Chapter 44 Tang Ao’s Treasure (1/2)

"It's strange. There's no damage absorbed or bounced. It feels like it's hit in the air. What kind of talent does he have?"

Qin Lang's brain was spinning rapidly. Unfortunately, in his previous life, he was only a survivor at the tail end of a crane. He had too little experience in fighting against strong men, and more in fighting against monsters and extreme weather, so his experience in this area was somewhat lacking.

"Come again."

Tang Ao looked at the two people with a smile.

At that time, the gunmen also came to their senses, picked up their rifles and attacked Qin Lang and Lin Wan'er. ?.?????.??

The two people with bullet resistance auras would naturally not be afraid of this kind of attack.

"You kill all these gunmen, and I will handle them." Qin Lang whispered.


Lin Wan'er nodded solemnly, and then shot the gunmen one by one under the hail of bullets. The other party had no ability to fight back, it was a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

"I still don't believe it."

Qin Lang took a step forward and struck again!

However, the situation of the second Holy Slash was exactly the same as the first. The stone cow sank into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

"I said that I am a believer in the true God. I am blessed by the true God and am an immortal existence. No matter how you attack, you can't hurt me at all."

As he spoke, Tang Ao slowly opened his arms, and his whole body was shrouded in golden light. Not to mention, if he hadn't been wearing pants and the little earthworm was openly exposed, this look would be a bit bluffing.

"You are very good and have some strength. Now kneel down and accept me as your master. I can forget about the past."

"There are no immortal people in this world, so stop pretending to me."

Qin Lang snorted coldly and swung the black knife towards Tang Ao's head.

"Stubborn thing!"

Tang Ao's expression became ferocious. Instead of resisting the black knife, he raised his golden palm and struck Qin Lang's chest hard.

The knife falls!

Palm out!

The two of them missed each other and both withstood the other's attack!


Um? ! "Tang Ao had a weird look on his face. He didn't understand. His palm could flatten a car and break a load-bearing column. How come it had no effect on this man? Could it be that his talent was the same as his own? There would be no such coincidence in the world. Something?

"It's a bit strong. I drained the battery of the bracelet with one palm! What kind of monster is this?"

Qin Lang looked calm on the surface, but was deeply shocked in his heart. He quickly used the battery in the space ring to fully charge the protective bracelet. Without this thing, he would have been injured just now.

By this time, Lin Waner had already killed all the gunmen in the house. Xu Yun and the lizard man had both arrived at the church. The dozens of gunmen outside were not enough to kill them both.

Xu Yun looked at Qin Lang, "It seems you need help."

"Xixixixixixixi" Ding Yuan wanted to speak, but the change in her body structure meant that she could only make this strange cry for the time being.

"If you don't kneel down, I'll be really angry!" Tang Aohan said.

"Angry? Oh, you can't even see that thing without a microscope. You're deformed, so you should be angry." Xu Yun looked polite, but his words were very harsh.

"Xixi" the lizard man grinned, obviously smiling.

"court death!"

Tang Ao hated people making fun of his physical defects the most. This was true before the apocalypse, and even more so after the apocalypse. He waved his palm and slapped Xu Yun.

"I'm so angry. I was right."

Xu Yun dodged to the side, hooking his fingers while dodging, and two vines appeared out of thin air and entangled Tang Ao.


Tang Ao frowned. He felt the strength of this vine. It was definitely unusual. Could it be that he was another color card talent owner?

This chapter is not finished, click the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 44 Tang Ao’s Treasure (2/2)

At this time, the lizard man saw the opportunity and pounced on him, aiming to bite him in the face.

"Monster! Get out of here!"

The next second, Tang Ao roared, breaking the vines, and punched the lizard man.


This punch hit the lizard man's stomach firmly. Even though he was protected by thick scales, the lizard man was still beaten to death. He fell seven or eight meters away and vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"Ding Yuan!"

Xu Yun was shocked.

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!"

Ding Yuan returned to her human form and didn't bother to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth. "Be careful, his fists are very powerful! Pfft"

Another mouthful of old blood, obviously all the internal organs were injured. ?.?????.??

"You take care of Ding Yuan."

Qin Lang stuffed two silver cards for healing medicine into Lin Wan'er, then raised his knife and pointed it at Tang Ao, "I don't believe I can't break your defense! Old Xu, let me entangle him!"


Xu Yun raised his finger, and two more vines appeared. This time they were thicker than the previous ones, and they roared and rolled over.

"I hate thick things the most in my life! If you want to hit them, then come down and hit them."

Tang Ao snorted, turned around and jumped into the basement behind the podium.


How could Qin Lang let Tang Ao go like this, and pursued him with Xu Yun.

The basement was dark and it was hard to see.

Qin Lang has night vision, so this darkness will not have any impact on him. Xu Yun prepared a strong flashlight, and soon the two of them arrived at the bottom of the basement. The air was filled with the smell of decay.

It's hard to imagine that in church

"That is"

The beam of a bright flashlight fell on a pile of human corpses

In the bone.

The corners of Xu Yun's mouth twitched.

It's not like he's never seen dead people.

But there are too many human bones here!

Thousands of them, piled up into a mountain of bones!

Not to mention Xu Yun, even Qin Lang was wondering, what on earth was Tang Ao hiding in the basement? Could it be possible that he killed all these people?

When the two walked through the mountain of human bones, the answer was revealed.

At this time, Tang Ao was sitting in front of a black blood heart as tall as one person.

There are more than a dozen tentacles of the black blood heart, which penetrated the throats of more than a dozen men and women who were about to become dried meat. It was the group of people whose plates were empty during the noon communion time.

"You actually raised a black-blooded heart in the basement!" Qin Lang's pupils condensed.

"Black-blooded heart? No, no, no, it's my treasure!"

Tang Ao had put on his trousers, and now he had a gorgeous crescent scepter in his hand. He said with a pious look, "If it hadn't given me strength, I would have died a long time ago. You'd better show some respect."

"Hiss" Qin Lang swung his knife and was about to chop, when his brain suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and a mysterious force invaded his mind. Almost at the same time, the spiritual energy in his body boiled like boiling water, and he actively resisted the attack of this mysterious force.

Soon this mysterious force was defeated by the repeated washing of spiritual energy. Qin Lang returned to normal and his thinking became clear.


Tang Ao looked at Qin Lang in disbelief. Can he even block his own mental attack? What kind of freak is this?

"I understand." Qin Lang exhaled heavily, "This is the alien black blood heart that can confuse people's hearts!"

Tang Ao laughed dryly, "No, you are wrong. My ability is to confuse people's hearts, and its ability is transformation!"

As soon as Tang Ao finished speaking, the soft shell of Black Blood Heart slowly discharged more than a dozen cards, including white, green, and blue."

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