
Is the system so flexible?

In order to ensure his personal safety, he even directly transformed his skills.

Su Han was curious about what the system had changed his skills to.

Open the dashboard, skip the property bar, jump directly to the bottom, and the skills that have been modified by the system appear in front of you.

[All-round armor modification]: The passive skill 'Extra Protection', which forms an invisible protection on the body surface, can withstand 32 accidental attacks, can be actively activated, and after the number of defenses is exhausted, the skill enters a cooldown state for 5 minutes and can be actively refreshed.


Looking at the skills that had been transformed by the system in front of him, Su Han's eyes widened, and he shouted in his heart.

This skill is simply not too dick!

Divine skills!

With this skill, you will no longer have to worry about being attacked by the sneak attack.

32 accidental attacks, which means that if the other party wants to sneak up on him, at least 33 crossbow arrows or bullets must be fired at him to hurt him!

With this time, he would have been able to react and find a place to hide.

The most important thing is that this skill can be actively refreshed!

Don't wait for the number of defenses to run out!

Turtle turtle, this skill is also too cool!

With this skill, his life-saving ability instantly doubled several times!

Never worry about getting a sudden headshot again!


The dozen or so people who just attacked him are really good people!

Not only did it help him accidentally obtain a god-level skill, but it also brought him rich mission rewards!

It's a pity that good people don't live long, and in a few minutes' work, they all die, and they die one by one.

Not only that, but these dozen 'good people' also told him a truth with their lives.

A good man doesn't live long, so let's be a bad guy!


I was so impressed.

Wang Haiqing: I @#¥¥#%, and you don't do anything with people!

"Commander..." The

gentle voice with a trace of eagerness came from far and near, and when he returned to his senses, Su Han saw Ron rush into his arms with a gust of fragrant wind.

Although Su Han could feel that Ron was already very controllable, but his figure was too good and top, he still felt a tightness in his chest.

Fortunately, the broken ribs are very contentious, and this little scene is completely held.

"Hmm~" The

cold and soft lips came up with panic, enjoying the sweetness sent by Ron, holding her still trembling delicate body, Su Han felt sorry in her heart, gently patted her back, and calmed down after a long time.

Su Han knew that this was Ron's fear, just now if she hadn't been alert enough to find out early, what she was holding now would be a corpse.

What a terrible thing this was for Ron, who took him seriously.

Ship Maidens are fantasy beings, they are pure, loyal and faithful!

At the moment of their birth, the moment they opened their eyes, the commander was their everything.

They lived for the commander and died for the commander.

If he died, Su Han believed that after eliminating those who sneaked up, Ron would find a vast sea, drive the waves, and finally hold him in the deepest part of the sea to sink and fall into the boundless seabed.

The ship girl was born from the sea, and the sea is also their grave.

Born in the sea, buried in the sea.

Gently patting Ron's back, Su Han raised his head and released Ron's small mouth.

Looking at her still somewhat trembling brown eyes, Su Han comforted softly: "Okay, isn't I okay?" Don't be afraid.

"But..." Ron at this moment was indescribably pitiful.

Since it is useless to say seriously, then you can only move your mouth.

Half an hour later, Su Han struggled to speak, and Ron finally calmed down, meekly snuggled into Su Han's arms like a kitten, listening to the surging and vibrant heartbeat, and his heart was full of peace.

That is, the pink and moist little mouth is swollen badly.

Just half an hour of arguing is naturally not without cost.

Holding Ron in his arms, Su Han felt a little pity in his heart, if it weren't for the fact that his arms and hands were not good, just half an hour, but it would be...

It's hard to say it's going to go over the mountains.

His grandmother's!

Monkeys are really harmful!

I, Su Han, don't share the sky with the monkey!

Cursing indignantly in his heart, Su Han let go of his hand and gently pushed Ron away, "The delay here is not short, we should go." Ron

, who had calmed down, was extremely docile, and nodded when he heard this, and Su Han's figure was full of beautiful brown eyes.

He said he was leaving, but he didn't leave immediately.

The rewards have been saved a lot, Ron is still the most ordinary white equipment, it's time to open a wave of chests!

If the box is not opened, it is also kept, and it is only most meaningful to open it to increase Ron's combat effectiveness.

Opening the resource bar, Su Han's gaze swept over, in the past two days, Ron has worked very hard.

Killing zombies plus mission rewards, now there are a lot of equipped chests!

White Chests: 18 Blue Chests: 3 Purple Chests: 1

Three color chests, of which white


can only open white quality equipment, while blue chests can open blue and white quality equipment.

The final purple chest is equipped with blue and purple equipment.

At least in the game, and a certain profiteer is best at spraying blue paint on white boxes, purple paint on blue boxes, and gold paint on purple boxes.

In the past, Su Han could only grit his teeth and be incompetent and furious, but now it's different!

Wait until the future to summon that profiteer, and then dare to paint him, so that she can't go out for a few days!

See if she dares to be a profiteer!

Akashi: What is the system that sells boxes to you, what does bullying me do? Bully cute little meows, huh? Give you a punch!

Looking at the three-color treasure chest blocked by the system, Su Han groaned for a while, and called in his heart: "System, give me a white treasure chest into a blue treasure chest, it should be able to synthesize, right?" Su

Han himself is not sure, synthesis is in the game, who knows if reality can be?

"Ding! There are currently 18 white gear boxes in the host, are they all composed? "

All composite." Su Han did not hesitate.

Now Ron is a ship girl, there is no shortage of white equipment, now what is needed is to improve.

"Ding! Crafting all chests, congratulations to the host for obtaining 3 blue chests, and the remaining white chest*3. "

After synthesis, the blue treasure chest became 6, it stands to reason that 6 blue treasure chests, if the luck is not too bad, at least one blue equipment can be opened.

But Su Han is even more ambitious!

"System, give me the continuation of crafting blue treasure chests."

Why not gamble? The purple treasure chest guarantee is blue equipment, isn't it better than luck?

If you're lucky, it's purple gear!

"Ding! Synthesize a blue chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 purple chest, and the remaining blue chest*1.

Looking at the two purple treasure chests in the inventory, Su Han suppressed the urge in his heart to open the chest and looked back at Ron.

"Ron, can I do me a favor?"


Tilting his head, Ron nodded his pink lips and said with a smile: "Yes, as long as it is a commander, Ron is willing to do anything."

This answer Su Han knew in his heart that asking a sentence was just a formality.

Sneakily looking around, Su Han pulled Ron to a hidden corner.

Su Han's strange behavior made Ron's heart 'pounding'.

No... No way?

Is the commander so bold?

Or is it that the fire in the past two days is too strong and can no longer bear it?

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