Chapter 7 Seven-member Team (1/2)

Qin Lang slept for more than three hours.

When he woke up again, it was already past one o'clock in the morning. Qin Lang patted Lin Wan'er who was dozing off and told her to go rest. He sat in the driver's seat with a cigarette in his mouth and observed the huge blood heart from a distance.

Regarding the information about Xuexin, Qin Lang did not tell Lin Wan'er a single bit because it was not necessary.

His original plan was to drive all the way east to find Feng Xiaoni in Haicheng next door, hunt down night demons, and clean up some small blood hearts. However, the plan failed to keep up with the changes and he found such a giant that was about to 'transform' at the intersection. Bloody heart, he was naturally reluctant to leave.

You must know that the card withdrawal rate of the transformed Blood Heart is more than ten times higher than that of the ordinary Blood Heart and Night Demon. There is no such thing as losing watermelon and picking up sesame seeds.

The only problem now is that he doesn't know how long he has to wait for Blood Heart to transform.

"If the blood corpse of this Blood Heart faction fails to hunt enough humans, not only will it not be able to transform, but it will also be in danger of being downgraded. If I had known better, I would have brought all the corpses here to feed it."

Of course, that's what Qin Lang thought.

Although the interior space of the RV is not small, it cannot hold many corpses. Besides, he must consider Lin Wan'er's sanity and not scare this little star into trouble again.

"It doesn't matter, there is plenty of time, just wait slowly." ?.?????.??

Qin Lang threw the cigarette butt out of the window, holding the black knife to cut the gold, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Time passed slowly, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the sky was dark.

Lin Wan'er rubbed her sleepy eyes and came to Qin Lang's side, stunned.

Qin Lang glanced at her and said nothing.

Lin Wan'er moved her lips as if she wanted to ask something, but seeing that Qin Lang seemed to have no desire to talk, she woke up and went to the dining table to sort the cards again. Tens of thousands of different types of cards cannot be sorted in a short time. In other words, Lin Wan'er was patient, but Qin Lang would have been jumping around and scolding his mother.

Unknowingly, another half hour passed, and I saw

It was already dawn outside, and the sluggish bloody corpses suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and roared and rushed towards the right side of the intersection.

The next second, a series of intensive gunshots rang out, and the corpses were shattered like rags. A human team appeared at the end of the blind spot, with a total of seven people, five men and two women.

They are all between twenty and thirty years old, wearing blue combat uniforms and holding firearms.

Qin Lang took out the military telescope and looked carefully. When he saw the appearance of the leader clearly, he felt a little weird. He knew the leader of this seven-person team. The man was named Wang Feng. He was an auxiliary police officer before the end of the world. He was formed in the early stages of the end of the world. A relatively strong team.

The reason why Qin Lang has a deep memory is that in his previous life, his community had a fierce conflict with Wang Feng's team over grabbing cards. To a certain extent, they were enemies.

I never expected to meet him here. It seems that my rebirth caused the 'butterfly effect'.

"Is the blood heart going to be robbed?" Lin Wan'er whispered.

"It's not that easy." Qin Lang put down the telescope and shook his head.

With the current level of human enhancement, it is difficult to cause harm to high-level blood hearts, especially those that are about to transform into "black hearts". Attacking them hastily will only make them die ugly.


Wang Feng didn't know that his death was imminent. He walked to the blood heart with a rifle and said in a loud voice, "Good guy, this is the biggest blood heart I have ever seen. Killing this thing will definitely give you a lot of good cards."

Female team member Li Yan reminded, “Brother Wang, we don’t have much ammunition.

This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 7 Seven-Man Team (2/2)

Is this a waste of blood? "

She was worried. Not long ago, they killed an ordinary-sized blood heart. Although they received some silver cards and even gold cards as rewards, the consumption was also huge, and the ammunition cards in their hands were now at their lowest.

The blood heart looks like a thin layer, but in fact its vitality is many times greater than that of the blood corpse. It can't be exploded without hundreds of bullets.

"You have to save bullets, let's use this."

Wang Feng took out a dozen green cards from his jacket pocket. After everyone saw what the cards were, their eyes lit up.

"What are they doing, drinking at this time?"

Because the distance was too far and Lin Wan'er didn't have a telescope, she could only vaguely see the wine bottle-shaped object in Wang Feng's hands.

"Anyone who can survive in the end of the world and start to counterattack the blood corpse is not a fool. That's a Molotov cocktail." Qin Lang admired sincerely.

"Is it okay to use a Molotov cocktail to burn the blood heart?" Lin Wan'er asked, blinking Kazilan's big eyes. ?.?????.??

"To deal with ordinary blood hearts, a large number of Molotov cocktails can handle it." Qin Lang paused, "But to deal with this kind of thing that is about to transform, let alone Molotov cocktails, the power of explosive detonators will be greatly reduced. These people have to explain here."

After hearing Qin Lang's words, a trace of fear flashed across Lin Wan'er's face.

"Are we just going to watch like this?" Lin Wan'er whispered.

Qin Lang took a deep look at Lin Wan'er and said, "Let go of helping others and respect the fate of others."

Lin Wan'er pursed her lips and stopped making any remarks.

While the two people in the car were talking, Wang Feng and others had placed Molotov cocktails around the giant blood heart. There were hundreds of Molotov cocktails. Then they stepped back a distance and shot one of the Molotov cocktails.


With a sound, the Molotov cocktail exploded, forming a huge fireball that instantly swallowed up the giant blood heart. The giant blood heart under attack suddenly let out a sharp scream.

"Ah... so harsh!" Lin Wan'er hurriedly covered her ears, her expression a little painful. Looking at Qin Lang again, there was no expression on his face, as if nothing happened.

Bloodheart's scream lasted only ten seconds and then stopped.

Wang Feng and others stood up in embarrassment, cursing.

"You bitch, I scared your dad, how could this thing still make a sound?"

"The eardrum almost pierced, eh, that's not right!"

One of the team members noticed something was wrong and pointed at the giant blood heart, "Look, Old Wang, the Molotov cocktail seems to have no effect on it. It only burned out one layer of the outer shell."

Wang Feng took a closer look and saw that only the outer layer of the giant blood heart in the flames was burnt black, and other than that it did not cause any greater damage.

"The skin of this fucking thing is so thick?" Wang Feng was still cursing. Team member Li Yan's face changed wildly. She looked at the round instrument in her hand and screamed, "No, it's not good... there are so many bloody corpses! We are being killed." Surrounded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of blood corpses poured out of the originally peaceful crossroads. They stumbled towards the seven people and surrounded them. Some of the blood corpses accidentally fell down while running and were instantly trampled to pieces by the same kind behind them. .

These bloody corpses who heard the screams of 'Blood Heart' were like an army rushing back to rescue them. They rushed towards the seven people like crazy, twice as fast as normal!


The seven Wang Feng men fired directly, back to back, with bullets like rain, mowing down the bloody corpses in pieces. However, there were too many bloody corpses, and they quickly broke through the encirclement. With a scream, a man When the team member was changing the magazine, he was pulled down by a bloody corpse with only half of his body left, dragged into the group of corpses, and was bitten to pieces in an instant."

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