"On the fifth day of the voyage, I encountered three lower-level gods on the way. Before I could make a move, they were killed by the Huanglong trio and Wei Juan. I lost three gods and it was very painful. Lan Luo became more and more impatient when having sex with me. I guess it might be because I haven't been pregnant for a long time, but it's not my fault. The stronger the race, the harder it is to reproduce. The painful days have to continue. I wanted to stay away from the mocking bird, but he mocked me as a silver wax spear head, which made me very unhappy, so I fought him for three hundred rounds, using all my strength, and finally the mocking bird was defeated, but he refused to admit defeat and asked me to fight again at the top of the Forbidden City in three days, as if I was afraid of him. It was funny."


"On the seventh day of the voyage, nothing major happened. During this period, Lan Luo I was asked for six times, and the Mocking Bird was asked for two times. I felt that my body was hollowed out, and I felt top-heavy. Although I am young, I can't do this anymore. I have to conserve my energy. "

"On the eighth day of sailing, I failed to refuse Lan Luo, was asked for nine times, and the Mocking Bird asked for me once. I really can't do this anymore. I suspect that I will become the first [Immortal Body] to die. I want to go into seclusion."

"On the ninth day of sailing, I failed to refuse Lan Luo, and was asked for five times. At dinner, the Mocking Bird said that I just had a handsome face, but not good kung fu, so I fought with it three times, and the two sides fought to a draw. I really want to go into seclusion."

"On the tenth day of sailing, I refused to fail..."

"On the thirteenth day of sailing, I refused to fail..."

In the cabin.

Qin Lang silently closed the diary and looked out the window.

"Brother Qin, we are finally here!"

Wei Juan rushed in excitedly, "The legendary first city of mankind-Glorious City!"

Qin Lang followed Wei Juan to the deck. Although it was still some distance from the coast, he could already see this prosperous city full of modern atmosphere.

People were coming and going in the port, and ships were coming in and out.

Compared with the long-destroyed Star City, at most it was the size of a rural-urban junction.

"In such a cruel environment in the end of the world, it was terrifying to think that such a city could be built in three or four years."

Huang Long's eyes flickered, and after sighing, he gently patted Qin Lang's shoulder, "Brother, you really need to take care of your health, you have a lot of white hair."

"Go away, do you think I want to."

"I hope this brilliant city is not like Star City, a trap set by some ambitious person." Du Poppy sighed.

Everyone has experienced the Star City War, and they will instinctively be wary of such a city.

Lan Luoshen was elusive and stood beside Qin Lang, saying: "Although I don't know what you have experienced before, you can rest assured about this city. This is a city blessed by the [God of Peace]."

"God of Peace?" Qin Lang looked over, "Is that the name of a prop? Or a god?"

"Not all gods are bloodthirsty. Their promotion conditions are different. The God of Peace is a very special group. He will improve his status by protecting residents and gaining faith. If the Mockingbirds are rats crossing the street and everyone shouts and beats them, then the [God of Peace] is an existence that 99% of the races hope to ally with. They have a strong desire to protect and extremely hate killing and destruction."

Lan Luo glanced at Wei Juan, "[Heaven] was once a city-state built by the God of Peace. To some extent, Wei Juan is also a descendant of the [God of Peace]. Be sure to take her to see the God of Peace."

"I will."

Qin Lang nodded.

The boat soon arrived at the shore.

Qin Lang led everyone into the city.

The overall strength of the residents of Brilliant City is much higher than that of Star City. In just such a short journey, Qin Lang encountered no less than 20 gods, and there were even more beginners, almost catching up with the number of college graduates every year in peacetime. On the contrary, [immortal bodies] like him have become a rare species.

The mocking bird hugged the horn and laughed: "In an era where there are college students per capita, you, a technical secondary school student, are a rare species."

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" Qin Lang was stunned.

The mocking bird patted the horn, "This is connected to your thinking."

"What realm is above the realm of gods? It seems that no one has reached that realm yet?"

Qin Lang murmured, feeling aggrieved.

When will I be able to become a beginner god!

Hell Clan, don't be scared, send people to hunt us down, send as many hell gods as you can, please...

"Please stay!"

Just when Qin Lang was daydreaming, a young man in modern clothes came up to him with a smile, "You look like you are from other places, your first time in our Brilliant City?"

"So what if it is, and so what if it is not?" Huang Long narrowed his eyes.

The young man had a good temper and was not angry at all, "Brother, don't be so malicious, our Brilliant City is the first city of mankind, there are not so many intrigues and twists and turns, I just want to make some extra money from you to supplement my family income, if you don't need a guide, then forget it."

Qin Lang said lightly: "You are right, it is indeed much more convenient to have a guide when you first come to Brilliant City, how much does it cost?"

"It's very cheap, one crystal core coin a day! No cheating, no credit."

Qin Lang took out the crystal core coin and threw it to him.

"Boss, you're very straightforward! I like doing business with people like you. Would you like to find a place to stay first, or go shopping first?" The young man was in high spirits. One crystal core coin was a considerable amount of income even for a novice god.

"Our Brilliant City is divided into four major districts according to the east, west, south and north. The prices in the east and west districts are relatively low and suitable for ordinary people to live in, while the prices in the south district are higher. Usually, only wealthy people will patronize it. As for the north district, it is a real rich district, where rich people spend money. As long as you have coins, you can buy everything and enjoy everything. All the top services are in the north district. Boss, you see..."

"Go to the north district."

Qin Lang said calmly, "I have been wandering outside for so long, I have to enjoy myself."

"Okay, boss, please come this way!"

The young man was overjoyed. While talking about the history of Brilliant City, he led the way in front.

Behind him, two men withdrew their eyes from Qin Lang and others and said in a low voice: "It looks like this is a group of fat sheep. There are only three gods and their strength is very weak."

"Same as before?"

"Of course, I will inform the boss, you keep a close eye on them."



"Brother, there are two guys behind..." Huang Long lowered his voice.

Qin Lang raised his hand to stop talking, "Just know it."

"Hehe, I understand."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jiang Wentao, but because I talk too much, people who are familiar with me call me "Mosquito". What's the boss's name?"

"Qin Lang." Qin Lang smiled.

"Okay, Boss Qin!".M

Mosquito grinned and pointed to a busy street on the right, "Cross the market and you'll find the North District. I'll take you to find a place to stay first."

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