Doomsday: The Sunflowers I Planted At The Beginning Mutated

205: The Fierce Battle Begins, The End Of Qiu Lin (Seeking Subscription).


Qiu Lin is really bold.

Although others couldn't understand what the evil energy hated Julos said, Lu Shu could understand. In his previous life, he had learned the language of the abyss from some psychics.

It means—【As a maggot, you actually dare to enter into the ‘master-servant contract’, how courageous! You, like an ant, are only worthy of being my slave and licking my toenails!】

Lu Shu was amused: "This Qiu Lin is really courageous, he even dares to issue the 'master-servant contract', he is indeed a crazy existence."

Ordinary psychics only dare to issue the 'equal contract' and 'brother contract'. Only when they are fully prepared, their own strength is strong enough, or there are partners around them who can suppress the abyssal creatures, will they issue the 'master-servant contract'. He lives for the abyssal creatures. .

How dare a Tier-3 advancer make a 'master-servant contract' with an abyssal creature at the peak of Tier-3?

What audacity.

Don't "Three Six Seven" know that creatures from the abyss beat their peers?

The current Zulos is equivalent to a fourth-order advanced person.

Qiu Lin has gone crazy.

The angry Zulos grabbed the 'paper' with his big hands. As long as the paper is crushed, Qiu Lin will be backlashed by his soul, and even seriously injured on the spot!

The sudden change caused Qiu Lin's complexion to change drastically. Thanks to him, he is not a waste, and he manipulated the soul contract in time to return to the soul sea deep in the brow. At the same time, the whole person quickly retreated backwards, questioning while retreating.


"Despicable maggots, not worthy to be my master." Zulos roared.

"Since you don't agree, then go die." Qiu Lin was also furious. The alien creature he summoned with great effort did not obey his call?

Ma Dan!

Then kill him.

Although it is a bit of a loss, after killing a different-dimensional creature, you can also plunder a random ability. In the past, those he summoned disobeyed orders and killed them.

"Imprison the soul!"

The goat bone staff slammed towards the ground, and an invisible wave struck towards the evil energy abomination Zulos.

Block the opponent's soul and imprison it in its own body. The imprisoned person cannot move or display abilities.

Once hit, even if it is as strong as the third-order peak, it will also be hated on the spot.


Like the breeze blowing, meaningless.

"What are you doing? Maggots! Is this your strength?" Zulos grinned, his drooping eyeballs trembling up and down, as if mocking.

" is it possible?!"

Qiu Lin was dumbfounded.

"Why can't I imprison your soul?"

Hahahaha, Lu Shu wanted to laugh, Qiu Lin, Qiu Lin, this time he hit the iron wall.

Evil energy hates Zulos itself as an undead creature, and the soul of an undead creature is originally imprisoned in his own body. This trick doesn't work at all. Even if they are not undead, the "structure" of abyssal creatures is different from that of the real world. Their souls live in the "soul ball" to naturally resist the attacks of the soul system and the spirit system.

"Then, curse to kill!!"

At the top of the goat-bone staff, suddenly a ferocious transparent skull sprang out, opened its mouth and bit at Zulos.


The skinned rabbit next to it raised its paws, "Shadow Seal"!


'Curse Kill' was almost able to bite Zulos, but in front of it, it exploded like a balloon that was squeezed.

Qiu Lin was dumbfounded, took a few steps back, staggered and bumped into the stone pillar, and looked at Zulos in disbelief.

how come?

Mental Shock...... Why can't it be activated?

The 'spiritual system' attacked and was sealed for three minutes.

It's a pity that Qiu Lin, as a psychic, can only attack with the spirit system.

"Sure enough, after being sealed, you're finished, right?" Lu Shu sighed, thanks to his decision to make amends.

"What are you doing in a daze, attacking them!"

Qiu Lin yelled while running backwards. He didn't know what happened to him, his ability should be sealed, but he didn't know how long it would be.

I can only run first.

Outside the bloody magic circle, a group of people looked at their boss in confusion, isn't it a 'god', why would the god suddenly attack the believers? And they don't recognize this 'god'. After being yelled at by the boss, he reacted, got up one by one, and attacked Zulos.


Power, fire, ice, escape into the shadows and assassinate!

Dazzling various attacks blasted towards Zulos, bang bang bang.


"A group of maggots are also trying to fight the mighty Zulos?"


"Stand up, my skeleton Warrior!"

Unafraid of the various attacks falling on his body, Zulos inserted the end of the six-meter-long bone in his hand into the stomach pouch full of evil energy acid... Then, he inserted the end contaminated with the evil energy gastric juice , knocked on the head of the titan skeleton.

In the next moment, evil Green's stomach juice seeped into the skeleton, and the titan skeleton stood up.

He opened his mouth wide and roared.

"Go, kill them, and avenge yourself, my skeleton Warrior!"


The titan skeleton strode forward, its huge arms swept across violently, and a dozen advanced people were swept out in an instant. Either the bones were cracked, or the internal organs were torn, or... directly on the spot.

The titan opened his mouth wide, and a handful of green flames spewed out from the 'roar'.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Humble maggots, do you know the power of the great Zulos?"

"Taste my hot stomach juice!"

He suddenly raised the big bone stick in his hand, and slammed the stomach bag violently, the evil gastric juice inside was blasted out at once, as if scalding hot water burst. The flames of evil energy were overwhelming, blasting towards the surroundings.

Some unlucky advancers were splashed with fel flames and burned instantly!


The flames burned quickly, and they didn't feel too much pain. After falling to the ground, they got up again, turning into fel undead with no self-will and burning Green flames.

"Go, my dear men."

Zulos pointed a big hand. The undead with 0.9 evil energy scattered in all directions, some of them killed the surviving advanced people, and some of them rushed towards Qiu Lin.


"Boss, help me."

"Boss, why are you still here?"

"Grass, Qiu Lin, you bastard!"

The members of the Subway Clan were all dumbfounded, Qiu Lin actually left them, didn't even attack, turned around and ran away.

It's a pity that he was quickly caught by the faster fel undead and brought back.

Less than a minute.

"Be my strength."

With a smirk, Zulos poured out the last wisp of evil energy gastric juice in his stomach pouch, and poured it into Qiu Lin's mouth.


In an instant, Qiu Lin's tongue was burned through by the evil gastric juice, and his whole body was also ignited by Green's flame, and his flesh and blood were melted in an instant. .

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