Chapter 81 The terrifying octopus monster (1/2)

Is there still no one else around you now?

Qin Lang asked as he looked at the warriors who entered the fire nest one after another.

No, I'm still the only one, what the hell is this place, so dark.

Lao Li complained while looking around. The place was empty, except for the fire in the middle.

I get it, this is folding space.

Qin Lang suddenly woke up.

Folding space? What is it? ?.?????.??

A more straightforward explanation is that although this fire nest has only one entrance, it is composed of an unknown number of independent spaces inside. Everyone who walks into the entrance will be randomly transported to different spaces. If you get closer to the fire pillar in the middle, , take pictures for me to see, be sure not to disturb any creatures inside.

In order to confirm his conjecture, Qin Lang called Chen Sisi. After several rings, he was answered. There were roars of monsters on the other end of the phone, apparently fighting.

"Boss Qin! Help me!"

Chen Sisi was covered in blood, and next to her were the corpses of a dozen two-meter-tall, ugly monsters.

They all had terrifying and ferocious rat faces. Also lying with the rat-man corpses were the corpses of three warriors. They were surrounded the moment they landed and died on the spot without even a chance to be rescued.

"Find a safe place, take photos and send them to me. You fell into the folding space. I have to determine where you are."

"I understand, wait until I...finish the work at hand."

Chen Sisi silently hung up the communication. In front of her were dozens of rat-men, their bodies covered in flames, approaching step by step.

"Fuck you uncle! Don't think that I'm easy to bully because I'm short!"

Chen Sisi roared wildly, and the sword swept out - Water Bird

A few minutes later.

Qin Lang received photos on his mobile phone, not only from Lao Li and Chen Sisi, but also from other Chen Sisi team members. For the convenience of sending pictures, Chen Sisi

All team members who had mobile phones and were still alive were added to the group.

"Seven different spaces, even the monsters are different?"

Seven different scenes appear in the photo.

"Old Li, I really don't know if he is lucky or not. He was teleported into the core room of the Fire Nest."

Qin Lang enlarged the photo sent by Lao Li.

In the photo, what exists in the core of the flame is a monster with a human body and an octopus head, shrouded in a blood heart. There are more than a dozen black tentacles growing in its mouth, and the tentacles are floating gently in the viscous liquid.

Obviously, this is a leader-level monster that has not fully matured!

It’s so fucking scary, boss, please save me quickly, this thing has a combat power of 1! This one hasn't hatched yet. If it hatches... I'm dead!

Even though it was a spiritual communication, everyone could understand Lao Li's fear at this time.

I concluded that it was eager to be born, so it took the initiative to capture people and enter the fire nest for supplies. I had to kill it before it was born, otherwise everyone inside would die.

Qin Lang took a deep breath, "I don't know if this is luck or misfortune."

"Time is running out, let's go in!"


Qin Lang raised his hand to stop, "Faced with this kind of folded space, it's useless no matter how many people enter, it will only distract the troops. It's better to attack its shell from the outside! I will save Lao Li myself!"

" can you ensure that you reach the space where Lao Li is?" Xu Yun asked doubtfully.

"Of course I have a way."

Qin Langshen

This chapter is not finished yet, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 81 The Horrible Octopus Monster (2/2)


Qin Lang has actually always had reservations about the function of the dark gold card of Team Glory.

There was a particularly important one that he did not tell anyone, that is, as the captain, he could exchange positions with any teammate at any time and place without the consent of his teammates at all.

In other words, if he encounters danger, he can change positions with his teammates, use them as substitutes, and die on his behalf.

This is a very cruel and inexplicable ability.

Lao Li, close your eyes!

ah? What?

Qin Lang directly started the change of position. The next second, Qin Lang appeared near the core of the lair, and Lao Li came to the position where Qin Lang was standing just now. He looked at his companions with a blank look on his face.

"ah?!" ?.?????.??


Everyone was shocked.

Lao Li was surprised and said, Boss, Boss! ? I'm out, but you... where are you?

Qin Lang, don't make any noise, I'm inside, you hurry up and attack the outer layer!

Lao Li's eyes filled with tears, and he wiped his tears hard to find out about the boss!

Inside the core of the fire nest.

Qin Lang held his breath and looked at the octopus monster not far away. He did not have the habit of wearing a combat power detector, but he could clearly feel that the monster's aura was increasing. It can be seen that the battles on other levels must be extremely cruel.

"Don't worry, I won't let you come out."

Qin Lang took out a dozen cold ice mushrooms from the space ring, and used air control to place them around the fire wall. When all the ice mushrooms were placed properly, he slapped the ground with his right palm - ice blast.

This skill comes from the Mushroom Array under the Mushroom Shepherd path!

"Click!" "Click!" "Click" "Click!"...!

Sixteen ice mushrooms

The moment shattered, and a cold air that swept across the world not only extinguished the flames, but also directly froze the octopus monster in the blood heart!

"Next, use explosives."

Qin Lang was about to take out the blasting mushrooms when he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He looked up and saw that the octopus monster, which had originally closed its eyes, had opened its eyes at some point. It was a pair of dark, emotionless eyes.


Qin Lang was frightened by the stare. How could this thing open its eyes after being frozen?

The next moment, something happened that surprised Qin Lang. The octopus monster actually tore open the seemingly thin barrier with one claw and flew out of the blood heart. Its body was suspended in the air, looking down at him.


Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat, but when he saw the missing right leg of the octopus monster, he nodded secretly. He thought too much. It was not a mature body, but was born early because of danger.

"Since it is not a mature body, I should have the strength to fight."

Qin Lang shook his right arm, and the flying sword Yongran was suspended in the air.

The octopus monster suddenly widened its eyes, and the more than a dozen tentacles in its mouth stabbed fiercely like springs stretched!

Too fast!

Qin Lang was so fast that he had no time to react!

"It hurts!"

Qin Lang fell heavily to the ground, with nine wounds on his body, mainly on his arms and chest.


The octopus monster in the air was furious and used its tentacles to attack again.

Qin Lang had no way to dodge this seemingly simple attack, and even... he didn't even have the chance to release the Holy Slash, and could only use the flying sword to protect his face and chest.



The moment the tentacles were retracted, blood flowers shot out from all parts of Qin Lang's body. "

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