The main task these days is to kill monsters to collect points, and then make more tanks.

The advertising is temporarily handed over to An Mimi's team.

Chu Xiao didn't want these things to distract him. The core task of the chariot was still to spawn monsters and upgrade.

Three days passed quietly.

Xia Yuhe also formed an administrative team.

The first is Zhuangyue, she is Chu Xiao's appointed Minister of Combat.

The personnel department/head is still Xia Yuhe, this is what she is best at, with Toffee as her deputy.

The logistics department/chief is Cheng Lixue.

That is, the awakened earth element, she worked in the logistics of a listed company before the end of the world, and she is very familiar with the logistics business.

Bai Yueshuang is in charge of the marketing management department.

This position belongs to her. She is the marketing manager of the world's top 500 companies, and she has many years of work experience.

And post-apocalyptic transactions are themselves an emerging market.

People like her are more needed to formulate market rules.

The patrol leader is Yang Xiaoyun.

Originally, Xia Yuhe was going to be one of the Qiqi and Qimeng sisters, but the first awakening of the two sisters was the agility talent, and the second awakening was a water control and an ice control.

Their abilities are not suitable for patrolling.

Yang Xiaoyun's first awakening was the shooting talent, and the second awakening was the fire element.

Belongs to the aggressive awakener.

After the convoy is stationed, she will lead the patrol to check if there are any threats missed by the monitoring. This kind of thing is more suitable for her.

Although Tianyi can do global monitoring.

But it is inevitable that there will be omissions.

Especially after the second great evolution, there are many forests of towering ancient trees on the wasteland, and these forest-covered areas are blind spots for monitoring.

So there must be patrols to ensure the safety of the station at night.

Chu Xiao called up the monitoring screen, and then checked the current status of the Amimi team, which was something he had to do every day.

Not so much fuel and food.

Of course, we have to see if she has done practical things.

In the surveillance footage, a long convoy happened to be in a forest base, helping Chu Xiao finish the promotion and then leave.

However, according to the monitoring screen display.

An Mimi's convoy will encounter a swarm of insects 15 kilometers away in the direction they leave.

The number is around two thousand.

There are more than a thousand survivors in An Mimi's convoy. In fact, she doesn't want to bring so many people, because a large number of people means that the convoy will consume a lot of fuel and food.

But to wander and fight in the wasteland.

Only a huge fleet can defeat the swarms and evolutionary beasts again and again.


An Mimi was smoking a cigarette, which was given to her by Chu Xiao.


Slowly exhaling thick white smoke, she looked out of the car window with blurred eyes, thinking of herself now, doing things for Chu Xiao for fuel and food.

I couldn't help but sigh for a while.

She used to be glamorous, so many wealthy men flocked to her, just to see her beauty.

Then life is life.

Now it can only be called "alive".

Thinking of this, An Mimi couldn't help tightening the handle of the heavy knife. Only when she holds the heavy knife can her heart be at peace.

Every time she swung the knife, it was as if she had divine power.

With the injustice and anger of the past, grant her unparalleled strength and speed!

An Mimi was born into a wealthy family.

But this wealthy family is extremely patriarchal, so that she was not valued by her father since she was a child. When she grew up, she almost married into a family marriage.

Fortunately, the outbreak of the zombie crisis allowed her to escape this marriage.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank the damned end times.


She exhaled another puff of white smoke. Although the doomsday was terrifying, in comparison, she liked this kind of freedom without being restrained.

Just when I was thinking wildly.

An Mimi's cell phone rang suddenly. You must know that there is no internet now, and if there is a call, it can only be from Chu Xiao.

"Hey, Captain Chu Xiao, what's the matter?"

"15 kilometers away?"

"Okay, I see, thank you for reminding me."

An Mimi hung up the phone, then picked up the intercom and said: "Attention all units, there is a group of about 2,000 insect swarms 15 kilometers away.

4 people immediately get ready. "

"We expect to meet the swarm in half an hour."

An Mimi's team didn't drive fast, after all, they were all ordinary cars, and their performance was definitely not as good as that of a well-known chariot.

In addition, although the wasteland is flat.

But there are still uneven places, and if you drive too fast, you will overturn the car.

An Mimi smoked the cigarette end with one last gulp.

Then she popped out of the car window to withdraw her thoughts, she will soon enter the battle, and she is not allowed to think about it.

After about twenty minutes.

From a distance, they saw a mass of black bugs, each of which was about the size of a car.

And the bug swarm has already discovered them.

Under the leadership of the insect king, they began to charge the convoy.

An Mimi picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Attention all units, stop immediately and prepare for battle!"

The voice fell.

An Mimi's Dongfeng warrior stopped first, then she opened the car door and stood in front with a saber in her mouth.

The vehicles behind them also drove up closely, lined up.

This is a tactic they have formed in many battles. After the convoy is lined up, it can form a wall.

Even if the people in front are fighting hard.

It can also hide behind the wall of the vehicle in time, and use the gaps between the vehicles to put the bugs in one by one to kill them.

Just send someone to guard both sides of the car wall.

A total of more than 800 fighters got off the car.

Her team can't compare to Chu Xiao.

Without sufficient ammunition, killing insects can only rely on supernatural powers to fight.

"Auxiliary personnel go to the top of the truck and look at each other to support the battlefield ahead!"

After An Mimi gave the order, more than a hundred people came to the roofs of the trucks. They were all water-type, ice-type, and Wang Lie awakeners.

The combination of 177 water system and ice system needless to say.

It can instantly freeze the bugs that pounce on it.

Earth-type supernatural beings can communicate with the earth, erect a short-term earth wall, and hedge against the most aggressive insects, causing the effect of blocking and delaying the offensive.


The two thousand bugs were getting closer and closer, and An Mimi took the lead, holding the knife at an angle and going up.

She jumped up.

It was as if a Valkyrie came into the world and landed heavily in the middle of the worm swarm, cutting the worm king in half with a single blow.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Every time An Mimi will beheaded first, as long as the insect king is dead, the insect swarm will be scattered, and the team members will kill more smoothly.


An Mimi's killing gave the order with actions!

More than 800 team members advanced together, and the metal man had the highest defense, and accompanied An Mimi to kill towards the middle of the insect swarm.

The transformed giant hugged the electric pole and slammed the insects violently.

The fire, thunder, and wind elements use their abilities to block the bugs' attacks, and advance steadily.

The auxiliary awakener on the top of the truck also immediately supported with abilities.

on the battlefield.

Once someone is injured, they will leave and be carried down, and then receive treatment.

At this time Chu Xiao was watching the surveillance screen.

An Mimi's performance surprised him, this woman is very powerful, and her wheel speed may be slightly slower than that of Zhuangyue.

But the attack power was more than that of Zhuangyue.

Her big knife rushed into the insect swarm, it was a nightmare for insects.

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