Doomsday: The Sunflowers I Planted At The Beginning Mutated

157: Lu Shu, Am I Being A Little Too Unreasonable? (Seek Full Order Three Times).


As soon as the dragon left, the whole team collapsed on the ground. The huge eight-meter green dragon gave them too much pressure.

It feels like I'm about to stop breathing.


"I don't know what the origin of this boss is? If he stays in Weicheng permanently, the whole city of Weicheng will change!"

"Go, after all, we don't care about our business.

"Why did you leave? The steel bars in their hands are the same as the wound on my parents' forehead." Lin Xiaogu was very angry.

"If you want revenge, you have to listen to me." Lu Shu shook his head looking at the puffy little face, "The tips of those steel bars were obviously forcibly twisted into sharp cones by supernatural powers. It's not something they can do. They didn't lie, those steel bars should indeed be picked up by them.

"That can't be ruled out. The possibility that they killed my parents with steel bars." Lin Xiaogu said stubbornly.

"Indeed! But my ability can only hear their hearts that are currently thinking. I asked them if they had been to Building 2 of Parkson Homeland 120106, and they responded with question marks."

"Huh? Question mark?"

Lu Shu laughed.

"It's the end of the world. Who knows the name of the building complex I searched for? Tell me about it yourself. When we were in Hecheng, do you know where the buildings we searched are? Don't talk about those commercial buildings, the dormitories in the Linda campus Do you know which building you have been to?"

Lin Xiaogu was dumb: "This..."

"So, my heart net is temporarily disabled."

"Then what should I do? You have won the battle and wanted to avenge me. If you can't take revenge, you don't want to sleep with me." Lin Xiaogu snorted, "By the way, or you can kill them all directly. All the survivors in Weicheng were killed, leaving no one behind."

Lu Shu: ⊙ b Khan.

It's not a bad thing to be a 'witch', so the real witch was born so soon?

"Are you serious?"

"I...I was just joking." Lin Xiaogu curled her lips, and she also knew that it was unrealistic to do so.

"I have directed the memory fruit to be produced, don't worry."

"Memory fruit? Charlotte Bryn's?"

"Well, it cost me ten million sunshine points."

Lin Xiaogu felt a little embarrassed, nodded his head slightly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, but the time cannot be determined, but the next devil fruit produced must be a 'memory fruit'.

Lin Xiaogu understood: "That's why you said you would stay in Weicheng for a week? Just to see if the fruit of memory can be produced within a week?"


"Then can't produce it?"

"I can only use the old method to search a little bit. Maybe the person who killed your parents knows that he went to Baisheng Homeland, so that I can search for specific feedback when I feel like it."


Lin Xiaogu pouted, knowing that it was difficult, but if it wasn't difficult, she wouldn't bother Lu Shu anymore.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely get you revenge! By the way, I'll check to see if I can speed it up."


/Zero, is it possible to speed up the output of memory?/

/Yes Master. /


Lu Shu's eyes widened: /Then you didn't say that before?/

/ The master didn't ask either. And in line with the idea of ​​saving sunshine points for the master, I don't recommend speeding up. Because even if it is accelerated, it is just a 'relativity theory', and it is not certain that it will be born within a few hours. Chances are you sped up and it's still only a month old. /

......! No matter, speed up. /

⁄Are you sure?/


/ This deducts 20 million points for you. /

/I go, so many, and the customization is only 10 million. /

Although he still has nearly 200 million sunshine points, which seems a lot, but it is not enough to open up the next matrix space. Although at the current level, he has completely crushed the zombies outside.

/That's why I didn't tell the owner, do you want to deduct it?/

/Deduct it. /

My flesh hurts.

/Okay, master, Zero has already deducted 20 million sunshine points for you to speed up the output of custom 'Memory Fruit'. In addition, master, next time you want to customize, you will have to double, and so on. /


Double it next time?

Doesn't that mean that if you customize it once, you will get 20 million sun points, and if you speed up, you will get 40 million? If you customize it for the third time, you will get 40 million sun points, and you will get 80 million speed points!

This is really outrageous!

Forget it, if it is not necessary in the future, it is best not to customize the devil fruit, and he does not lack abilities.

This time a wave of customization is actually okay.

'Memory Fruit' is still ruthlessly buggy.

For example, tampering with other people's memory and changing a person's emotions by changing the memory can be used to pick up girls.

Uh, this is no longer considered picking up girls, but hooking up girls.

Furthermore, use it to change the memory of your subordinates so as to achieve absolute loyalty.

"Xiaogu, I've already sped up, I hope the fruit of memory will appear sooner." Lu Shu said.

"En." Lin Xiaogu was a little silent.

"What's wrong?"

"Lu Shu,... tell me, am I being too unreasonable?" After a moment of silence, Lin Xiaogu raised his head.

"How to say?"

"After all, my parents have become zombies, and they are just beating zombies. I

Lu Shu turned around, rua rua her little head: "There is something wrong with your way of thinking. It is no problem for the survivors to collect supplies in order to survive. Everyone is trying to survive. But don't forget, he is also burglary Not only stealing but also killing."

"But, they have become zombies after all. 430"

"If the zombies are walking on the street, they have no problem killing them. If they are in public places, such as commercial buildings, schools, etc., there is no problem. But they are wandering around in their own homes, and the door is not only pried, but also broken into. The person who got into it exploded his head, it was like a disaster at home from the sky."

"They are burglary!"

"Actually, you don't have to think too much! It's the end of the world, and everything depends on your strength. Isn't it because of the end of the world that they dare to break into the house? Are they right? According to the rules before the end of the world, it is a crime for them to eat peanuts. It's the end of the world, no one cares... and no one cares."

"They can rob the property of 'others' in order to live, and you can also seek revenge from them for your parents.

In the previous life, did Lu Shu see such things rarely?

What happened to the zombies?

So it's not the parents who gave birth to him and raised him?

Because of this kind of thing, there are countless things that have been chased and killed for thousands of miles!

"Well, I see!" Lin Xiaogu nodded.

In the southwest of Weicheng, a large blank area was left.

A ruin with a diameter of about one kilometer was filled with all kinds of zombies, and some of the zombies were covered with all kinds of metals. The forehead was pierced, the neck was cut off, the heart was exploded, and the hit was very high.

Lu Shu frowned: "Is Magneto coming?". .

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