At this moment, including the second river shrimp, Zhao Yin has caught seven pseudo-mutant beasts today!

These are all the leftovers of the carp.

It is hard to imagine how much the carp ate before it was promoted to A-level.

There was no more monster-catching net, so Zhao Yin did not upgrade the second river shrimp, and directly took out a C-level monster-catching net to imprison this D-level river shrimp.

Next, there were mutant fish and shrimps being caught and brought ashore by the carp.

With previous experience, Zhao Yin took out all the three remaining monster-catching nets in the space ring.

After all the monster-catching nets were used up, two more fish and one shrimp were imprisoned.

These fish and shrimps can be upgraded and slaughtered at any time when there are more corpse crystals in the future.

After the monster-catching nets were used up, he could only continue to upgrade and slaughter.

The sky gradually darkened, and as the pseudo-mutant fish and shrimp in the lake decreased, the speed of carp catching also slowed down.

Gradually, Zhao Yin's D-level corpse crystals were finally running out.

At this moment, Zhao Yin had killed eleven B-level pseudo-mutant fish and obtained nearly 400 tons of fish meat.

In addition, two fish and three shrimps were imprisoned.

At this moment, the carp had been in the lake for nearly an hour and no pseudo-mutant fish or shrimps were found.


Zhao Yin sent a telepathic message to the carp in the lake: "No need to catch anymore, look for abnormalities in the lake immediately."

"Yes! Master!" The carp was so excited about catching fish that it almost forgot to look for abnormalities.

Zhao Yin had no trapping net to imprison, and no corpse crystals to continue to upgrade. Killing D-level or C-level pseudo-mutants was meaningless.

There were not many left in the lake, so why spend a lot of time to kill them all?

"Master, I found a strange thing... like a piece of meat."

Half an hour later, the voice of the carp rang in Zhao Yin's heart.

"A piece of meat?"

Zhao Yin was shocked and recalled the corpse demon sleeping on a big rock. He put all the people, beasts, and corpse demons into the life space, and then he jumped directly into the lake.

At the same time, the carp also swam towards Zhao Yin: "Master, it's on the west side of the lake bottom!"

When Zhao Yin swam to the top of the carp, it immediately activated the water control ability, and the lake water around Zhao Yin immediately expanded to form a three-meter-sized waterless space.

The carp sank directly to the bottom of the lake with Zhao Yin and swam to the west.

This time, Zhao Yin saw clearly that the water around the carp was pulled by the power of the supernatural power, carrying its body forward at a high speed.

No wonder it swam so fast in the water before.

At this moment, I think the carp should have other means of attack. Before subduing it, it just wanted to devour this "little shrimp" of mine, and did not use it...

Soon, the carp slowed down.

"Master, it's ahead."

In the dark lake water, Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight and immediately found that in the mud at the bottom of the lake 300 meters ahead.

A large piece of black thing was flowing with a faint fluorescent light that was barely noticeable.

If it weren't for the Eye of Insight, it would be difficult to find.

As the carp approached, Zhao Yin finally saw clearly that it looked like a severed toe of some animal, more than three meters long, with black hair.

Although it had been soaked in water for a long time, some blood still seeped out and mixed into the nearby waters.

Many fish and shrimps were scrambling to devour those blood threads.

Perhaps, it won’t be long before they can evolve into pseudo-mutated beasts due to the presence of blood threads!

No wonder the pseudo-mutated fish and shrimp in this lake can raise the carp to A-level!

[Unknown pseudo-life remains: defense 4826, notes: from Ophiuchus 5.9630 light years away, contains a small amount of extraordinary substances, which can promote the mutation and evolution of ordinary animals]

Zhao Yin’s breathing suddenly became rapid.

He immediately remembered the huge skull in the forbidden area, which also came from Ophiuchus and might have come with the meteor shower.

The difference is that the skull was left by an unknown life form, while this severed finger was left by a pseudo-life form.

Now, Zhao Yin's life space still has a piece of bone and a tooth, but the extraordinary materials have long dissipated.

