Chapter 93 A Diary (1/2)

At this point, Boss Yan could no longer hide it even if he wanted to. He and Lao Li went to a tent not far away and took out a colorful card with a special mark.

"This is the location of the cave!"

Because Qin Lang had just made up lessons with him not long ago, Lao Li recognized this cave at a glance. At the same time, this was also the most dangerous and difficult place at this stage, even more difficult to conquer than the nest.

"What, Brother Li, do you know the specific information about this card?" Boss Yan noticed something strange.

Lao Li didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "What should I tell you? The benefits in this place are very high, but the risks are equally high."

"High risk and high reward, are you interested in joining us, Brother Li?"

Now that the location has been leaked, it is obviously impossible to monopolize it. Boss Yan very wisely chose to form a team.

"Let me think about it, you have seen it. I only have so many people in this shelter. If we lose a few more people, I, Old Li, will become a bare commander." ?.?????.??

"You are right, but this is the end of the world. If you don't get stronger, you will only be eliminated. Brother Li, think about it carefully and give me a reply tomorrow morning. I'm afraid of long nights and many dreams."

"Absolutely, brother Yan, go get something to eat."

While Lao Li was perfunctory, he told Qin Lang on the line the location of the cave through spiritual communication.

Qinlang is 43 kilometers away. It is very fast to drive there. Although there are no specific coordinates given by the color card, it will take some time to find it, but if nothing happens, we should be able to get back before dawn.

Lao Li, boss, do you mean to take the lead?

Xu Yun's trick is very clever. No matter what is in the ancient city cave, let's go and take a look first. It is better than having the card taken away by others.

Qin Lang and Lao Li, I feel sorry for you to stay in the shelter. If something goes wrong, I will change places with you as soon as possible.

Lao Li, I want to go too.

Don't worry, Qin Lang. If you really want to get a good card, you are indispensable. You are the first to do it.

With the plan in mind, Qin Lang immediately recruited

Call everyone to action.

Half an hour later, the six people led by Qin Lang slipped out of the shelter in the dark night. Far away from the shelter, Qin Lang took out a gold card van and headed to the location of the ancient city cave. When they encountered monsters along the way, they hid if they could. Only when he couldn't drop it did he let Lin Wan'er perform a long-range kill.

Why a remote kill?

The reason is very simple. These fire monsters usually 'explode' after death. They do little harm to the human body, but are very deadly to vehicles. If they are not careful, the vehicle will explode. Otherwise, Boss Yan and the others would not have arrived on foot. Sanctuary, their vehicle had been bombed by monsters on the road.

Two hours later.

The van arrived at the ancient city.

This tourist city with a long history has long since become a ruin.

Looking around, there were monsters swaying everywhere, their bodies emitting heat and fire.

"It should be around here, let's have a look."

Qin Lang took back the military telescope and saw a park in front of him. The stone monuments inside had long been destroyed, and shriveled corpses were lying everywhere, including humans and monsters.

There were many holes in the tent, and it was obvious that someone had used it as a shelter before.


The fat cat Xiao Hei, who had been sleeping on Qin Lang's shoulder, suddenly stood up. He stretched out and jumped to the ground. The 'original bag' on his abdomen was shaking and drooped to the ground.

"What did you find?" Qin Lang asked with a smile.

One person and one cat have been getting along for a while. The fat cat Xiao Hei has no other shortcomings except that he is a bit arrogant and likes to be naughty and mischievous.

This chapter is not finished, click on the next chapter to continue reading Chapter 93: A Diary (2/2)


The fat cat Xiao Hei scratched the floor with his paw.


“You’re so stupid, this will alarm?.?????.??

Fat Cat Xiaohei dived into the ruins without waiting for Qin Lang's reply.

Qin Lang looked helpless.

Cats are indeed the most unorganized and undisciplined animals in the world, even if they are mutated. In comparison, the portable bench Q-boy is cuter.

After searching for more than half an hour, Xu Yun used murderous vines to lift up a large boulder and found the

"Be careful. The strength of cave monsters is usually several times, or even ten times, that of surface monsters."

After Qin Lang reminded him, he raised the shiny 'Ice Mushroom' in his hand and walked away first.

After a few minutes, everyone arrived at the cave smoothly.

In comparison, this place is much more eerie than the Mushroom Cave. Except for the lighting equipment in hand, everything is pitch black.

Xu Yun threw out more than a dozen cold fireworks and flares, and then the darkness was dispelled.

"Hey, what is that? A house? Someone lives here?"

Ding Yuan raised her hand and pointed, and there were actually some houses standing a hundred meters away.

Upon closer inspection, I found that these were indeed houses, and there were obvious signs of human habitation.

"The cans have dried. Have the people here left or died?"

Qin Lang murmured to himself, lighting with ice mushrooms, and suddenly the pillow on the bed behind him

When I opened the dusty diary, I saw the delicate handwriting.

The owner should be a girl.

"It's easy to forget time in the end of the world. I can't remember how many days it has been in the end of the world. Today, the boss took us out hunting and killed a lot of blood corpses. We had a big meal today, with instant noodles and canned food, which was really delicious. It's a pity that Uncle Song was bitten and there is no serum. He is destined to leave us. Strange, I can't cry. Maybe I have seen too many deaths and have become numb."

Obviously, this is a diary written in the early days of the end of the world.

Qin Lang didn't have the patience to read it word by word, so he turned directly to the last page of the diary.

Compared with the beautiful handwriting at the beginning, the words at this time are very sloppy. It is not difficult to see that the owner of the diary is very embarrassed.

"It's snowing, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and more than a dozen people have been frozen to death."


"I don't know when the snow will stop. Guo Ting couldn't stand this kind of life and committed suicide. Tsk, so fragile, she finally survived until now, but she committed suicide. I despise her."

"Something big happened in the shelter today. The second-in-command went out hunting for three days and three nights and didn't come back. He must have died outside. The boss was very sad and built a simple tomb for him. By the way, the food tonight is good. I love to eat banquets."


"It's so cold, too cold. The temperature has reached minus 50 degrees, but everyone has become younger, because - they have been frozen into grandchildren."


"I can't believe that I have survived this long winter, but I have a very ominous premonition that the end of the world will not end so easily. Is the fire monster in the sky foreshadowing that the temperature will become very high next?"


"The ice and snow are melting, the temperature is rising, it's so comfortable."


"I'm going to die of heat, fuck!""

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