Doomsday Rise

Chapter 552, Shi Qiwen-Restore


The big man weighing more than 300 kilograms was like a toy in the hands of the elephant. Ten times the force of gravity had no effect on the elephant. When he hit the ground with the Hercules for the third time, he felt that all his internal organs were shattered and his eyes turned black. Don't tell me. Talking, even opening one's eyes was a luxury, and the smell of death had never been so clearly approaching.

"Stop!" Liu Wei'an said.


"If you dare to insult the young master, I will kill you!" The elephant dropped the man carrying the Hercules like a piece of grass. He stepped back behind Liu Wei'an and stood with his hands down. Zhang Changyang was watching this scene and felt frightened. In the previous battle with the soft scabies, the elephant's magical power had nowhere to show, and he didn't feel it very clearly. Only now did he realize that this big man was so amazing. He is the person with the highest combat power in the third group. It is difficult to enter the 10 times gravity prison, otherwise he would not be able to suppress and carry Hercules. However, the elephant is inside without any discomfort. His strength is unimaginable.

He glanced at Liu Wei'an with a hint of fear.

"Turn off gravity. This person should still be of some use." Liu Wei'an said. Zhang Changyang quickly faced the camera and gestured with his hands.

Gravity disappeared, and the force pressing on the Hercules Man was relaxed. The Hercules Man opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Liu Wei'an, and then he saw the elephant he was holding out, and he trembled all over.

"You...what do you want to do?"

After using his special ability, the strongman never thought that one day he would be so vulnerable to speak. Even if he was caught by Zhang Changyang, he had never been afraid, but now he was afraid, and the elephant didn't look at him at all. But he felt the slightest murderous intention.

"Seeing how much strength you still have, are you willing to follow me?" Liu Wei'an asked directly.

"Yes!" The man carrying the Hercules said cautiously, not daring to refuse because the elephant was staring at him.

"Elephant, I leave it to you." Liu Wei'an smiled slightly.

"I don't want it." Elephant was unwilling, "He is too weak, give it to King of Strength."

King Li was also part of Liu Wei's entourage, but he didn't dare to get too close and stopped ten meters away. Although they were all his own people, they could follow Liu Wei'an within three meters without any scruples, including elephants and few There are only a few gold-level masters and Wu Lili and Xu Ying.

"It's up to you, as long as he obeys and doesn't get killed."

"Thank you, sir, thank you Lord Xiang!" King Li was overjoyed.

Finally, he had a little brother to command. There were many little bosses who surrendered with him, and they all wanted to follow him, but he did not dare to accept him because the elephant did not speak. Now that the elephant is willing to give it to others, how can he not be happy?

He almost vomited blood while carrying Hercules. After all, he was also the leader of this generation, but he was despised and pushed around like a commodity. But when I saw that the King of Power's muscles were not inferior to his own, and when he stood, he exuded a kind of strength all the time, when his back felt cold, and when I tried my best to encourage myself, that's it, what about this group of people? Backstory, anyone is better than me? Suddenly, he realized that he seemed to be nothing more than that.

Are my abilities poor? He had such a question.

Liu Wei'an had no time to pay attention to the little thoughts of carrying Hercules. He came to the prison for important matters, and carrying Hercules was just a sideshow.

"Everyone, let's call them comrades for now." Liu Wei'an held the microphone and his voice was transmitted to every prison.

The sudden change caused a commotion in the prison.

"What I want to say next will be closely related to your destiny, so I hope everyone will stay quiet and listen clearly. I will only say it once. If you miss it, I won't repeat it."

The prison suddenly became quiet, and everyone pricked up their ears.

"I am the new leader of the Third Group. Everyone can trust what I say without any doubt." In the monitoring room, Liu Wei'an could see the suspicious eyes and expressions in all the prisons, with a hint of hope. wing.

"Some of you have been criminals and lawbreakers, and have even done things that should be directly shot. Some of you are hostile to the third group, but I am willing to give you a chance and let you go."

In the picture, it was immediately felt that someone was cheering, but many people were hesitant and had uneasy expressions.

"Quiet, quiet!"

The crowd slowly quieted down.

"I know many people don't believe it. It doesn't matter. People have been making constant choices since they were born. If you choose the right one, you will be successful. If you choose the wrong one, you will consider yourself unlucky. Now I give you two choices. First, surrender to me and surrender. I, secondly, leave here. I don’t raise waste. You don’t have to doubt that I will shoot you behind my back. In my eyes, your value is not as valuable as one of my bullets. Well, now it’s time for you to make a choice. "


All prison doors open automatically and you can leave.

At this moment, the expressions of the crowd were extremely rich. They clearly wanted to leave, but they did not dare to be the first to take the step. Good things that fall from the sky come too easily, which always makes people feel unreal.

"Daozhang Liu, if everyone leaves -" Zhang Changyang showed an uneasy expression.

