Doomsday simulator, I prove extraordinary with swordsmanship

Chapter 294 Heavenly Heart Vibration (Monthly Ticket 4000 Plus)

In reality, Zeus has golden hair and even golden eyes, and the whole looks more powerful than in the video, just like Hercules in mythology.

Normally, the muscle growth of kendo masters tends to be streamlined, and there are few big men, but the opponent broke this common sense. Obviously, this is the effect of genetic modification. Without affecting agility, as much as possible of increased strength.

However, to Zhao Cheng, these are nothing, what surprised Zhao Cheng the most was the temperament of the other party.

Cold like a machine, or, as many people imagined, God!

Not the slightest bit of humanity.

Although some books say that God loves the world, that is obviously just a false proposition.

A god without humanity is more in line with human beings' imagination of creatures like gods.

But when such a "god" really appears in reality, I'm afraid not many people will like it.

Even for those fans of Zeus, if they have close contact with Zeus for a period of time, they may lose all their goodwill.

Because staying with such a person, or "God", does not have the slightest sense of security. It seems that the other party will stretch out his hand at any time and crush him to death without any reason.

Zhao Cheng was amazed, even though he knew that the other party had no humanity, but when he saw this kind of person with his own eyes, he couldn't help but marvel at the magic of creation.

Especially when this creation is from another person's handwriting, it is even more amazing.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng became even more curious about the leader of the temples, God King Uranus.

I already have the idea of ​​waiting for a few years, and my own proof will be a myth, so I must go and talk to the other party.

Uranus:? ? ?


Zhao Cheng's eyes were always on Zeus, but Zeus's eyes were empty. It seemed that as long as Zhao Cheng didn't step into the ring, he was not his enemy, but a passerby.

Because in his instructions, only those who are still in the ring after the bell rings are killed by any means.

"Let me explain the rules again. In this battle, life and death are at your own risk. At the same time, if you want to admit defeat, you must take the initiative to leave the scope of the ring."

A white man said seriously to the camera.

At this time, many live broadcast rooms, especially overseas live broadcast rooms, immediately boiled over.

Numerous barrages such as killing him and killing him drifted past, as if they had foreseen the scene where Zhao Cheng was torn apart by Zeus.

This is not a delusion, just over a month ago, Zeus tore his opponent to pieces with his sword in the first battle in country K, and the opponent didn't even have a chance to jump off the ring.

At this moment, the eyes of many foreigners who are still staring at the screen are bloodshot with excitement, showing their bestiality.

At the scene, all eyes were focused on Zhao Cheng who was walking towards the ring, and Zeus.

The height gap between the two is not small. In front of Zeus's tall body, Zhao Cheng seemed a little "weak".

Therefore, many Yanhuang people at this moment, even though they clearly have great confidence in Zhao Cheng, can't help but get nervous when they see this difference in body size.

At the scene, people like Jiang Qiaoya and Tie Junshu also became short of breath.

Only Tie Guanlan, a saint, and Arianna, a foreigner, still have absolute confidence in Zhao Cheng.

Tie Guanlan knew how powerful Zhao Cheng was, but Arianna had almost absolute admiration for Zhao Cheng since that day.

Even though Zeus in front of him is already inhuman from the inside to the outside, things like gods may not be stronger beasts at certain times.

You may lose a lot if you lose your divinity, but you will lose everything if you lose your humanity.

Jingle Bell!

As the bell rang, the Zeus that Zhao Cheng dealt with suddenly changed into a different temperament, no longer purely cold, but a kind of absolute madness, still not mixed with many emotions, only madness!

In this state, the opponent's originally golden eyes were directly stained with a layer of blood, not only that, but his already strong body was also congested and reddened at this moment.

If at this time, there are instruments to measure the various hormones in his body, he will find that many hormones are completely lethal at this moment, even with Zeus' physical fitness, in this case, he should be dead.

But the opponent is alive and kicking, and his fighting power is even more astonishing.

Obviously, this is also the result of genetic modification. You know, the time when the other party was born was twenty years ago. At that time, there was such a result. How powerful is it?

In Zhao Cheng's induction, what he sensed was not the lethal dose of hormones, but the vitality of the other party. At this moment, it was directly burning. It seemed that every cell was burning, burning life to the extreme, burning Potential, burning the future, burning everything that can be burned!

In this regard, Zhao Cheng's thought was not to be afraid, but to wonder whether he had the opportunity to obtain such a technology.

Isn't this kind of thing exactly what his super-dimensional body is after?

Sure enough, a threesome must have my teacher, even if there is something weaker than myself, there are things worth learning.

In such a state of mind, the sword of Zeus has arrived.

At this moment, all the bystanders felt that Zeus was no longer wielding a sword, but was riding the thunder of fate just like the Zeus in the myth.

A thunderbolt with divine power descends from the sky, intending to wipe out everything in the world!

How insignificant are mere mortals before God?

Many people couldn't help feeling a strong sense of suffocation at this moment.

But at this moment, a larger and more vast power appeared. That power seemed to be driving the world's movement. Even the thunder of fate seemed small in front of it.

Then, at the last moment, the power that drives the world, together with the power to destroy the world, surged out together!


Accompanied by a loud noise, it seemed that a high-explosive bomb exploded in the field, creating a turbulent air wave.

Then, under the inconceivable eyes of many people, Zeus' whole body, first the alloy long sword in his hand, was shattered into many fragments, and then, together with his entire arm holding the sword, it exploded and the blood mist scattered.

That seemingly indestructible body was so fragile at this moment, and even his neck and half of his body were exploded with flesh and blood, but even so, after the opponent fell heavily to the ground, he still didn't die. Instead, it was struggling, showing a terrifying vitality.

As for Zhao Cheng, he retracted his sword lightly in the scattered wind, not even the corners of his clothes were messed up in the slightest.

At this moment, there was silence in the arena, even the entire world, the 500 billion people who were watching this battle, were all silent.

Then, many live broadcast platforms and comments changed in an instant, especially those fans of Zeus who worshiped Zeus's power, how much they supported him before, and now they slander him so much.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng was directly deified in that person's heart!

It is said that the human heart is the heart of heaven, and at this moment, under such a high heat, the "heart of heaven" is also shaking.

The heart of the sky is shaking, and there is a lot of noise in all directions!

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