As soon as Zhao Yin had this thought, he immediately felt a burning breath coming towards him!

After he collected the remaining corpse crystals of the little monkey, he pulled Song Xiaodao back and shouted, "Stop, do you want to burn the house?"

The little monkey woke up and quickly put away his fire ability.

When it saw what it had burned, it was stunned and explained anxiously, "I'm sorry, Master. The energy in my body was too strong before, and I couldn't control it. I, I will work to compensate, okay?"

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief and his face returned to calmness.

After all, the mutant beast's self-control is not as good as that of humans. The little monkey's evolution speed was too fast before, and at the same time, the third ability in his body was stimulated, resulting in a brief loss of consciousness.

He looked around, fortunately, the invisible tent had a defense of 430 points and could not be ignited.

Otherwise, Zhao Yin would have no place to cry.

He opened the Eye of True Vision.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

[Growth-stage macaque: D-level mutant beast, strength 83, agility 87, physical strength 72, defense 72, spirit 38, blood talent: gigantic, frenzied, fire control]

"Zhao Yin, how did the little monkey become so strong?" Song Xiaodao was still in shock and patted the airport on his chest.

"Do you still remember that golden silk fruit?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Of course I remember, could it be...!" Song Xiaodao understood something in an instant, how could she forget that golden silk fruit, when she and Zhao Yin went to the industrial park together, she almost died!

"Golden silk fruit can add a superpower to the mutant beast, which is the third superpower of the monkey!" Zhao Yin said.

At this time, the little monkey couldn't help but raise a palm and try to release the third superpower again.


A flame rose from its monkey paw, wrapping the entire palm and burning fiercely.

The terrible temperature spread all around, but it didn't feel any discomfort, and the monkey's face was full of joy.

But before it could hold on for long, its body quickly shrank and turned into a thin little monkey covered with gray hair, and the flame disappeared.

"Master... Master, I can't seem to use the third ability again!" The little monkey hurriedly sent a message to Zhao Yin anxiously.

"You consumed too much energy when spraying flames before. The biggest disadvantage of elemental abilities is that they consume energy too quickly. Before evolving to A-level, it's best not to spray flames easily." Zhao Yin said.

Even he himself didn't dare to use the large-scale thunder ability easily now.

In the past two days, Zhao Yin didn't even use the small-scale thunder ability to kill those ordinary zombies, fearing accidents.

"However, when you meet a real opponent, you can try to attach the flame to the weapon, so that you can hold on longer."

The little monkey waited for some energy to recover in his body, and immediately picked up the rat king claw to try.

A thin layer of flames attached to the rat king's claws, and indeed the energy consumption slowed down a lot, basically the same as the consumption when it activated the berserk ability.

"Okay, eat some rat king meat to recover your energy as soon as possible, we're about to fight!" Zhao Yin said, taking out a piece of rat king meat and throwing it to the little monkey.

The little monkey grabbed it and bit it directly, eating the raw meat.

After Zhao Yin rested for another half an hour, all the contracted beasts recovered their energy.

Even the aunties outside the tent became lively again after eating chestnut porridge.

Zhao Yin ordered to continue to lead the zombies...


In the evening, Lao Hei led the sixth wave of zombies, and it took a full hour to bring more than a thousand zombies out of the valley.

After Zhao Yin led the contracted beasts to kill the zombies, he found Lao Hei and asked: "Why did you take so long, what went wrong?"

"Master, all the zombies in the valley have been killed. I searched for a long time before I found enough for a thousand." Lao Hei responded in his heart.

"Have you finished killing them?"

This morning, Zhao Yin noticed that the deeper into the valley, the denser the zombies.

In the past two days, Zhao Yin has killed more than 30,000 zombies, but conservatively estimated that there should be at least 5,000 in the valley.

"Impossible, did you miss something?" Zhao Yin asked.

Lao Hei shook his head: "Master, I didn't pay too much attention. I just came back after finding 1,000 zombies."

Zhao Yin frowned. Unless he heard it wrong this morning, there were not so many zombies!

But he is already a D-level evolver, and the probability of making a mistake is almost zero.

There is another possibility...

"Maybe there is a zombie king who summoned all the zombies!"

"Zombie king?"

Song Xiaodao's face turned pale when he heard this.

She will never forget the zombie king she encountered in the southern suburbs of Guangzhou last time!

For ordinary evolvers, the zombie king is an invincible existence and cannot be defeated at all!

Everyone almost died there that time, including Lao Niu who had reached E-level!

"Zhao Yin, let's go. If the zombie king finds us, we won't be able to leave!" Song Xiaodao said, holding Zhao Yin's sleeve.

Zhao Yin's face showed surprise. He had always been thinking about the zombie king in the Dawei Mountains.

The star crystal in the body can open the SS-level life space pendant!

This time, we were originally looking for the flying white tiger, but we didn't expect to meet the zombie king first!

"Don't be afraid!"

Zhao Yin raised his hand and rubbed Song Xiaodao's head, revealing a smile: "Now that I have obtained the combat ability, the little monkey has also been promoted to D-level. Today's star crystals are enough for Lao Niu to be promoted to D-level!"

"A D-level triple combat mutant beast, a D-level dual combat mutant beast, plus a combat mutant like me, are enough to crush any zombie king of the same level, even if it has the potential to be an emperor!"

"At worst, there is Lao Hei, who can take us away!"

If it was before coming to Xishan, Zhao Yin would not have such confidence, but now he is full of confidence!

After the little monkey was promoted, there were still 6110 F-level corpse crystals left in the space ring.

Six waves of zombies were killed in the afternoon, and another 7452 F-level corpse crystals and 11 E-level crystals were obtained.

Then, Zhao Yin directly took out 10,000 F-level corpse crystals and gave them to Lao Niu, letting it start to upgrade immediately, and the remaining 3562 F-level corpse crystals and 11 E-level corpse crystals were all collected.

Then Zhao Yin walked into the invisible tent and took out the 30 star crystals he got today.

He pinched it continuously, and a burst of white light flashed...

[6 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 4 sandwich breads, 3 compressed biscuits, 3 bottles of iced black tea, 2 yellow peaches, 3 cans of beef, 1 can of tuna, 3 instant noodles]

[Military jacket: Grade F...]

[Butterfly knife: Grade F...]

[Healing potion: Grade D, effective in healing injuries, any life below Grade D, immediately regenerates broken limbs after taking it]

[Healing potion: Grade C, effective in healing injuries, any life below Grade C, immediately rushes up after taking it, and restores to peak state]

[Energy ring: Grade B, type of extraordinary auxiliary equipment, spirit 25, special effect: can store spirit power, call it at any time during battle, upper limit 200 points of spirit power, cyclic use]

25 food supplies, 3 equipment, 2 bottles of healing potions were produced!

Two F-level equipments are rubbish to Zhao Yin now, but two bottles of healing potions and an energy ring are exactly what Zhao Yin needs most.

Now, Zhao Yin's mental power is only 95 points. If the ring is fully filled with mental power, it is equivalent to having 200 more mental power!

In the future, the time for using lightning power will be more than three times that of usual!

Zhao Yin directly put the energy ring on his hand and stored mental power in it.

After his mental power was exhausted, he immediately ate compressed biscuits to fill it up, and continued to store it in the ring...

Until 200 points of mental power were fully stored, he walked out of the invisible tent.

No one noticed that he had an extra ring on his hand.

At this time, the old cow had absorbed all the corpse crystals, and Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Adult buffalo: D-level mutant beast, strength 100, agility 75, physical strength 80, defense 130, spirit 30, bloodline talent: huge strength, iron armor]

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