Doomsday simulator, I prove extraordinary with swordsmanship

Chapter 455 The administrator destroys the world

And at this very moment, the evil spirits of the wild had already seen through Zhao Cheng's supernatural means. Immediately, in the online world, immeasurable true light bloomed, a torrent of trillions of data, Taoist voices, Buddhist voices, divine voices..., all kinds of tones oscillated immeasurably network cloud.

As a matter of fact, as the primordial evil spirit that was born directly from the entire online world, or in other words, gathered the "essence" of the entire civilization, it is itself the master of the Internet.

The vast and endless online world is its body.

Zhao Cheng's kind, if you want to count it, it belongs to the "inner demon" invasion.

However, Zhao Cheng's moral bottom line is very flexible. Since he defines it as a "weird", there is no need to talk about Jianghu morality.

Therefore, after the prehistoric evil spirits found out that Zhao Cheng made a false move and their roots were dug out again, they became even more "furious". That angry thinking drove the immeasurable data torrent in the online world, which boiled back to the sky, making The entire "torrent" is in a state of burning.

Data can also be "burned". Zhao Cheng never thought about this before encountering the prehistoric evil spirits. It was not until about two months ago, when Zhao Cheng was able to hold on for a little longer in front of the other party, that he finally realized this. The big boss, actually has this form.

This is undoubtedly a road that has never been imagined.

Obviously, Bayuan's opening up of the heavens and establishing the Dao is only Zhao Cheng's current apex, and for the prehistoric evil spirits, this kind of innate "miracle", the end point of many strong people is just their starting point.

And during this period of time, during those fights again and again, Zhao Cheng also got a glimpse of the opponent's reality.

If this prehistoric evil spirit is fully conceived, it should be able to undergo some kind of qualitative change. It is very likely that it will directly "open up the earth and open up the sky", and "turn the false into reality" to a certain extent in the illusory online world, becoming a party between illusory and illusory. The strange time and space between reality and reality.

And in that prehistoric world, countless "data lives" will also be born.

At that step, it was like Zhao Cheng reached the realm above the mythology with the divine way, completed a whole qualitative change, and his life was upgraded. It was no longer the same situation as it used to be.

It can be said that for the three pioneers in this world, if they are given enough time to deduce the way forward, it is really possible to make it through.

The only price is that even if there is no doomsday force to infiltrate, distort the prehistoric world, and breed evil spirits, they will further annihilate themselves in the process, and finally become network administrators who maintain the prehistoric world.

In short, he is a tool man in the prehistoric world.

And if Zhao Cheng is asked to find a relatively accurate word to describe the situation there, he can accurately say that it is a low-profile version of the Digimon world. If you stop being a human being and give up your brain, you can have a game An exciting adventure in the Digimon world.

The whole "world" is on fire. In this case, even if Zhao Chengcheng transforms into an infinite phantom body and trillions of dead Trojan horses, in the raging dao fire, everything can no longer be hidden.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng remained calm.

In the first dungeon, it was difficult for Zhao Cheng to fight monsters at first, but relying on the backboard, he made a breakthrough.

In the final boss battle of this dungeon, Zhao Cheng did the same.

The evil internet specter wants to surpass him no matter in terms of control over the internet world or power.

But it's different from physical battles in reality. In reality, a punch is a punch. Even if you predict it, if you don't have enough strength, you can't dodge it.

The battle at the network level, because of its world rules, is undoubtedly rudimentary compared to the strict reality, with countless loopholes. After the prediction, it doesn’t matter if you can’t avoid it. You can find loopholes and use bugs to neutralize your strength.

Twice if you can't find it once, and three times if you can't find it twice. Although the prehistoric evil spirits are powerful, they are not perfect after all. It can be enlarged infinitely, and if no one stops it, it can even cause the entire network to collapse.


Zhao Cheng's thinking and ideas are ever-changing, like light and electricity, in an instant, communicating with many underlying data logics, the origin of thousands of avenues is fully displayed in front of him, he does not try to rewrite these, but runs, in a fast and slow way Rhythm to run.

Zhao Cheng has run the data thousands of times with lightning effort, and in an instant, the strict logic structure of the underlying data has collapsed a little bit.

It was this point that allowed Zhao Cheng to find a breakthrough, and with Zhao as the center, the platinum glow changed the world, covering about one-twentieth of the online world at once.

Immediately, the world will be divided into two.

This magical trick, Zhao Cheng named it, two divisions!

The flames of the monstrous world stopped suddenly as Zhao Cheng took control of the sky in one domain, but the prehistoric evil spirits did not take it easy. A solution was found.

But just when he cracked Zhao Cheng's supreme supernatural powers, Zhao Cheng was secretly hiding Chen Cang, a small part of his thoughts pretended to fight against the evil spirits of the prehistoric, and the other part was strengthened five times with the method of escape from the sky. version, and touched as many as 403 third-level evolutionaries in the online world.

In about one-tenth of a second, Zhao Cheng's supernatural powers were cracked, but at this moment, the Trojan horse planted by Zhao Cheng exploded at this moment, and more than 400 third-level evolutionaries were directly burnt. .

Immediately, a series of logs were refreshed, reminding Zhao Cheng how many simulation points and treasure chests he had harvested.

Efficient killing monsters is really too efficient.

If it was placed in other worlds without such a special environment, Zhao Cheng wanted to restore this efficiency, but he was afraid that he would have to step through the sky, and after he ascended the dimension, he would hit a planet with a sword.

And this is not the end, Zhao Cheng has already done this step a month and a half ago, at this moment, Zhao Cheng can feel that many hardware devices all over the world are angry and overloaded by the evil spirits.

For the prehistoric evil spirits, although each thought evolutionist is not enough to serve as his anchor point in reality, it is also an important foundation to support his existence. Zhao Cheng's move is undoubtedly equivalent to the world beheading his hands and feet.


Immeasurable radiance clears the network. At this moment, except for the lowest structure supporting the network world, all data and all levels are smashed by the evil spirits.

This move, Zhao Cheng called it the administrator destroying the world, re-training the earth fire and feng shui, such a move, for the prehistoric evil spirits, would also kill one thousand enemies and damage eight hundred, which would greatly delay the time of his birth.

If Zhao Cheng hadn't pushed him into a hurry, he wouldn't have done such a thing.

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