Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 90 Preparing to go to Xincheng

"Master, no!" the little monkey said in his heart.

The ground was covered with thick dust, and there was no trace of any living thing living here.

Zhao Yin was in a trance for a moment, and his thoughts were too idealistic from the beginning.

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Subconsciously, I thought that the Flying White Tiger was the aborigine here. At this moment, it seemed that when I met it in the previous life, it must have happened later.

It's not that Zhao Yin didn't think that this situation would happen, but that he didn't want to think too much about it.

In his previous life, the Flying White Tiger was an imperial-level contracted beast in the hands of Lin Tianfeng. He created too many myths for the team. Even Zhao Yin died under the claws of the Flying White Tiger in the end!

Zhao Yintai wanted to get it.

Part of the reason is because of Lin Tianfeng's hatred. Even if Lin Tianfeng dies, this hatred cannot be completely eliminated.

This hatred has already formed a kind of paranoia in Zhao Yin's heart.

Even if he knew that the Flying White Tiger was here, even if there was only one percent chance of finding it, Zhao Yin... would still come.

Zhao Yin stood there, was he too obsessed?

He spent a lot of money for that powerful contracted beast.

At this point, it seems like a joke.

In his previous life, he got the Flying White Tiger a few years later, which Zhao Yin could not accept now.

"Master, how about... I go search nearby?"

Seeing that his master was not in a good mood, the little monkey cautiously conveyed his inner voice.

Zhao Yin was silent for a long time and said in a deep voice: "Go back."

He quickly came out of his mood and turned around to leave.

The little monkey quickly followed.

Zhao Yin left the cave and shouted to Lao Hei on the top of the mountain: "Come back!"


Lao Hei on the top of the mountain responded.

Zhao Yin ignored him and took out his rat king claws to climb the stone wall and returned to the valley.

At this time, Lao Hei had already returned with Song Xiao Dao Tu Escape.

Song Xiaodao asked: "Zhao Yin, why don't you arrest him? Do you suddenly dislike that flying white tiger?"

"That white tiger is too ugly and not worthy of our team." Zhao Yin laughed at himself.

Song Xiaodao believed it: "You are so handsome, I am so cute, and the little monkey and the old cow are both handsome, okay? How can you let an ugly tiger bring down your appearance?"

In short, in her heart, any decision Zhao Yin makes is right, and the reasons are so reasonable.

Zhao Yin stared at the child's serious face and smiled, his gloomy mood swept away.

"I, Zhao Yin, will form an army of contracted beasts sooner or later. One more of them is not too much, and one of them without is not a big deal." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

"Yes, that ugly tiger is not so lucky." Song Xiaodao said seriously.

"Let's go back."

Zhao Yin put away his smile, climbed onto Lao Hei's back, lifted up Song Xiaodao, and asked her to sit in front of him.

"Go back to the cave and set off for Xincheng tonight. There is an Earth Dragon Dog there, with potential no less than that of the Flying White Tiger!"

"Is it a dog?" Song Xiaodao guessed something when he heard the name.

"He is the king of dogs, and his superpower is the clone!"

Zhao Yin hugged Song Xiaodao and emphasized: "They are definitely the aborigines of Xincheng!"

Song Xiaodao lay lazily in Zhao Yin's arms: "Can't it be turned into many dogs? When you are hungry, just kill one to eat meat, and then let it continue to clone, wow! So much dog meat to eat!"

"Haha...!" Zhao Yin laughed.

The laughter echoed in the valley, spread far and wide, and lasted for a long time.

Song Xiaodao's words were innocent and a bit bloody in the apocalypse. Although unrealistic, they suited his taste.

Song Xiaodao looked back and saw the evening sunlight shining on the side of the young man's face, and there was also a touch of sunshine in his smile.

This was the first time she saw him smiling like this.

"Zhao Yin, before the end, there must be many girls who like you, right?"

"There are many, many, many, but they just like me to take them to live life in luxury, and... my wallet!"

"Brother Bao, there is nothing here. Even the broken walls and ruins have been decomposed by vegetation. Let's go back!" Mazi said to Brother Bao.

"Wait a moment and take a walk inside." Brother Bao kept walking.

He is an evolved person, walking between weeds and shrubs, still walking as fast as flying, but the pockmarked person behind him is panting from exhaustion.

"Brother Bao, Brother Bao, walk slower!"

Mazi said: "Aren't they all the same inside? There really are supplies left. Even if there are, those people would have moved away long ago."

"What do you know?"

Brother Bao scolded: "It is safer here than other places. Only if we delay here for some time will Sister Li feel that we have worked hard to find supplies!"

Mazi suddenly realized that many people in the camp would be dissatisfied if they didn't make any achievements today.

"Brother Bao is still thoughtful. No wonder Sister Li will let Brother Bao become an evolver!"

"In the apocalypse, if you want to live longer, you must not only have strength, but also know how to guess people's hearts. Mazi, you still need to learn a lot of things!"

"I will never be able to learn enough from Brother Bao in my lifetime," Mazi said.

Brother Bao had a smile on his face, stopped, took out a small piece of dried meat made of unknown meat from his pocket, tore off a corner and handed it to Mazi: "Eat it, don't tell me that I treated you badly by coming out with me."

After saying that, Brother Bao started eating by himself.

"Thank you, Brother Bao, thank you, Brother Bao!" Mazi was overjoyed and bowed vigorously to thank him.

Most of the ordinary people in the camp ate rotten food found a few days ago. After being steamed and sterilized at high temperature, they could not taste anything at all, leaving only a musty smell in their mouths.

Many people with weak constitutions died after eating a few meals.

As a confidant of Brother Bao, Ma Zi ate better, and all the spoiled food was not so harmful to the body.

Only an evolver like Brother Bao could eat jerky.

"Brother Bao, what kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant?" Ma Zi chewed the tiny pieces of meat in his mouth and was reluctant to swallow it for a long time.

"Pheasant meat, a pheasant bigger than a dog, killed by Sister Li herself!"

"Are there really pheasants that big?"

"After the apocalypse, aren't there enough strange things? Didn't Sister Li tell you that she had seen a group of more terrifying rats from afar, bigger than calves, and they were all real mutant beasts."

Just then, Ma Zi suddenly looked somewhere: "Bao, Brother Bao... is it that big rat?"

Brother Bao looked back and saw a rat bigger than a car, carrying two people, one big and one small, followed by an even more terrifying buffalo and monkey, walking leisurely in the dusk.

Zhao Yin had already discovered the two survivors and didn't intend to pay attention to them.

"Brother, wait!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Zhao Yin turned around and looked at Brother Bao and Ma Zi, and immediately noticed that they were holding extraordinary weapons issued by Xingjing.

He opened the Eye of True Vision without making a sound.

[Baseball bat: Grade F, attack-type extraordinary equipment, firmness 16, attack 14]

[Samurai sword: Grade E, attack-type extraordinary equipment, firmness 29, attack 31, additional effect of swinging sword speed +9]

Then, his eyes fell on the two people, and found that one of them was actually an evolver.

[Human male, F-level evolver, current evolution degree 100/0.02: strength 16, agility 15, physical strength 12, spirit 13, life countdown: 19908 days]

"What do you want to ask me?" Zhao Yin asked.

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