The little monkey raised his head and grinned, as if he wanted to smile at Zhao Yin. ‘6’‘9’‘s’‘h’‘u’‘x’‘.’‘c’‘o’‘m’

But he couldn’t smile.

Suddenly he realized that he seemed to no longer belong to the monkey species.

“Master, the little monkey doesn’t want to marry a wife.” The little monkey was depressed.

“They are not worthy of my little monkey. In the future, the master will find you the most beautiful, real mutant beast female monkey!” Zhao Yin comforted.

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In fact, the existence of the contract soul is not only the master who can affect the mood of the contract beast, but also the contract beast can affect the mood of the master over time.

Zhao Yin looked at the little monkey and felt a little distressed.

“Master, the little monkey just wants to follow you forever and doesn’t want any wife.”

The little monkey looked at the opposite side, the group of female monkeys were skinny and grinning, and it found that it had no interest.

"Good boy, you will always be the master's favorite little monkey." Zhao Yin rubbed the little monkey's head: "Why bother to turn yourself into their appearance, just restore your true form!"


When countless stones came, the little monkey roared, and its body suddenly grew wildly, and the two door panels in its hands also grew rapidly.

Until the little monkey restored its body, it did not activate the giant ability, nor did it use the ability of the silver skin fruit, and its body was more than four meters tall.

A pair of light golden eyes swept coldly across the monkey group on the opposite side.

At this moment, it was the turn of the monkey group on the opposite side to be stunned.

The next moment, squeak... squeak... squeak... squeak...

All the macaques screamed in fear and fled in all directions as if they had seen a ghost.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

One by one, the contracted beasts walked slowly from all directions of the valley, and the terrible pressure enveloped the entire valley.

All the macaques stopped and trembled.

Zhao Yin ordered Xiao Bai behind him: "Turn on the psychedelic ability."

The next moment, a pink color rose in Xiao Bai's blue eyes... All the macaques, the fear on their faces disappeared, all stood still, motionless.

They were just a group of ordinary animals, suppressed by B-level contracted beasts on all sides, and controlled by Xiao Bai's psychedelic ability. Zhao Yin's move was like using a cannon to hit a mosquito, wasting gunpowder.

But he didn't care, stepped forward, grabbed a macaque, and directly used the contract soul.

[Adult macaque: ordinary animal, strength 4, agility 9, spirit 4]

With the mental power of ordinary animals, Zhao Yin successfully contracted without any obstacles, and it was completed in almost a few seconds.


The voice of the macaque immediately rang in Zhao Yin's heart.

"Stay here and don't move."

He gave an order, put the macaque down, and grabbed the next one...

An hour and a half later, all the macaques were contracted, a total of 521.

The harvest was greater than Zhao Yin imagined.

"All macaques line up!" Zhao Yin ordered.

"Yes, Master!" "Yes, Master!" "Yes, Master...!"

One after another, Zhao Yin's heart rang.

His heart had never been so full as today, more than 500 contracted beasts!

Even if there were not so many golden crystals and all of them could not open their superpowers, it would be easy to develop them all into pseudo-mutated beasts.

These ordinary animals could be mutated by blood.

The pseudo-mutated fish and shrimp in Nanwan Lake are precedents.

After all the macaques lined up in a crooked team, Zhao Yin looked at them and was very excited.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, Zhao Yin had the idea of ​​establishing a contracted beast army, and now, he finally took the first step!

Next, it was time for the great moment... the naming ceremony!

But at this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly no longer felt how great this moment was, and only felt a burst of irritation.

More than 500 macaques, all named, half of the brain cells would die!

"It's too difficult to contract too many contracted beasts!" Zhao Yin shook his head.

Then he pointed at the first macaque in front of him: "From today on, you are called Monkey One, you are called Monkey Two... and so on, you all remember your names!"

"Yes, Master, Monkey One understands!" "Yes, Master, Monkey Two understands!"

"Monkey Fifty-three understands!" "Monkey Three Hundred and Forty-five understands!"


With the blessing of the soul of the contract, the macaques' wisdom, although not high, still understands basic counting.

Zhao Yin couldn't remember who was Monkey One and who was Monkey Two one by one, so he simply stopped remembering.

He took all the people and beasts directly back to the life space.

Then, he took out the blood and blood mud collected yesterday.

The blood and blood and mud that dripped from the broken finger last night, as well as the blood and mud in the lake, were all taken out by Zhao Yin.

He first called fifty macaques and asked them to drink blood and eat mud.

Soon the fifty macaques' stomachs were full, and they only drank one-third of the blood.

The mutation of those fish and shrimps took a long time, and Zhao Yin made the macaques mutate in a short time, which was indeed difficult for them.

But Zhao Yin didn't care.

"After drinking, run on the spot, digest it as soon as possible, and then continue drinking."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he took out a piece of severed finger meat and swung it more than thirty times before he cut it with a dissection effect and cut off a fist-sized piece of meat.

"What kind of monkey are you?" Zhao Yin pointed at a male monkey who looked the most majestic in the monkey group.

Previously, the monkey group attacked the little monkey because of this male monkey, and it was obviously the monkey king.

However, now...

"Master, I am Monkey Thirty-Six." The male monkey responded respectfully.

"Come here and eat this."

Zhao Yin threw the piece of meat to it, and the male monkey walked forward and stuffed the piece of meat into the air as instructed.

Its teeth could not bite it at all, and it swallowed it with difficulty.

The next moment, Zhao Yin sensed from Monkey Thirty-Six's emotions that a burst of energy spread in its body, and the severe pain like burning flames made Monkey Thirty-Six's whole body spasm.

In an instant, Monkey Thirty-Six's body overflowed with a lot of sweat, and its genes were being rapidly changed.


Monkey Thirty-Six let out a painful wail, and soon turned into a pseudo-mutant beast's roar.

Zhao Yin felt that the pain it was enduring at this time was similar to the first time he took the evolution potion.

But the tolerance of animals is inherently stronger than that of humans, and Monkey Thirty-Six never fainted.

It still endured the severe pain and stood there trembling.

Three hours later, the information of Monkey Thirty-Six in Zhao Yin's Eye of Insight changed.

[Adult macaque: pseudo-mutant beast of no rank, strength 12, agility 13, spirit 6, mutated by zombie virus infection]

Sure enough, the effect of the broken finger meat is faster than that of the blood.

However, Zhao Yin felt that the broken finger meat given to Monkey Thirty-Six seemed to be a little too much, so he swung his knife and chopped again. This time, he only cut off a piece of meat that was half the size of a fist.

He called another monkey to swallow it, and the result was the same. The second macaque also began to mutate.

However, at the last moment of the mutation, it suddenly stopped, as if the broken finger meat was less.

Zhao Yin quickly cut off another small piece of meat and stuffed it into it.

[Adult macaque: pseudo-mutant beast of no rank, strength 11, agility 12, spirit 5, mutated by zombie virus infection]

Finally, the mutation was successful, and Zhao Yin also got the real standard for a macaque to mutate.

He calculated that a piece of broken finger meat could mutate twenty macaques. Now, there are still 149 pieces of broken finger meat left.

That is 2980 pseudo-mutants!

There were only 521 macaques. If he met suitable ordinary animals in the future, he could make more than 2,400!

Zhao Yin took out the broken finger meat and cut it into small pieces to share with the remaining macaques.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

At this moment, some of the macaques that drank the blood finally began to mutate.

It was a female monkey. Her thin body swelled up quickly. Her muscles quickly became full and her height increased by several inches...

Then, the second one appeared, and the third one...

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