Soon, the blood moon appeared. This time, Zhao Cheng arrived at Tianfeng Hall in a shorter time.

Then, much easier than before, he killed the boxing expert Sun Ming.

At the same time, the increase in swordsmanship proficiency has only increased by a minimum value. You must know that the last time Zhao Cheng killed the opponent without injury, he could increase his proficiency by a full three points.

It can be predicted that as Zhao Cheng continues to become stronger, one day, fighting with Sun Ming will no longer have a beneficial effect on his sword skills.

However, this situation is very reasonable, there is pressure to make progress, and without pressure, progress naturally disappears.

As usual, the simulation point is +1, and there is no treasure chest.

Afterwards, after Zhao Cheng made some adjustments, he immediately rushed towards the location of "Wei Lan" he discovered during the last simulation.

If it goes well this time, the minimum guarantee is +6 simulation points, and there will be an additional location for obtaining simulation points in the future. If you are lucky and the treasure chest is exploded, it will be even more bloody.

Up to now, it has been simulated nine times, and Zhao Cheng has run at least one-fifth of the city, and only found two Weilan in such a large area, which shows how hard it is to find a monster comparable to him.

However, Zhao Cheng can see from Sun Ming's diary and the formation of monsters that if he wants to be resurrected in this "dead" world, he must have something extraordinary when he is alive.

It is really a small probability event to want an extraordinary "just right".

Even, Zhao Cheng suspects that the Moyun City in front of him may be the place with the most "miscellaneous soldiers" in the world, so his landing place is here.

Because the map was already very large, this time, Zhao Cheng ran for nearly half an hour before getting close to the Young Eagle Club where there was a slight wave.

It took another ten minutes to further determine the scope, and finally determined the purpose.

After arriving at the destination, Zhao Cheng did not rush forward, but sat quietly on the spot, first adjusted his physical state by breathing, and then adjusted his mental state with visualization, until the state was almost adjusted, he touched it in a leisurely manner. .

It can be seen that the Young Eagles Club should have been a huge venue, similar to Qingyuan's gymnasium.

However, with the passage of time, many parts of the huge venue have collapsed and become ruins. Large pieces of glass have piled up and divided the space.

In addition, there are also large pillars made of concrete, which are not completely decayed, but still standing. As for the quality, it is very worrying.

Zhao Cheng touched it, crossed the maze-like ruins, and saw from a distance, in the center, a five-short figure with a height of only 1.3 meters. Neither the legs nor the wingspan of half of ordinary people were present. Playing strange boxing techniques.

Although the gray dwarf was only 1.3 meters, the muscles on his body were unbelievably developed. Every muscle line was showing what strength is.

Even with its height and arm length, it looks a bit weird.

However, the weirdest thing was the opponent's boxing technique. Every move and style was extremely strange, or it was unexpected, and even somewhat violated the law of the human body's exertion of strength.

You see his muscles trembling, you think he is going to throw a right punch, but in fact he is throwing a left punch, you think he looks like he is throwing a right punch, but he is actually going to throw a left punch, but in fact he is throwing a right punch .

In short, it is like a powerful and unconstrained style, and does not follow common sense at all.

If this kind of boxing is in the hands of a low hand, it will be a round of random punches, comparable to Wang Baquan, but if it is in the hands of a master, it will be a bit terrifying.

This kind of boxing method reminded Zhao Cheng of the fictional boxing method in his previous works, Baihua Cuoquan, which can be said to be special for fighting miscellaneous soldiers, but useless for fighting masters.

However, the boxing method in front of him, which has similar boxing principles, is reversed.

Fighting miscellaneous soldiers, the opponent doesn't know martial arts, so they will be defeated ten times at a time, but when fighting a master, the more the opponent knows, the more suppressed they will be.

Zhao Cheng was not in a hurry, just looked at it like this, and after looking at it for a while, Zhao Cheng saw a little way.

The fists of this monster in front of him are very complicated and not pure, they seem to be pictographic fists, some fists are like tigers, some are like lions, some are like mice, and some are like birds.

These images are not considered powerful, and they are extremely fragmented. They should be vulnerable to a single blow, but under the coordination of the opponent's strange boxing principles, they are full of lethality.

After watching it for a long time, Zhao Cheng came to the conclusion that the person who can create such a boxing method is undoubtedly a ghost. This boxing method is really born for actual combat.

The best way to defeat such a slanted sword technique is to defeat it with strength and victory with righteousness.

As for those who play evil, there should be very few who can beat this boxing technique.

In terms of skill level, this boxing technique is extremely valuable.

The only shortcoming is that the power system of this world does not pay attention to the so-called simple skills and advanced boxing techniques. It is all about the ultimate development and utilization of Qi, secret apertures, fine holes, and spirit. Such skills, on the contrary became secondary.

Zhao Chengyou looked at it for a while, and had an idea in his heart, so he didn't wait anymore, and directly raised his sword and stepped forward, passing the monster's sensing range.

And the moment Zhao Cheng crossed that boundary, the monster "flyed" over like an eagle flapping its wings.

It's hard to imagine that the other party's short stature can have such terrifying speed.

However, Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship has reached level 9, and with the reflection of his real body, he is much stronger than when he first came.

Seeing the figure coming to kill, he immediately struck out with a sword!

And that short figure was also extremely agile, using Zhao Cheng's sword to change direction out of thin air in the air, instantly changing from an eagle soaring into the sky to a mouse stealing oil, slippery... .

But looking at the change in his body shape, he actually wanted to turn directly into Zhao Cheng's arms and disembowel Zhao Cheng.

And even in this short fight, Zhao Cheng has already judged that the opponent is inferior to boxing master Sun Ming in terms of strength and speed. Coupled with the opponent's short stature, in terms of attributes, he is It's a grade lower than Sun Ming's.

However, the opponent's style of play is too bizarre, and the degree of difficulty is much higher than that of Sun Ming.

If Zhao Cheng met this monster in his first battle, Zhao Cheng must have died.

Of course, if Zhao Cheng was completely familiar with the other party's routines, then the other party would be easier to kill than Sun Ming.

As for the present, it is naturally difficult to fight against unfamiliar boxing techniques, but for this, Zhao Cheng feels that this is a good thing, just to hone his sword skills and improve his sword skills better.


Two minutes later, Zhao Cheng was covered in paint all over his body. His left arm and right leg were severely injured, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off.

And the monster in front of him also lost his head.

Log: kill miscellaneous soldiers x1, simulation point +1, first kill simulation point +5, treasure chest (white) x1

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