And this small section of the broken finger still has flesh and blood, and contains extraordinary materials!

"Carp, is this the only abnormality in the lake?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Master, there is only this broken finger!"

The carp's affirmative voice came.

Zhao Yin immediately dispersed the nearby fish and shrimps and collected the broken finger from the bottom of the lake.

Then, he jumped into the big pit left by the broken finger, and searched for it, but found nothing else.

Zhao Yin collected the nearby silt and the lake water mixed with blood.

Then he asked the carp to send him back to the shore. After collecting the carp, Zhao Yin returned to the life space.

Zhao Yin asked the little monkey to bring a few large barrels and store all the lake water and silt containing blood in them.

Then he took out the broken finger.

At this moment, all the people, beasts, and corpse demons surrounded him.

Even the bald Song Xiaojian, who had recovered from his injuries, came forward to watch.

The next moment, Song Xiaojian and the corpse demon Zhang Jie both showed desire on their faces.

"Grandpa!" The corpse demon hugged Zhao Yin's arm and stared at the broken finger.

Obviously, the corpse demon wanted to devour it.

"My dear grandson, go play somewhere else." Zhao Yin said.

"Grandpa!" The corpse demon immediately showed an aggrieved expression, squatting aside, staring at the broken finger with dead fish eyes, drooling.

Zhao Yin couldn't let the corpse demon eat such a precious thing directly.

He had the golden crystal to open the superpowers for the pseudo-mutant beast. Now with this broken finger, Zhao Yin could do a lot more.

Now we can be sure that those fish and shrimps have evolved into pseudo-mutant beasts due to the blood of the severed finger.

The best cost-effectiveness is to select a group of ordinary animals that you want, evolve them into pseudo-mutant beasts, and then use the golden crystal to open the superpowers!

Zhao Yin already has an idea in his mind.

Since he can choose by himself... that is to find a group of primates.

Just like the little monkey, not only can it wear equipment, but it can also work like humans...

It has the powerful advantages of mutant beasts, and also has the advantages of humans!

Zhao Yin looked at the corpse demon and said gently: "This thing is still very useful. I will give you some after the dissection. Be obedient!"


The grievance on the face of the corpse demon Zhang Jie disappeared immediately, and was replaced by an expectant expression.

Zhao Yin didn't know what effect the corpse demon would have after eating the severed finger, but judging from the expressions of the corpse demon and Song Xiaojian, it should be very useful to them.

The information seen by the Eye of Insight seems to always have unexpected results when it comes to the corpse demon race.

Just like the corpse demon, when it devoured the ribs of the zombie king and the head of the river turtle, it inexplicably inherited superpowers...

However, in order to catalyze a group of pseudo-mutant beasts, Zhao Yin will only give the corpse demon some scraps!

As for Song Xiaojian, forget it!

Zhao Yin then stared at the broken finger and observed it carefully. It looked like a small section of a human finger, but its skin was dark and covered with a layer of black hair.

It weighed about a ton, and its flesh and blood were still very fresh.

Zhao Yin didn't know how it could come from the distant Ophiuchus, and even its blood had not dried up, so how could it only have a small section of the finger and land here?

The broken finger had more than 4,800 points of defense.

Fish and shrimp couldn't bite it at all. If not, it might have been eaten by carp long ago.

Those pseudo-mutant beasts, fish and shrimp, just evolved by drinking blood.

Zhao Yin took out the butcher knife and dismembered the broken finger.

Occasionally, he could only cut out the dissection effect, so he dismembered it very slowly.

After a night, Zhao Yin finally cut the severed finger into 150 pieces, each weighing about 10 pounds.

There was still a large piece of bone in the middle, with some periosteum remaining on it.

Zhao Yin then pointed at the bones and said to the corpse demon Zhang Jie: "My dear grandson, these are for you!"


The corpse demon immediately became excited, pounced on it, and ate it directly.

Song Xiaojian immediately showed an envious look, and Da Huang, who loved to eat bones, was also envious.

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