly it rained cards from the sky. , there were many monsters, and the mall security closed the mall door.”

Wei Juan seemed to remember something terrible, and her body trembled. "Many people died that night. It was my brother and several other security guards who protected us. We managed to survive until dawn, when the monster rushed in, and then... …”

Wei Juan paused, "Then those monsters suddenly turned into ashes, and we all fainted. When we woke up, we were already here. My brother said that there was a god protecting us in the dark."

"Indeed..." Qin Lang felt a little emotional in his heart. He guessed that it should be the [Fragment of Paradise] that fell to the earth together with the monster. This fragment instinctively used the last ray of divinity to protect everyone, and created this Taoyuan Island, establishing A forbidden sea emerged.

The protective desire of the Celestials is engraved in their genes. This is true for gods and buildings, if they have DNA.

"Breaking heaven into pieces, how terrifying that would be..." Qin Lang didn't dare to think about it.

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. Brother Huanglong, hurry up and tell me the story of a wolf and five dogs who stormed into the castle in anger~~"

Seeing Huang Long yawning and going out, Wei Juan ran over.

"Oh, Xiaojuan is here. You have to wait a moment to hear the story. I'm hungry. Please allow me to have breakfast first."

"I have it here, chicken, duck, fish and everything. Which one do you want to eat?" Wei Juan took out the stack of food cards, ignoring Qin Lang who rolled his eyes to the sky, focusing on rebelling against Tiangang and lining his own pockets.

"What a double standard."

Qin Lang's teeth were itching with anger.

In the next few days, everyone stayed on Taoyuan Island.

In addition to the daily reproduction work, Qin Lang basically spent the rest of his time learning [God Techniques]. Although his life was painful, it was enjoyable. He could clearly feel the improvement of his actual combat ability.

That afternoon.

The wind swept the dark clouds, and more than a dozen pirate fleets with skulls hanging appeared on the east side of Taoyuan Island.

Wei Guo immediately led the elites of the shelter to the beach to meet the enemy.

"This place is really good. There are mountains and water. We will use this as our settlement in the future."

The unusually tall captain picked up a wine gourd, gulped down several kilograms of white wine, wiped his mouth, and said, "Little guys, go to the island."



"You fucking leave faster!"

In addition to hundreds of pirates, there was also a group of women from various shelters that they robbed when they were roaming the alien sea.

These women's hands and feet were chained, naked, and there was no fear in their eyes, only despair and numbness.

They had gone through countless inhuman tortures.

In this end times of moral decline and lawlessness, women, especially beautiful, young and powerless women, are equivalent to resources.

"These people... beasts!"

Wei Guo held the long knife tightly.

"Boss, we must not let them find our shelter!"

The men and women in the team were furious.

"You bunch of stinky pirates, do you have any humanity! What do you want to do by landing on our island!"

Wei Juan was a young man with a nagging personality. Before Wei Guo gave any orders, she jumped up and shot an arrow at the captain.

The captain caught the arrow easily, then tilted his head and looked at her with interest, "Oh, it's a beautiful girl, be my 37th wife."

"I'll be your mother!"

Wei Juan pinched her waist, "Do you know what realm my eldest brother is in? How dare you land on the island!"

The captain threw away the arrow, "Oh? Your brother? Then I really don't know, tell me."

Wei Guo and dozens of elite soldiers lined up and stood on the hill to confront the pirates.

Despite the huge disparity in numbers, Wei Guo was not afraid at all.

"I tell you, my brother is [Immortal Body]. Do you know the value of immortal body! Even if the knife cuts on the body, it will heal automatically." Wei Juan shouted loudly.

"That's right! I advise you to leave quickly. I don't want to kill people!" Wei Guo also supported his sister, "By the way, you have to let these women go before leaving."

The pirates looked at each other, and the scene was dead silent.






Suddenly, the pirates burst into laughter.

The captain laughed so hard that he almost fell off the bow, and slapped his thighs hard, "Immortality...Haha, hahahaha!"

"I am dying of laughter! Wow, I can't stand it."

Many pirates were so happy that they couldn't stand and rolled on the beach holding their bellies.

"Ha, hahaha!"

"What are you laughing at! Are you crazy! What's so funny about immortality?" Wei Juan gritted her teeth.

"It's so funny. After so many years of traveling in the alien sea, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard. This little girl actually threatened us with immortality...Hahaha!"

"Little girl, do you know that not even qualified to clean the toilet on our ship? The lowest we have to have to clean the toilet is immortality." The second mate laughed.

"At this moment, the idiom of a frog in a well has been embodied." The third mate shook his head repeatedly. It was pathetic, pitiful and ridiculous that people could be so ignorant.


The captain jumped high and fell heavily. His three-meter-tall body looked like a giant.

"Okay, stop struggling. Be my thirty-seventh wife. I hope you are strong enough. After all, the first thirty-six wives were all killed by me. Ha, ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Another strange laugh.

"You are looking for death!"

Wei Juan was already eighteen years old and had long understood the relationship between men and women. Such dirty words made her cheeks red. She pulled out several arrows and shot them continuously.

"Puff puff puff!"

The arrows were shot at the captain without exception.

The captain screamed and knelt down, "Ah... It hurts, you... You actually shot me... I... I'm going to die, oh, I, I'm dead."


The captain fell to the ground with his legs spread out and twitched a few times.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

"Boss, your acting is really bad, too bad."

"You don't even want to use ketchup."

The pirates and several assistants laughed so hard that they were numb, and they all made fun of him.

At this time, Wei Guo's forehead was sweating, and his hands holding the knife were shaking.

He was the one with the highest level in this group of people. He had discovered...what the pirate captain said was true. The strength of any one of the pirates was enough to wipe them out.

"Little sister...and you..."

Wei Guo trembled and said desperately: "Run away..."

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