If the witch had not mentioned food, Qin Lang might not have felt hungry so quickly. Now he found that eating anything was like chewing wax. His hunger became more and more intense, and his belly made a thunderous sound.

"No, I have to find something to eat quickly."

Qin Lang and the other three left the divine skeleton and climbed up a small mound to look around.

But what comes into view, apart from the ruins and desert, is there any food?

What a divine realm, it’s clearly a barren land!

"You see, it's useless for me. Just like you, it's my first time to come to the God's Realm. I found most of the relevant information from ancient books in the clan."

Seeing Qin Lang cast a questioning look at her, the witch replied.

"Go to the high slope in front and have a wider view."

Qin Lang summoned a bone staff and walked forward with it.

Not to mention that the Upper God Realm has strong rules and regulations that prevent him from flying or breaking through boundaries. Even if he didn't, he wouldn't dare to use techniques when he was so hungry. Doing so would not only accelerate his hunger, but also make it easier to attract the attention of predators.

Now Qin Lang has finally discovered that the Ancient God is in the Upper God Realm and has to sit at the dog's table to eat.

But as the saying goes, when a person is unlucky, eating sugar cakes can burn the back of his head.

Just when Qin Lang and the other three came to Gaopo and looked into the distance, a black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky and enveloped the earth. Looking up, they saw a huge raptor coming out of nowhere, with its wings spread hundreds of meters. It blocked the sky and the sun, and the aura it released was even more terrifying and disgusting.

The witch's face changed wildly, "It's over, Ancestor God..."

This ancestral god raptor obviously regarded the three people on the ground as prey, and after a long roar, it swooped towards the ground.

At the moment when he was locked by the Raptor Ancestor God, Qin Lang's face turned pale, his body froze at this moment, and he could not move at all.

The witch was slightly stronger than him. She turned her head away with difficulty, tears streaming from her eyes, "We will be together in the next life..."

At this critical moment, a few hundred meters ahead, without warning, a big furry hand stretched out and grabbed the raptor, causing it to fall heavily to the ground. Then an ape-like god emerged from the ground. , He was extremely ferocious. He grabbed the neck of the raptor and beat it hard, causing the earth to tremble and the dust curtain to rise up.

Although the raptor ancestor god resisted desperately, he lost the initiative in the sneak attack and was unable to take advantage of flying. After a few struggles, the ape god broke his neck. His head, which was comparable to a house, fell to the ground, and a deep hole was made in the earth. , and the eyes of the Raptor Ancestor God were facing Qin Lang and the others impartially, and the pupils gradually lost their color.

"Hang Chih Chih Chih Chih..."

The ape gods didn't know whether they didn't notice Qin Lang or were not interested in them. They brutally tore open the body of the raptor ancestral god, plucked out some of the hairs randomly, and then began to bite them. They drank the blood while chewing the hair, and the food tasted delicious.


Qin Lang swallowed deeply. He also wanted to eat, but he really didn't dare to move.

The ape god ate for almost half an hour, then he patted his bulging belly, let out an earth-shattering roar, turned around and went back to the cave to sleep.

Qin Lang took a breath, winked at the witch, and the two of them tiptoed close to the head of the raptor ancestor.

The scarlet tail pierced the head of the raptor, sucking the flesh and blood. At the same time, Qin Lang did not forget to cut off some meat and put it in the storage space in case of emergency.

"I didn't expect that one day I, the ancient god, would be reduced to eating garbage. Qin Lang, you owe me too much, and I hate you." The witch muttered while eating. She was really hungry.

"Look what you said, if it weren't for me, would you be able to eat the meat of the ancestor gods in the ancient god realm?"

"That is indeed unrealistic...I love you."


Qin Lang almost choked, "Eat quickly and stop talking nonsense."


After all, the two of them were still not full, because when they were halfway through the meal, a large group of ancestor-level beasts smelled the smell of flesh and blood and rushed over. Qin Lang saw that the situation was not good, so he grabbed the witch and hurriedly rubbed the soles of her feet with oil.

Late afternoon.

Qin Lang discovered an oasis that suddenly appeared in the wasteland. The plants in the oasis grew extremely lush, and the flowers and plants exuded an aura rich in divine origin.

"This is... a sacred oasis!"

The witch was ecstatic, hugging Qin Lang's arm and screaming excitedly, "We are safe now! It is recorded in ancient books that a destined person can find an oasis full of sacred plants in the upper god's domain. As long as they do not leave the oasis, no gods can harm them." You know nothing. The most important thing is that there are always treasures hidden in the oasis!”

"Are you sure this is not a trap? Is it possible that it was disguised by some ancestor god." Qin Lang was very wary.

In this damn place, you have to be careful even when you breathe.

"It's absolutely true, it's the Sacred Oasis. It's guaranteed to be genuine!"

The witch was full of confidence, "My eyes may make mistakes, but with so many eyes all over my body, how can I make mistakes?"

After saying that, the witch pulled Qin Lang and plunged in.

Just as the witch described it, the moment he stepped into the oasis, Qin Lang felt a sense of inner peace and comfort. It was a sense of security that could not be described in words.

No matter the end of the world or the ancestral gods, as long as he is in the oasis, there will never be any problems.

"This feeling is so great..."

Qin Lang sighed sincerely. He didn't know where to look for a while. There were too many plants in the oasis, and they were all strange and strange. He had never seen them before.

"Wow, it's the Holy Spring! Woo, so happy, we are so lucky."

The witch was so moved that she burst into tears.

In front of her was an irregular circular spring pool, a bit like a bathing pool in the civilized era, with the rising mist full of divine energy.

"Holy Spring?"

"Yes, it is a magical spring water that can make people rejuvenate and greatly improve their physical fitness."

The witch was originally wearing very open clothes, without the so-called shame and morality of humans. As soon as she took off her clothes, she plunged into it, and then she let out a long gasp: "So~~~Comfortable~~~Ah~~~~!"

"I want to take a bath too!"

The mocking bird flapped its wings and rushed over, and when it fell into the pool, it turned into a red woman.

"Wow~~~It's really cool~~~~" The mocking bird floated to the surface of the water and shook its long hair, "It's much better than having sex with you."

Nima, can you speak!

Qin Lang gritted his teeth.

Seeing that the two girls were fine after entering the divine spring, he naturally felt relieved. He tested the water temperature and found it was suitable, so he dived in.

All the fatigue was instantly drained away, and the whole body was steaming, which made him drowsy.

Qin Lang opened his arms and leaned on the edge of the divine spring, closing his eyes to feel the changes in his body. Every minute and every second, his body was absorbing the divine source emitted by the divine spring, and it was getting stronger all the time.

"The upper divine realm is a great place." Qin Lang sighed sincerely.



Qin Lang was enjoying the bath, and the witch next to him suddenly screamed in panic, "Qin Lang, you...you get out quickly, quickly! Otherwise it will be too late!"


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