Early in the morning.

On the shore of Taoyuan Island, many people gathered to see them off.

After listening to the explanation of Wei Guo and Wei Juan, Qin Lang nodded, "Since this is everyone's decision, I can't say anything. We will meet again if we are destined."

After discussing for most of the night, although the Wei brothers and sisters wanted to go with Qin Lang and live in Fengrao City, the villagers voted collectively in the end. More than 80% of the people did not want to leave Taoyuan Island. Wei Guo could only obey the majority and rejected Qin Lang's proposal.

"Alas, I know you are reluctant to leave the comfortable life here, but it is really unsafe. Fengrao City is much better than this, and there are gods to protect you. You..." Huanglong was still making the last struggle, trying to persuade everyone.

Qin Lang waved his hand, "Okay, don't force it. Give everyone some resource cards and we are ready to set off."

Qin Lang turned back to the boat after speaking.

"Sister, you..."

"Brother Huanglong, Sister Poppy, Brother Skeleton, if you are done here, remember to come back to see me." Wei Juan cried and laughed, holding Huanglong's hand tightly. She really couldn't bear to leave Huanglong, the new big brother, but there was no way. Her own brother and all the familiar people were on the island. She, a little girl who just turned 18, could only go with the flow.

"Okay, I promise you, I will come back often." Huanglong stuffed a bunch of cards into Wei Juan's hands, raised his hand, and said, "Let's go!"

"Goodbye!" Poison Poppy and Skeleton King also bowed.

The boat set sail, carrying several people away from this beautiful island and heading to the alien sea.

"Brother, you didn't seem very happy just now..."

The boat sailed out for a long time, and Huanglong carefully approached Qin Lang.

"No." Qin Lang spread his hands, "I said I won't force them, why should I be unhappy? But..."


"The people of Taoyuan Island are simple and honest, and the resources are abundant. I hope they can live well, but as I said, the divinity contained in [Paradise Fragments] has long been lost, and the disappearance of the forbidden sea is a matter of time. As the boss of the shelter, he doesn't care about his subordinates and has to hold a democratic vote. It's really ridiculous. Weiguo is a good person, but he is definitely not a good leader." Xiu Shuqi

Qin Lang pointed out the problem of Taoyuan Island Shelter.

This is the end of the world where people are in danger every day and the strong prey on the weak. It is not a peaceful era. How can the leader's decision be influenced by the villagers?

"What do you mean, brother..." Huanglong was shocked when he heard it.

Qin Lang glanced at him, "The current environment is full of gods, and the first gods are worse than dogs. The strongest among them is just an [immortal body]. What do you think will happen to Taoyuan Island once it is exposed on the map? We have been out for a short time now. If you want to go back, it's still in time."

Huanglong was very entangled, and his face twisted into a ball.

Skeleton King had been silent all the time, but at this time he couldn't help but speak, "Boss, there is a saying that is very famous in the civilized era. I don't know if you have heard of it, - let go of the complex of helping others and respect the fate of others. It's not that Boss Qin didn't give them a chance, but they themselves are unwilling to give up the comfortable life in front of them. Let's not get involved, just respect the blessing."

"Skeleton is right, and you shouldn't think of everything in the worst way. What if the fragments of heaven last for a long time?" Poison Poppy also advised.

Huang Long sighed, "You are right, I am just a little angry..."

"One more thing..."

Qin Lang said expressionlessly, "You should never let Prince Zhang go. Will he come back for revenge? Now he is alone and can go wherever he wants. Even if you want to hunt him down, you don't know where to go. You are too unreliable."

"This...!" Huang Long's scalp numbed, "He ran too fast at that time. I really didn't want to let him go. Brother... Is there any remedy?"

"Remedy?" Qin Lang said indifferently: "I am now being watched by [Hell]. I don't know what kind of terrifying gods will emerge next. I am like a clay Buddha crossing the river and can't save myself. Do you think I will care about the lives of others at this critical juncture? When did my image in your heart become so great?"

Huang Long was speechless for a moment.

Every word Qin Lang said was true. At this critical moment, staying away from Taoyuan Island and not letting the disaster implicate the islanders was the best choice he could make.

On the issue of Taoyuan Island, Qin Lang didn't want to say much.

"How many days does it take to sail to the island with rich resources and gods you mentioned?" Qin Lang glanced at the white-faced scholar, who hurriedly said, "It's not very far. If everything goes well, we can get there in two or three days." Xiushu.com

Qin Lang patted the guardrail, "Achuan, go to the place this kid said."

Achuan nodded and continued to ride the wind and waves. ...

On the evening of the second day after Qin Lang and his party left Taoyuan Island.

Dozens of pirate groups came.

Tenglong, Tenghu and Prince Zhang, three gods, descended on the island.

"Let the one called Huanglong come out, as well as the poisonous poppy and the skeleton king."

Prince Zhang looked down at the trembling islanders with sinister eyes.

"Brother Huanglong... they have already left."

"Left? Oh, that sounds nice, just run away." Prince Zhang rubbed his crotch hard, and his sinister eyes fell on Wei Juan, "Little Thirty-Seven, your husband didn't love you well last time, where are you going this time?"

"If you dare to touch me, Brother Huanglong and Sister Poppy will never let you go!" Wei Juan's body was also shaking. She was very scared, but she couldn't do anything. ..

She looked at her elder brother Weiguo for help.

Weiguo's face was ashen, and he was both annoyed and regretful.

If I had been tougher and listened to Qin Lang and followed him into Fengrao City, this would not have happened.

But life is like this, the tolerance rate is very low.

Some mistakes, once made, are a bottomless abyss.

Prince Zhang laughed strangely, "Scare me? Not only will I touch you, I will also let all the brothers in the group touch you together, ha, ha ha ha ha..."

"Brother Huanglong...Brother Qin Lang...save me!" Wei Juan wanted to shout, but unfortunately she couldn't make any sound.

Unnamed island.

"Well, there is indeed a breath of gods here, a [middle-level god]." Luo Hao looked at the compass and said to Qin Lang.

"Let's go, let's go down and meet this "island owner."

Qin Lang jumped down and said to Datou: "Is it possible that you know the island owner here?"

Datou shook his head repeatedly, "To answer the master, there are countless gods in the world, especially for small gods like us, the probability of not knowing each other is high, and knowing each other is a low probability event."

Qin Lang smiled.

Since there were no rules here, the group flew towards the center of the island.

Soon they arrived at the habitat of the gods.

A woman with fire all over her body stared at the existence in the sky. As a bird god, her intuition told her that this group of people were extraordinary and must not be made enemies. If they were, they would die.


Qin Lang landed and looked at the god with a human head and a bird body with a smile, "Hello."


The woman was stunned and stammered, "Hello?"

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