Chapter 98 Dual Swordsmen (1/2)


"Introduce a few people to me? Boss Li, what do you mean? Is there anyone else in the shelter that I don't know?"

Boss Yan had a surprised expression on his face. Zhu Chengcai raised his head and looked over after hearing this.

"Of course, I am the boss of the shelter, but the people who live there are my boss." Lao Li raised his hand and pointed to An's small house behind him, "The boy named Zhu can come too."

Zhu Chengcai said warily, "What on earth do you want to do? Do you want to kill people and steal goods?" ?.?????.??

Lao Li was so amused that he laughed loudly, "You are bigger than me. If I really wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago. I have to wait until now. It's the boss who wants to see you."

While they were talking here, the door of An's cabin suddenly opened, and Qin Lang came out with a smile on his shirtless body and wearing a pair of flashy beach pants, "Boss Yan, I'm so sorry, I've been a little busy these days and haven't had the chance. You shouldn’t blame me when I see you, by the way, my name is Qin Lang.”

Boss Yan frowned, "Are you the boss here? Then who is Boss Li?"

"Lao Li is my brother, my right-hand man, and he is in charge of everything outside."

Qin Lang glanced at Zhu Chengcai and said with a smile, "If you want to test my combat power, just test it. There is no need to be so sneaky."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhu Chengcai's face, but he still pressed the combat power detector.

"Hiss" Zhu Chengcai took a breath and lowered his voice and said, "Boss, this person has a combat power of 11."

Boss Yan swallowed and quickly raised his hands, "Boss Qin!"

"Come, come in, drink tea and chat."

Qin Lang took the three people into Anhui.

"This An's hut is actually a colorful prop. I always thought it was just an ordinary building." Boss Yan looked around carefully. The temperature in An's hut was just right, neither cold nor hot. "There are so many mushrooms. It turns out that these mushrooms are all from Boss Qin." Planted.”

"Sit, sit." Qin Lang asked a few people to sit down and took out the tea leaves.

While brewing, chatting about home affairs.

At first, Boss Yan and Zhu Chengcai were a little nervous, but as the exchange deepened, they found that Qin Lang did not give off a condescending feeling. Instead, he spoke in a moderate and humorous manner, and they couldn't help but relax their vigilance.

Zhu Chengcai said, "Boss Qin, just tell us what we are going to do. I don't like people who talk in roundabout ways."

Boss Yan glared at him, "Chengcai, why are you talking to Boss Qin!"


Qin Lang laughed it off and said, "I just want to get to the point here, Wan'er."


Lin Wan'er, wearing a sexy swimsuit, took out the panel mirror from the room.

Zhu Chengcai was stunned for a moment and said in surprise, "Lin Lin Wan'er? Are you the one who acted in the TV series?"

Lin Wan'er smiled sweetly and said, "I have indeed acted in some TV dramas. Let's talk. I will go into the room first."

After saying that, Lin Wan'er turned around and entered the house.

Boss Yan focused his attention on the panel mirror and frowned slightly. His intuition told him that this mirror was probably not a good thing.

"This is called a panel mirror. Its function is to help people reshape their skills and talents..."

Qin Lang returned to the subject. After introducing the functions of the panel mirror, he said with a smile, "I can carry out targeted enhancements based on your preferences and expertise. Don't worry about the cards, I will take care of them."

Boss Yan groaned and said, "Xiao Zhu and I are both good at close combat. I am Xiao Zhu's swordsmanship teacher."

It turns out that Boss Yan before the apocalypse was a professional

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The kendo teacher, in order to enable student Zhu Chengcai to perform well in the kendo public exhibition competition, specially gave him small tutoring lessons. As a result, the apocalypse came and trapped them together. It is precisely because the two of them have enough fighting experience that they can survive all the way and survive until now.

"Then I understand. I will give each of you 15 Swordsman Gold Cards as the core, which is just enough for you to upgrade to lv4. For other auxiliary cards, I will give you lv2~lv3."

Qin Lang magically took out a large pile of gold cards from the storage space. There were hundreds of them. Boss Yan and Zhu Cheng were dumbfounded. They had never seen so many gold cards in their lives.

"Boss Qin, do you trust us so much? Aren't you afraid that we will take your card and run away?" Boss Yan swallowed hard.

"It's not that I trust you, but that I trust my own strength. Just a few dozen gold cards, what are they? I have so many. Besides, the weather is so hot, where can you go? Where can I be? It’s comfortable, with plenty of mung bean soup and ice cream, and everything you need to cool down.”

Qin Lang picked through the gold cards without raising his head when he spoke.

It's not like he's showing off, he's a bit disdainful of color cards, let alone gold cards.

"Boss Qin is really powerful."

Boss Yan gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised him.

"By the way, Boss Yan, there is something I have to tell you in advance. From this moment on, you are my people. I will cover your food, drink, and upgrades, but from this moment on, you must work hard for me. , if you dare to think of betraying me" ?.?????.??

Qin Lang paused and said with a smile, "The consequences will be very tragic."

"Don't dare." Boss Yan and Zhu Chengcai shook their heads repeatedly.

"Okay, Boss Yan, please come over here."

"Boss Qin, call me by my name

Just name it Yan Bin. "


Twenty minutes later.

Yan Bin and Zhu Chengcai both walked out of Anhut, their expressions were very happy.

They all clearly felt that although the combat power value dropped, the combat effectiveness was greatly improved. The panel mirror directly stripped away those miscellaneous skills and talents, allowing all their current skills to produce a 'positive chain' effect.

"The only pity is the battlefield scavenger, but in the future, all cards picked up must be turned in. It makes no difference if you have this skill or not." Yan Bin was inevitably worried about gains and losses.

"Boss, I always feel that we have been fooled." Zhu Chengcai lowered his voice, "And I'm sure that Boss Li deliberately led his brothers to die today."

Yan Bin sighed, "Do you think I can't see that this is their 'personnel optimization plan'? They actually only want you and me, and they wish everyone else would die. But... You can't blame Boss Qin for this." , after all, this is the end of the world, resources are limited. Don’t say this again, it’s not good to be heard.”

"To be honest, I'm a little afraid of Boss Qin." Zhu Chengcai shrank, "a typical smiling tiger."

Yan Bin shook his head helplessly, "I told you to stop talking. Why are you still talking nonsense?"

At this time, Qin Lang came over, took the 'Ice Mushroom' directly from Zhu Chengcai's hand, and helped him change it with a smile. "The ice mushroom I gave you earlier had bugs in it, but this one doesn't."


Yan and Zhu's expressions changed wildly.


So, wouldn't all their interactions be with each other?

Qin Lang smiled and said, "By the way, I am not a smiling tiger. I am a famous sunny and cheerful boy."

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