"Hey, I have such a bad temper, kid, what can you say again?"

Huanglong rolled up his arms and sleeves and prepared to teach the little devil who spoke out loud in front of him, but he was overturned by the red ship again and was thrown to pieces.

Then the red boat flew towards Qin Lang at the fastest speed, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a palm-sized mini spaceship that was held by Qin Lang.

"Hey, hey, captain, what are you doing?" Huang Long looked confused.

Qin Lang grabbed the boat and laughed and cursed: "You kid fooled me over and over again, and I didn't even ask you to settle the score. Don't think you forgive me."

The boat rubbed Qin Lang's palm hard, saying that it was a boat, rather than a pet dog that had not seen its owner for a long time.

"Is it the boss?" Lao Li was a little unsure and asked tentatively.

"Hey, you can still recognize me after I've become like this, Lao Li, you can." Qin Lang showed a smile on his face.

"Fuck! It's brother!"

"Boss Qin!"


"Qin Lang, you bastard!"

The scene immediately exploded with people calling him anything. The last one to scold him was Lin Xiaomei. She rushed up angrily and was about to pinch Qin Lang's ears. Suddenly her heart froze, and the joy in her eyes turned into fear, "Master ...Owner!"

The witch had no expression on her face and just waved her hand, and Lin Xiaomei quickly retreated.

She is the spokesperson of the witch, maybe just one of them.

"Boss, why are you like this? What's going on?" Lao Li was extremely puzzled.

"My dear brother, do you know how much I miss you, you..." Huang Long howled, giving Qin Lang goosebumps all over his body.

"Okay, okay, my story is a long story. How did you get here?"

Six or seven mouths were talking at the same time, buzzing, and it made his head hurt.

Xiaozhou released his spiritual thoughts to communicate with Qin Lang, telling everything concisely and concisely.

It turned out that as early as half a month ago, Lao Li and the others were taken to the Fallen Temple by boat to practice. They came here with another seven-person group of the Zodiac Society led by Wan Ziyi. In order to let this group The fourteen people can grow up as quickly as possible. Teacher Shu spent his own money to get some prizes. The result was that Lao Li's seven-person group was completely defeated. The overall strength was not even a little bit worse than the Zodiac Club.

I lost the previous rounds, and this time I also failed...

"Lao Li and the others died early. They were resurrected not long ago. It's understandable that they are not used to fighting in the divine realm. How do you guys explain that they stretch their hips like this?"

It is normal for Qin Lang to be partial to the trio of Lao Li who have been following him since the early days of the apocalypse.

Just as Lin Xiaomei was about to explain, Qin Lang waved his hand and said, "You don't need to explain. It's obvious that you tried your best, but you just can't lead me. I don't blame you."


Lin Xiaomei was so moved that she almost cried.

My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and Qin Lang is the one who knows me.

Huang Long, this bastard, really has no use except for talking.

Huang Long was flustered by Qin Lang's stare, and said hurriedly: "Brother, don't look at me like that. Although I'm a bit mean-spirited, I've worked very hard."

Mockingjay: "Yeah, working very hard to prove that I'm a loser."

"Hey, no, you..."


At this time, the purple-armored god who had been knocked away by the boat climbed up from the ruins, and the armor shone brightly.

"This thing is the fallen soul? The guard of the fallen temple? It doesn't look that strong." Qin Lang pinched his chin, half-stepping the ancient god. In his current state, he might be able to fight him a few times.

"Let's deal with this thing first before we talk about anything else. Boss, don't take any action, just watch our performance!"

Lao Li yelled and raised the long knife in his hand. The others stopped making jokes and showed their weapons one after another.

Qin Lang's appearance boosted their morale.

"Okay, then I won't do anything anymore and will be your full-time cheerleader."

Qin Lang stepped on his right foot, and the [Star Realm] unfolded. In this divine realm shrouded by countless stars, everyone clearly felt that their combat effectiveness had increased by several percent.

"What kind of divine realm is this? It's so perverted. I feel like I can challenge this half-step ancient god alone!"

Lao Li roared wildly and rushed over before Lin Xiaomei's attack signal. Then he was slashed away by a sword and fell to pieces.

Qin Lang burst into laughter, "Obviously, you can't do it. Lao Li, why are you still as irritable as before? You have to learn from Lao Xu in this regard, people are much more stable than you."

Lao Li rubbed his butt and stood up, "Damn it, it was a mistake. It was a mistake. Let me try again."

"Okay, Lao Li, don't waste the territory that the boss has opened for us, come together and kill him!"

"Get Him!"

Lin Xiaomei's seven people were shrouded in starlight and attacked at the same time.

Colorful techniques blossomed one after another.

The fallen soul, who originally had an absolute advantage with one against seven, was suppressed in an instant. Sparks continued to burst out from the purple armor, causing him to retreat one after another.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lang was inevitably a little surprised.

He knew that [Star Domain] had the effect of improving the attributes of teammates, but he didn't know that it could improve so much. Both of them seemed to have been beaten to death, not only attack, speed, defense, but also the power of techniques seemed to be improved. In order to strengthen it, is it possible that the real function of [Star Domain] is team combat, similar to the auxiliary halo?

Good guy, this [Basic Level] has such an effect. If [Star Realm] reaches [Perfection] one day, wouldn't it be invincible?

[Divine Domain] is like a technique. It will be upgraded and improved in effect as the proficiency increases with the number of times it is used.

Qin Lang is currently at [Beginner], and there will be four levels in the future: [Intermediate], [Advanced], [Perfect], and [Perfect].



In a flash, the fallen soul was chopped and killed, turning into a wisp of white gas and flying into the depths of the misty ruins.

"Brother, what kind of divine domain is this? It's so awesome! When did you learn it?" Huang Long's eyes were shining.

"I'm learning [Star Domain] in Starry City."

Qin Lang didn't say the specific learning process. Even if they didn't master their own fields, they couldn't learn the complete [Star Domain]. There was no point in saying more.

"Qin Lang? Why are you here?"

Eight men and women came from a distance, led by Wan Ziyi, the incarnation of the Wanfa Ancient Tree. Behind her stood the leaders of the Zodiac Society, including Silver Tiger, Sheep Lord, Black Monkey, Rat Brother, and Nosy Woman, who Qin Lang had seen before, and two women, one was a bunny girl with big buck teeth, and the other was a seductive snake girl.

"Hello, Boss Qin!"

Everyone in the Zodiac Society bowed hurriedly.

Qin Lang waved his hand, signaling them not to be polite, and smiled at Wan Ziyi, "It's just a coincidence. I heard that there are treasures in the Fallen Temple, so I came here to look for them. Let's go together?"

Wan Ziyi had a sarcastic expression on her face, "You are in this state now, and your combat power can only be exerted by one-tenth or one-twelfth. I'm afraid you can't even enter the gate of the temple. What's the point of talking about treasure hunting? Or do you think that the people in Fengrao City who eat and eat are too much of a burden, and you want them to die?"

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