Doomsday: Upgrade The Doomsday Chariot Starting From Broken Three Rounds

141: Plants Evolve Wildly, Cities Turn Into Ruins (5/6)

Chu Xiao led the convoy to sweep the city wildly.

Their speed is very fast, more than a hundred people work together, and it only takes half an hour to evacuate a large shopping mall.

And with the protection of Chu Dao, even if you encounter a rat or ant swarm, you will not be afraid.

Release two hundred Guangyan knives at once, and with the cooperation of the team members, as long as it is not a super-large-scale rat wave, it can be dealt with quickly, and it is not even necessary to go back to the chariot to avoid it.

At twelve o'clock in the evening.

Chu Xiao led the team to evacuate all large shopping malls within the third ring road, from supermarkets to Yinxing markets and so on.

Even small supermarkets and convenience stores.

After all, time is limited, and the ancient capital belongs to a second-tier city, and the scope is too large, so it is impossible to search too carefully.


There are also grain and oil wholesale departments, grain stations, tobacco companies, wine wholesale markets, etc., all of which have been patronized by Chu Xiao.

But further back.

The more rat swarms, the bigger the scale.

Chu Xiao also realized that all kinds of animals are evolving at an accelerated rate. If they don't leave, once "five six seven" millions of evolved rats will form a super-large rat tide.

Then it will be troublesome.

Because there are still 60 million zombies on the way.

At this time, the 10 large space warehouses had already been filled, and Jin Xiao installed 10 more warehouses later.

There are currently eight filled.

The team members were very tired, and Zaiting's healing technique could not restore everyone's spirits, so she could only take care of the driver.

Time to leave.

At this moment, Tianyi suddenly reminded: "Master, there are some pictures that you have to see for yourself, Tianyi can't be sure what this phenomenon is."

Tianyi imported the surveillance images one by one into the tank through three-dimensional imaging projection.

Chu Xiao was stunned.

In the picture, towering trees are growing at an extremely fast speed.

All plants are also undergoing crazy evolution.

It was as if they had suddenly absorbed a growth-promoting drug, and their growth rate was unprecedented.

Even more terrifying.

The soil in many places broke open one after another, and then one by one earthworms, insects, and mice all emerged.

They are very large in size.

It seems that the great evolution of the whole people has started.

Chu Xiao had a bad premonition, and he hurriedly asked Tianyi, "Where do these phenomena happen?"

"Master, there are too many similar phenomena."

"Tianyi can't calculate it in a short time."

"Even I have a hunch that it's happening anywhere in the world.

I lost it!

Is it that exaggerated?

Chu Xiao looked at the green trees beside the street. They were only four or five meters high, but now they are thirty or forty meters high.

"Could it be that the second evolution even plants are going crazy?"

"The future world will become a super jungle!"

at this time.

The ground shook suddenly, and then a tree root on the street broke the concrete road.

This vibration continued to intensify.

More and more branches broke the road, and even the nearby buildings were trembling.

I rely on!

The roots of the trees are destroying the foundations of buildings. If this continues, it is estimated that many buildings will collapse.

"Everyone get back in the chariot immediately!"

"Let's head out of the city immediately."

"As fast as you can!"

Chu Xiao urgently issued an order. He did not expect that the roots of these evolved plants would be so powerful.

Even the reinforced concrete foundation can be destroyed.


Five chariots were launched and sent out of the city together.

"Rat swarm, there is a large rat swarm ahead, fire immediately!"

Ma De, the scale of the rat wave is getting bigger and bigger.

In the previous wave, there were at least three or four thousand mice, and each mouse was as big as a calf.

And there are bigger ones.

Bigger than a grown bull!

"What the heck!"

It was the first time Chu Xiao saw such a big mouse.

He also controls a machine gun himself.

The entire convoy has six machine guns, six 12.7mm Gatling guns, and two 12.7mm heavy machine guns.

All fire now.

"Ding! Kill the evolution mouse and get +5 points."

"Ding! Kill the evolution mouse..."

"Ding! Kill the mutant mouse, get points +10,000, dark energy +5, evolution energy +0.02."

I rely on!

It turned out that the bull-sized mouse was called a mutant mouse.

It should have been mutated during evolution.

The output is also impressive.

There is more dark energy than mutated heavy zombies.

As the convoy continued to fire, the tide of rats blocking the road was killed one after another, and the chariot ran over the corpses, shaking violently.

Now I don't care about the ride experience.

Only rush as fast as you can.

The entire convoy displayed powerful firepower, which attracted many large and small organizations hiding in the city.

These people were not in the city.

But when the 22 million zombies in the ancient capital all ran to Tianfeng Mountain, the ancient capital became an empty city.


Survivors are increasingly finding this phenomenon.

So they all returned to the city.

There are no zombies in the city, and with a huge amount of supplies, the ancient capital has become a paradise in the last days.

But the good times didn't last long.

Just two days after hiding in the city, everyone was blind. After ten days of hard work, they finally recovered their eyesight.

The fucking evolutionary beast appeared again.

Where the rat swarm walks, there are no survivors...

Many people fled out of the city by car, and some of them were timid to see so many rat swarms and chose to stay in the city, preparing to leave the city when the rat swarm subsided.

As everyone knows, mice have evolved more and more.

There were even many mutated mice, and they were doomed. They missed the best time to escape.

And then at this moment.

Chu Xiao's convoy appeared, using intensive and powerful firepower to forcibly fight a bloody path from the rat swarm.

These remaining survivors didn't hesitate any longer.

If you miss this opportunity, you may never want to leave the city.

All of a sudden, a large number of trucks and off-road vehicles rushed out from hidden corners, and all followed Chu Dao.

Some even shot and killed the swarms of rats blocking the way.

After all, everyone is now a grasshopper on the same boat. If Chu Dao's chariot is trapped, all the trucks and off-road vehicles behind them will have to finish playing.

"Captain, these people are following us to take advantage of it."

"We'll leave the city later, should we charge some protection fees?"

"Who dares to give it."

"Let's blow up his car with one shot!"

Chu Xiao looked at Simeng in surprise, this girl is very violent!

Chu Xiao squeezed Simeng's little face: "What are you thinking, you mess with the society?"

"Purchase protection fee!"

"Just the rags and scraps pulled in these people's cars, do you like them?"

Thinking that the team has a full 20 warehouses of materials.

Simeng pouted immediately.

look down on...

"Concentrate on driving for me. If it overturns, I won't be able to grind soy milk for you in the future, understand?"

I heard that you can't drink soy milk.

Simeng turned into a good girl in seconds, her eyes fixed on the 3D imaging 0.3 projection feedback of the real road.


In the fierce exchange of fire, the chariot drove out of the Fourth Ring Road and arrived at the Fifth Ring Road of the ancient capital.

At this time, the houses on both sides of the road began to collapse.

Moreover, the sound of houses collapsing continued to be heard behind him, and Chu Xiao realized that by tomorrow morning at the latest, the entire ancient capital would be in ruins.

Not just the ancient capital.

Even other cities are the same, all the building foundations are destroyed by plant roots, and there are very few buildings that can still stand.

Chu Xiao felt lucky.

Fortunately, I went to the ancient capital ahead of time and frantically raided 20 warehouses for supplies, and there will be no such opportunities in the future.

The huge convoy continued to drive towards the sixth ring road.

Since the Fifth Ring Road is a new urban area, the road is very wide.

In addition, after the evolution of the viewing trees on both sides of the road, they all became towering old trees, so when the houses collapsed, they were almost blocked by the branches.

No barricades formed on the highway.

Convoy traffic will not be affected for the time being.....

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