Chapter 58: Positional War (1/2)

"Brother Qin, are you really entertaining us with this?"

Chen Xue rubbed her eyelids. She didn't believe her eyes and felt like she was living in a dream.

She thought Qin Lang's words of 'eating hot pot' were just polite words, but she never expected that Qin Lang actually took out more than a hundred silver, blue and green food cards to entertain her.

At this moment, there was a dazzling array of vegetables and meat products in front of her. The aroma of roasted lamb and roasted suckling pig not far away stimulated everyone's taste buds, and many people drooled.

In fact, since the end of the world, most people have been hungry and full, but a few can enjoy this level of food. ?.?????.??

To put it bluntly, canned noodles and instant noodles are considered a big meal.

"Miss Chen, you misunderstood. This is for the brothers. The feast I prepared for you is in the room. Please come inside."

Qin Lang stretched out his hand very gentlemanly, motioning for Chen Xue and the core members to go inside first.

Entering the brightly lit hall, the tables, chairs and benches had already been wiped clean. The seven captains lined up in a row and bowed neatly, "Welcome distinguished guests."

Qin Lang took out a few gold cards and tore them open. Soon the table was filled with a variety of steaming dishes.

Jinka seafood feast, Manchu and Han banquets, bear paws and tiger meat, precious birds, these foods are almost impossible to eat in peacetime, and each of them is enough to sit through.

"Brother Qin, we are really flattered by you." Chen Xue was greatly moved, and her eyes were a little moist.

"Don't have any psychological pressure. To me, these cards are just a drop in the bucket. Don't sit still and come to the table to eat." Qin Lang raised his hand and motioned for everyone to take their seats.

The seven captains, headed by the warg, all stepped forward to salute and shouted in unison, "Report to the boss, our duty is to maintain order in the shelter, we, no! Eat! Food!"

Qin Lang chuckled, "Very good, I like it very much. But I don't want my people to be hungry. Let's do this. You can eat after me and the distinguished guests have finished."

"Yes, boss!" The warg nodded vigorously, "Our boss just knows how to care for people."

The six captains said, "Yes, yes."

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Chen Xue put down the wine glass with blushing cheeks. Her originally flat belly was already bulging, "No, it's already up to the throat. If I eat any more, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the shelter today. Brother Qin, thank you for your hospitality. As for joining forces, I just discussed with Lan Feng and the captains about the attack on the 'Giant Arm Lair', and we all agreed that everything will follow your arrangements, Brother Qin."

"Don't force yourself, it doesn't matter even if you don't agree, our relationship will not change." Qin Lang looked serious.

"Brother Qin, you are so kind." Chen Xue sighed, "Since the beginning of winter, our life has become more and more difficult. We are not afraid of your jokes. If we don't think of a way to break the situation, we will starve to death sooner or later. Now, Brother Qin, you You are willing to take us with you, we are not happy yet, how can we force it."

"That's right, if you give it a try, the bicycle will turn into a motorcycle. Instead of freezing to death and starving to death, it would be better to have a good time before you die!" Lan Feng said clearly having drunk too much, smelling of alcohol.

"Then" Qin Lang nodded, "Everyone will rest in the shelter today. How about we set off early tomorrow morning? Don't worry about cold-proof equipment, I will prepare it for everyone."

"That's fine."

Chen Xue thought for a while and agreed. The round trip took too long. If she encountered any monsters on the way, there would definitely be casualties. It would be better to rest in a shelter.

"Little Fatty, when you're done, take Miss Chen and Mr. Lan to have a rest." Qin Lang greeted Chen Jianghe.

This chapter is not finished, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 58: Positional Warfare (2/2)

"Okay." Chen Jianghe nodded and silently led others to pack the leftover food.

In the deepest room of the shelter, there were dozens of slaves who had suffered inhuman torture and lost the ability to take care of themselves. Chen Jianghe wanted to pack the food for them.

There was no book all night, and the next morning there was no book.

A large convoy of more than 600 people departed from the Iron Army Sanctuary and headed for the Giant Arm's lair.

Everyone is equipped with sophisticated firearms and has absolutely sufficient ammunition.

The three leaders, Qin Lang, Chen Xue, and Lan Feng, were sitting on the roof of an armored personnel carrier, making it easy to observe the surrounding situation at any time. They were surrounded by captain-level men with a combat power of over 600. ?.?????.??

On the way, the large army was attacked by several small groups of corpses. Before the human wave tactics could be used, the groups of corpses were blasted to pieces by rifle bullets.

The convoy set off at eight o'clock in the morning and did not officially arrive at its destination - near the Giant Arm's lair - until eleven o'clock.

Looking down from a high position, there are countless black spots hovering around the towering giant arm. Most of them are winged demons, and there are also a few weird-looking flying monsters. On the surface, there are thousands of blood corpses, Blood dogs, night devils and a small number of centipedes and nest guardians.

"This is the first time I have seen the giant arm so close. It turns out that there are so many holes in the giant arm's nest." Chen Xue put down the military binoculars and got goosebumps all over her body. Her trypophobia broke out.

"This is a good location. Let's set up a temporary position here."

Qin Lang waved his hand, and the captains immediately took action.

In an instant, a large-scale position was set up. Dozens of light and heavy machine gun holes in the position covered all directions, ensuring that no matter which direction the monster attacked from, it could effectively counterattack.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's

Just get started. "

Qin Lang took out the forest wolf and carried it on his shoulder. His heart was far less calm than he showed.

In his previous life, he was a weakling. Although he participated in many wars with the shelter, he was only a logistics staff. He only had a vague concept of the strength of the giant arm's nest. It was hard to say whether he could succeed in the attack.

"First echelon, set off!"

With Qin Lang's order, dozens of people led by the wolf rushed down the high ground on snowmobiles. When they were still a thousand meters away from the giant arm's nest, the monsters nearby were alarmed. They roared and rushed over like crazy.

"Turn around!"

The wolf roared, and the motorcycle team turned around and rushed back to the temporary position.

Qin Lang chose the most traditional and safest way to play.

When the wolf and his group fled back to the temporary position, the monsters were just in range.


Bullets rained down like rain.

Countless Molotov cocktails, grenades, and explosives exploded in the monster group, blooming with gorgeous sparks and blood.

The horror of the human wave tactics was revealed at this moment. Even powerful high-level monsters like Night Demon and Centipede could not withstand the attack of hundreds of rifles and were smashed into pieces in the hail of bullets.

"Ah, I lost again!"

Chen Xue shouted inexplicably, and Qin Lang looked puzzled. What was lost? What was lost?

In less than ten minutes, the corpses of monsters at the extreme range piled up into a small hill.

"A few big ones are coming, captains, get ready."

Qin Lang shouted, and more than a dozen "Nest Guardians" emerged from the thick snow, and their huge heads fiercely smashed into the position under the hail of bullets. "

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