No wonder An Mimi dared to attack thousands of insect swarms by herself, and she was able to retreat after killing hundreds of insects. In addition to her powerful awakening power, she also relied on the lethality of super heavy weapons

The heavier the weapon.

The stronger the attack power, whoever touches will die!

But Chu Xiao didn't know the limit of An Mimi's strength, so he asked:

"What is the heaviest weight of a weapon you can lift?"

An Mimi thought for a while: "I haven't tried the heaviest. Under normal circumstances, weapons after 200 will not affect my speed."

Top you a lung!

With a 200-jin weapon, Chu Xiao looked at her tall, soft/soft S-shaped figure, and really couldn't figure out why she had such great strength.

And 200 catties is not the limit.

It's just the weight that can be easily handled, it's really scary!

"But the attack power of your knife is too rubbish."

"And it has already been cut with gaps everywhere. I will send you a good one later."

In the battle just now, "410" An Mimi slashed at Hu Dahai's head.

Such a heavy knife only dented Hu Dahai's head, but did not split it directly.

Although at that time she lost most of her combat power due to poisoning.

But such a heavy knife.

Even if it's just a level I alloy weapon, it can split a head instantly.

"You send me a better knife?"

"Are there any conditions?"

An Mimi exhaled a puff of white smoke lightly, staring at Chu Xiao in a daze.

"Haha, if you want to post back, I don't mind."


An Mimi took a look at Chu Xiao and stopped talking. She already understood that Chu Xiao didn't ask for anything when he gave her the knife.

This is different from what she imagined.

It is said that the leader of the women's army is an LSP, as long as she is a beautiful woman, no one can escape his clutches.

It is also for this reason.

An Mimi refused Chu Xiao's solicitation many times.

The two chatted.

Instead, I left Qiaoqiao aside.

"Hey, big villain, why don't you ask me what ability I awakened?"


Chu Xiao snorted and said, "If you really had any powerful abilities, you wouldn't have been lying in my arms naked just now.

As soon as this statement came out.

Qiaoqiao blushed with embarrassment.

An Mimi looked at Chu Dao suspiciously: "You actually stripped Qiaoqiao off?"

"Well you LSP!"

"Just now, my impression of you changed. I thought you were not that kind of person. I didn't expect that I was still naive."

Chu Xiao was speechless for a moment.

"I detoxified her. She had a high fever. I did it because I was afraid that she would burn out her brain."

Is there such a thing?

An Mimi stared at Qiaoqiao: "Is what he said true?"

Qiaoqiao said, "I don't know either. I was in a daze at the time and didn't remember anything."

Chu Dao: "You are confused, but I am not confused. As soon as you woke up, you took off my clothes and bit me."


Qiaoqiao, why did you do this, what exactly did you bite?

An Mimi automatically made up her mind, her face was full of disgust.

This puzzled Qiaoqiao.

Why does Sister Mimi dislike me so much when I bite this big villain?

Qiaoqiao is very simple after all.

Unexpectedly, such a complicated matter, Chu Xiao, an old driver, understood it at a glance.

"Look at your expression."

"Is it that disgusting?"

"She bit my collar, and she bit the ring until she broke her teeth.

"Your mind is not pure!"

I'm not pure

An Mimi felt very humiliated, as if her thoughts were a little impure.

Before he knew it, the space-time chariot was not far from the base of Tianmen Factory, and he could see that the base was brightly lit.

To know.

In this day and age, being able to light a fire at night is a luxury.

No base has the ability to generate electricity for lighting.

Only Chu Xiao's tank can provide such a large range of power.

Even now, An Mimi still thinks that Chu Xiao should be an LSP.

Otherwise, his recruitment conditions could not be so harsh.

But she was very glad to meet Chu Dao, otherwise the ending of tonight would be unpredictable.

Even if they desperately escaped from the Dashiqiao base area.

Can only live in the wilderness.

Maybe she will take the initiative to come to the Women's Army for an interview, but the nature is completely different from now.

Anyway, it was picked up by Chu Xiao.

"Captain, you are back."

There are soldiers on duty at the entrance of the city gate every night. After Chu Xiao returned a salute, he walked in with An Mimi and him.

It's so late, Zhen Yuhe must have fallen asleep.

So Chu Dao arranged accommodation for Anmimi and Qiaoqiao by himself, and gave some living supplies, and Xia Yuhe will explain the rest to them tomorrow.

Chu Xiao returned to the bedroom.

Yi Renmeng gave Chu Dao the list of today's transactions, but Xia Yuhe handed it over to her before going to bed.

Compared with yesterday, the income is much less.

However, the missing item is weapons. On the contrary, other material transactions have increased a bit, with a total income of more than 60,000 first-grade evolution crystal cores.

Counting today's income, four black warrior chariots can be produced.

Chu Xiao plans to upgrade the I-type space-time tank after the convoy gathers 50 tanks, and then decides to shuttle once according to the situation...

As for whether to go back to the past or the future, it is temporarily uncertain.

At that time, it will be decided according to the needs.

the next day.

An Mimi was transferred to the war department and served as the deputy department/chief. With her joining, the strength of the war department will be greatly improved.

Makeup month speed first.

An Mimi attacked first.

The two combined seamlessly.

Moreover, Chu Xiao specially made a grade I alloy heavy knife for her in the manufacturing factory.

Standard equipment can be produced in the manufacturing factory.

That is, weapons with fixed specifications and sizes such as Tang sword, Miao sword, and samurai sword.

But it can be customized according to individual needs.

For example, Simeng's two 1.5-meter katana swords are custom-made weapons, and the price is a little more expensive.

An Mimi's heavy sword is still made according to the shape of the six styles.

After all, she's used to it.

The weight is fixed at 200 catties, which raises her attack power to a huge level.

In terms of damage alone, it is almost comparable to a light knife.

At this time Xia Yuhe found Chu Xiao.

"Head, we have recruited so many people now that the dormitories are not enough."

"Many new players now sleep in one bed for two."

"I suggest recruiting another group of laborers to build some houses in the base area.

When it comes to houses, Chu doesn't think of one thing.

According to the number of heavy machine gun positions in the field is a bit small.

Especially above the city wall.

More outposts can be built, and each outpost is equipped with a 0.7 heavy machine gun, which not only strengthens the defense of the base area, but also deters the survivors outside the base area.

At present, more than 10,000 survivors have settled outside the base area.

Absolute firepower must be used to deter them and prevent any misdemeanor from happening!

"How about this."

"The laborers recruit those who live outside the base area."

"In addition to building houses, we need to build more outposts, preferably bunkers."

It happened that Bai Yueshuang passed by and heard the conversation between the two, so she suggested:

"Head, I have a daughter-in-law."

"After the houses and bunkers are completed, the logging saw will be free. I think it can be rented to the survivors who live outside the base."

"Their houses are rough and simple."

"Even the bed is uneven, it's probably uncomfortable to sleep on."

"Rent the chainsaw to them and renovate our own house, and we can reap another evolutionary nucleus."

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