"How long can you feed them with the remaining food?" Liu Wei'an looked at him.

"There is no food to feed them." Zhang Changyang's heart was slightly shocked. Subconsciously, he ignored this problem. As for the captives, if they had no food, they would naturally have to starve. But he forgot that if he came to the day of starvation, the captives would only die faster.

If all of the nearly two thousand prisoners died, how much of a sin would it be? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder.

Finally, the first person took a step, ran away from the passage, and finally left successfully.

"Can you really leave?"


The people in the prison rushed out, and several of them had no strength. At that time, the people who were blocking the way were pushed to the ground, and countless footsteps fell on them. By the time hundreds of people rushed over, the people on the ground had already been trampled, and they had already been crushed. Exhausted.

There were two thousand people, and in the end there were almost two hundred people left, including some who were too hungry to move.

More than two hundred people scattered in dozens of prisons were gathered together, with a somewhat frightened expression. When Liu Wei'an walked in, everyone trembled and showed obviously scared expressions.

"You don't have to be afraid. If I want to kill you, I don't have to waste so much effort." Liu Wei'an's words made everyone relax a lot.

"I know that some of you are still hesitant. I still say what I said. If you want to leave now, my promise is still valid." Liu Wei'an looked at more than two hundred people. Someone's eyes flashed with emotion, but in the end they did not get up.

"I made it very clear just now. Those who stay here mean that they want to surrender to me and work under me. There are not many requirements. Basically, there are only three points. Be obedient, follow the instructions, and do not betray. As long as they can do it. With these three points, you will have a very happy life. If you can't do it, you will find that being in jail is actually a very happy time. I ask you one last time. Those who want to leave can leave now, this is the last chance." Liu Wei'an He stared at everyone with cold and stern eyes. Everyone who made eye contact with him lowered their eyes as if they were frightened.

More than fifty people left one after another, and there were still one hundred and fifty people left.

"First of all, congratulations on joining my team." Liu Wei'an smiled, "Can you tell me why you chose to stay?"

"A person who can let the prisoners go will at least not be the kind of extremely vicious person. Furthermore, I used to be a member of the government. If I go back, I will definitely be looked at with strange eyes. In this case, it is better to stay." Come on." A middle-aged man said. Among so many people, he had the better temperament.

Compared with others who were sitting swaying around, he sat upright and stood out from the crowd.

"Can I ask what position you held in the government before?"

"Secretary of the town committee, he came here from the army." The middle-aged man said.

"May I have your name?"

"Shi Qiwen."

"What are your abilities?"


"What's the meaning?"

Shi Qiwen tore his clothes apart. Under the gaze of everyone, a stream of white air came out from his fingers. The air flow came into contact with the clothes. A strange thing happened. The torn clothes slowly closed up. After more than ten seconds, the air flow came into contact with the clothes. Things, the torn clothes became intact, as if they had never been torn.

"Can there be traces of rain on the wound?" Liu Wei'an was worried.

"Yes!" Shi Qiwen hesitated, "But my ability is too weak. I can only heal small wounds, and it takes a long time. I am temporarily unable to heal large wounds."

"Ability can be improved, as long as you find the right method." Liu Wei'an stared at Shi Qiwen, "Follow me, are you willing?"

"Yes!" Shi Qiwen nodded directly without thinking.

"You should thank Shi Qiwen. Because of his ability, all of you can have a full meal." Liu Wei'an said something to one hundred and fifty people that made them almost cheer.

The circular building and the various large conference rooms were crowded with people. They sat on the floor one by one, holding the meat on the plate and devouring it. They didn't care about anything and didn't think about anything. At this time, even if someone stabbed them in the back with a knife, they would probably... Many people don't want to pay attention and wait until they are full.

I have forgotten how long it has been since I have eaten meat. No, how long has it been since I have eaten so heartily? Two months, three months, or half a year? Too long has passed in the darkness. Many people have lost the concept of time and have struggled in a state of hunger for a long time. Sometimes a day is longer than a year.

Zhang Changyang's third group, with a total of only more than 3,000 people, almost 4,000, actually captured more than 2,000 prisoners. If you add in the number of scabies fed before, the number of prisoners is close to 3,000. I really don't know who he is. How is it done.

The food was naturally brought out by Liu Wei'an. The third group had no food and couldn't get it out even if they wanted to. In order to win over this first team that entered Anji Road, he also risked his life.

Seeing so much meat, Zhang Changyang thought it was human meat at first, but he immediately recognized that it was the meat of wild beasts. He took one bite and almost spit it out. It was so unpalatable. But he endured his nausea and forced himself to swallow it, because he felt the energy contained in the meat, which was good for his body.

"Boss, we have locked down the soft scabies." The bat came back.

"Okay!" Liu Wei'an stood up suddenly.

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