Hearing that Chu Xiao ordered Liu Yuexia to be thrown out, the team members were very happy.

After all, everyone hates people who cheat on food and drink.

A few players who had awakened the transformation department started to transform immediately.


Savage Tauren!

Several transformed female team members rushed forward, and soon dragged Liu Yuexia to the outside of the camp.

"Captain, don't want it. If you drive me away now, doesn't it mean that I will be sent to death? Can you sleep peacefully at night?"

Chu Xiao stepped aside and ignored him.

I sleep soundly, and I will never have a bad conscience.

Liu Yuexia is still struggling.

"Let go of me, you little bastards, all of you are bad bastards...Ah——"

Liu Yuexia let out a scream.

A Tauren female team member stabbed Liu Yuexia's thigh/leg with a knife.

"If you keep making noise, I will really break your leg!"

Just now Chu Xiao gave the order to break Liu Yuexia's legs, the female players couldn't bear it, and Chu Xiao didn't give the order to die.

So I'm not ready to actually do it.

How did you know that Liu Yuexia was like a shrew, so you're welcome.

Who can live to the present, which one is not a ruthless stubble!

The team members stabbed several times in a row, Liu Yuexia was afraid of being stabbed, and hurriedly shouted: "No, stop, good sister, stop, I will go by myself, I will leave now."

Several female team members let go of Liu Yuexia.

Then he limped and disappeared into the night.

Chu Xiao shook his head, there is a certain truth in the saying that people are beautiful and their hearts are kind.

As the old saying goes, ugly people do more mischief.

What the hell is going on!

This strengthened Chu Dao's belief that in the future the team will only recruit beautiful girls, the more beautiful the better.

Speaking of recruiting.

Chu Xiao suddenly realized that there seemed to be too few chariots.

If you want to recruit 1,000 people, you need at least 30 chariots. After all, the more chariots, the stronger the team's combat effectiveness.

Chu Xiao looked at the current points.

There are more than 47 million.

From the system manufacturing factory, it takes 10.2 million points and 3000 points of dark energy to produce a black warrior chariot.

Adding the levitation device and the mechanical arm will require 1.7 million credits and 1020 dark energy.

Of course.

The points consumed have already been converted into gold.

That is.

A fully equipped black warrior chariot requires 11.9 million points and 402D points of dark energy.

After some thought.

Chu Xiao decided to make three more black warrior chariots. As long as there are empty cars, they can be incorporated into the team at any time when they meet beautiful ladies in the future.

It's just that my waist may not be able to bear it in the future...

Mention the waist.

Chu Xiao suddenly thought that it was time for Zhuang to fulfill his bet tonight.

Who made her lose her body to herself?

This has to be done quickly!

While the team members were chatting and playing around the campfire, Chu Xiao quietly brought Zhuangyue back into the chariot.

After all, it's the first time.

Grind soy milk separately, no embarrassment.

"Hey, Zhuangyue, don't use the awakening skills, just use the normal speed, damn it...."""

Can't keep up with the numbers!

the next day.

heavy fog.

The team set off early, and Chu Xiao was in a bad state of mind, so he was still resting right now.

The convoy from Fushu Plain did not keep up.

They may have dispersed into nearby forests. Of course, the vast province of H not only has primeval forests after great evolution.

There is also endless wilderness.

Chu Xiao led the team and wandered in the wilderness for three days, killing scattered beast hordes and insect hordes all the time.

During this period.

He saw that some of the survivors had formed groups, cutting down trees in the forest to establish bases.

fourth day.

It was past ten in the morning.

The convoy encountered a bug swarm again, and Yi Renmeng immediately notified it through the vehicle channel.

"Attention all units!"

"There is a swarm of insects 5 kilometers ahead, please be prepared."

Visibility is very low in foggy days, and the insect infestation was first discovered by biological detection and identification. There is no picture for reference yet.

So the chariot can only be prepared in advance.

The good news is that while the fog hampered vision and made the spy satellites useless, so did the bug swarms.

They don't travel fast.

"All tanks were lowered to 30 yards and kept in silent mode. We approached quietly."

The space-time chariot can trigger the silent mode when it is 50 yards.

But there are still seven Darth Vader chariots, which can only be silenced when they are within 30 yards.


The convoy is less than 1 kilometer away from the bug swarm, and the three-dimensional imaging projection is used to import the picture into the tank.

It's a group of caterpillars and spiders.

After their evolution, they are very large in size, and a caterpillar is at least seven or eight meters long.

The Spider is like an SUV.

The number of this group of mixed insect swarms is about seven or eight thousand, and they gather outside a giant tree forest/forest.

The interior of this forest has been logged.

Tree poles with a diameter of about ten meters are piled up layer by layer to form a tall and strong city wall.

Coupled with the reinforcement of densely grown giant trees.

People living in tree walls are safe.

At this moment, many people stood on the tree wall and pointed.

"Haha, look, this bug can't climb up at all."

"It's strange, caterpillars and spiders can climb trees."

"That's right, why can't I climb up now?"

"Maybe it's because of the larger size after evolution, because I lost my climbing calendar."

"That would be great. At night we can hide in the tree wall and sleep peacefully."

"Should we shoot the bugs down there?"

"The leader didn't give an order, so let's leave it alone for the time being. Anyway, if they can't come up, save some bullets, maybe they will leave if they don't come up."

the other side.

In the space-time chariot, Chu Xiao had already woken up. He came to the driver's cab and looked at the hybrid insect swarm in the screen.

"So many evolved beasts."

"Hit me hard!"

These are all points, and you can also harvest a lot of dark energy and evolutionary energy.

What Chu Xiao lacks most now is the energy of evolution.

And after making three black warrior chariots last night, there are only more than 1,100 points left.

According to Chu Tong's plan.

He still needs to manufacture 23 black warrior chariots, which requires more than 200 million points.

"Attention all units, open fire immediately!"

Following Chu Xiao's order, the space-time chariot and the seven black warriors fired at the same time.

Nine machine guns, nine Gatlings, two heavy machine guns, spraying/shooting tongues of flame.

A dense rain of bullets poured out.

These bugs all get together, and a shuttle bullet can kill a bunch of evolutionary beasts.

Harvesting points is very cool.

The gunshots startled the beast crowd, and they quickly turned their targets, roaring and rushing towards the convoy.

Eight chariots lined up.

The crazy firepower output killed most caterpillars and spiders.

But because it is located in the plains.

The intensive firepower could not effectively block the evolutionary beasts, causing some of them to rush through the rain of bullets and approach the chariot.

"Those who have awakened the fire and lightning elements, immediately use (Li Dezhao's) ability to attack."

so close.

Harvesting with group abilities is the best.

At this moment, the windows of the chariots were opened, and each chariot had fire or thunder awakeners.

They released their powers out of the window.

Thunder and flames sprayed/shot out of the chariot.

There are tongues of fire more than 30 meters long.

There is also raging thunder.

For a while, the evolutionary beasts screamed again and again, and were killed by lightning and fire abilities.

"Don't stop the weapon systems of all tanks."

"Keep firing at distant targets!"

Because the fog was too thick, the team members could not aim with their naked eyes, so Dai Xiao didn't let them go to the army for training.

And this time the number of beasts is relatively large.

Getting out of the car is estimated to be dangerous.

Nearly 20,000 to 30,000 people on the tree wall looked at the direction of the gunfire in the dense fog.

"Damn, which team member is so vigorous?"

"Bullets don't cost money."

"It doesn't sound like an assault rifle, it should be a heavy machine gun."

"Is the dog so rich?"

"If you want to find a way to rob them...".

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