Ground floor lobby.

As time passed, the excitement and joy of the crowd gradually subsided.

After the excitement, there was loneliness in the audience.

Although the feats of Anonymous greatly boosted morale and gave them hope for the future, the harsh reality still weighed on each of them like a heavy mountain.

Depending on the class level, all of them must rise to level ten within the time stipulated by the will of the planet, otherwise they will be wiped out.

It stands to reason that the initial upgrade is generally the easiest.

But now, nearly a day has passed, and the C-level land reclamation echelon with the highest professional level among them has not even risen to level 2.

The efficiency of this upgrade is really touching.

Not only those E- and F-level professionals, but even C-level professionals are quietly cast a shadow in their hearts.

Their career level is the highest, and the conditions for reaching level ten are also the most stringent, and they will be wiped out if they fail to meet the requirements within five days.

With current efficiency, this is arguably an impossible task for them.

As soon as the C-level professionals are wiped out, the low-level professionals cannot form effective combat power, and they can only wait for death in despair, which derives into a vicious cycle.

In the end, no one survived the entire school building.

No, perhaps Anonymous is an exception.

If he can help, he may be able to increase the number of survivors.

But there is only one person in Anonymous, and even with his help, it is estimated that many people will die, not to mention that they do not even see a hair of Anonymous now.

"Whew... Death is set, death is determined, it seems that we are going to be finished, we will not reach the tenth level, and no one can save us.

"Yes, don't be silly, the undead creatures are so ferocious, humans are not their opponents at all."

"We are just ordinary people, not perverts like Anonymous, are we doomed to die?"

Under the oppression of the apocalypse, everyone's heart is extremely sensitive.

Obviously one second they were cheering for the feats of Anonymous, and the next second they recognized the cruelty of reality, but they immediately became depressed.

The morale that had just been lifted looked like it was about to shrink in an instant.

"Everyone, raise your spirits, don't sit still like this." Seeing this, Wang Hong, a C-level professional, immediately stood up and said, "Don't say these demoralizing words, we have to live!" "

But the effect was very bad, and even aroused a strong reaction from many people."

"You are a C-class, you still have the spare strength to fight, do you consider my feelings like F-class?"

"Do you think we want to sit here and do nothing, not because we can't do anything!"

"You can still control your own destiny, but we can only give our lives to others!"

The words of the crowd were like sharp arrows, looking at the classmates with sad and indignant expressions, Wang Hong suddenly couldn't say a word, and fell into a deep silence.

These people are not deliberately spreading pessimistic statements, they are just venting out the truest thoughts in their hearts.

They also don't want to feel sorry for themselves here, but the thought of the extremely high mortality rate of these low-level professionals can't help but feel depressed.

At this moment, Wang Hong sighed.

He realized that at such times, even beautiful words could not hide the uneasiness in people's hearts, and they could only speak with actions.

It's just that these C-grade of them, do they have this ability?

Wang Hong smiled bitterly and subconsciously looked around, looking for Leng Mengchan's figure.

It stands to reason that at such a time, the principal should have stood up to calm people's hearts a long time ago, why can't he see people until now?

At this time, Wang Hong saw Gao Qian who ran down from the stairs with some ashes.

"Teacher Gao, have you seen Principal Leng?"

Wang Hong walked over and asked.

It seems that because of the influence of Leng Mengchan's cold words, he looked a little absent-minded, and casually said the matter of the transaction: "She... She is in talks with Anonymous.

"What, Anonymous?!"

Gao Gan's voice was not deliberately concealed, including Wang Hong, everyone next to him heard it clearly, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Principal Leng actually got in touch with Anonymous!" Wang Hong suddenly got excited and held Gao Gan's palm, "Teacher Gao, where is the anonymous, I want to take a look!"

"Me too, me too!"

"I'm going to ask the Anonymous boss to take me to upgrade!"

"Hmph, upgrade is too tacky, I want to play chess with the big guy!"

In an instant, a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The whole audience boiled over because of the news that Gao Qian inadvertently revealed, and the surging teachers and students instantly surrounded Gao Qian, even the people who had just suppressed the clouds.

No one really wants to die.

As long as there is a straw for survival, everyone wants to hold on tightly.

The C-level led by the principal cannot be counted on, and only the mysterious anonymous can give people hope.

Everyone wants to ride the line of Anonymous, which will undoubtedly raise their chances of survival to the limit.

As soon as the words came out, Gao Qian knew that something bad had happened.

If Leng Mengchan knew that he had leaked his mouth, it was estimated that her impression of him would become even worse.

Gao Gan suddenly sighed.

This is the end of the matter, just break the jar and break it.

So many people, even the principal is not good to say something.

He can also use this to see what kind of person the anonymous is!

Doesn't Anonymous like to be mysterious, he is going to unveil the other party today!

Gao Gan's heart was somewhat frustrated by Leng Mengchan's frustration in it.

"The principal and Anonymous are on the fifth floor at this time."

As Gao Gan's words fell, the crowd around him paused slightly, and in the next second, they rushed directly towards the upstairs.

At first glance, there is a sense of zombies coming out of the cage, and people's excitement is a little beyond imagination.

Many people fell to the ground amid the crowd.

If no one stops it, it is estimated that a malicious stampede will soon be staged.

Fortunately, there was a sound of footsteps from the top of the stairs.

The beautiful and moving Leng Mengchan appeared in front of everyone.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of her, Leng Mengchan suddenly frowned tightly.

"Headmaster, where is Anonymous?"

"Teacher Gao said that you met Anonymous, can you meet us too?"

"I am the idol of Anonymous, please!"

Listening to the crowd's words, Leng Mengchan immediately understood the cause of the matter.

She raised her head to look at Gao Qian, whose gaze was evasive, and the disappointment in her eyes was completely unhidden.

Coupled with his previous performance of making himself ugly in front of his master, Leng Mengchan's perception of him could be said to have instantly dropped to the freezing point.

However, at this time, Leng Mengchan obviously did not have time to calculate with him, and in the face of the excited and earnest eyes of the teachers and students, she chuckled and pointed towards the outside of the hall.

"The Anonymous you want to see is there."


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