"Master, this is a plan I set up to optimize the natural island and underground base based on some data around the natural island, including the special energy concentration on the island, the evolutionary rate of mutant animals and plants, and various work carried out."

Xiao Xun's voice was gentle and soft, with a noble air of a lady. She looked small, but she showed amazing abilities.

Ever since Su Xun took the initiative to critically attack him, she was even more powerful than before. The power of the brain has become countless times more powerful.

If the previous super brain was a nerdy artificial intelligence that only knew how to run according to the program, then the current Xiaoxun may have become a perfect creation of technology.

That extremely terrifying computing power, Almost all the data were analyzed to the extreme.

In just a few minutes, she came up with a plan to optimize the natural island and underground base.

And this plan not only took into account the current natural island The development of islands and underground bases has also included the future planning of natural islands and underground bases.

"Master, do you need some water? I've prepared your favorite drink here, and you can watch it while you drink it."

Su Xun looked at the plan given by Xiao Xun with admiration, while Xiao Xun was always paying attention to Su Xun's various opinions.

Su Xun almost didn't need to do anything. When he wanted to drink water, the water was already there Xiao Xun put it in his hand. When he went to get the information first, the information had already been delivered to his desk. Su Xun felt that Xiao Xun might not be able to help Su Xun arrange it except for relatively private matters such as going to the toilet. Except for this, almost everything else is in Xiao Xun's calculations.

According to Xiao Xun, after she was born with self-awareness, the first and most important principle she knew was Su Xun, followed by other things.

"Maintenance workshop and mechanical assembly department, training ground and laboratory, residential area, canteen, greenhouse, you really don't waste any space in the gaps."Su Xun sighed.

Xiao Xun smiled slightly and handed Su Xun a tissue.

"These are what Xiaoxun should do."

Su Xun took the tissue and wiped his mouth:"I've been here for several days. It's almost time for me to go back there. You and I can go and be reborn together. It's just been established there and it's time for you to go. help"

"Okay master, I will inform Dr. Jack to prepare a plane for you now."

"Just here?"

Su Xun looked at Xiao Xun.

Xiao Xun also immediately understood what Su Xun meant.

"Master, I have put a piece of my source code program in the computer of this base. Next, the operation of the underground base will be temporarily taken over by this source code program. Although it does not have the thinking ability of mine, it is better than the previous one. The brain is still many times stronger."

Su Xun nodded.

He was looking forward to what changes would be brought to Xiao Xun after he was brought back to life.

The plane was soon ready.

On the plane, Su Xun was thinking about another person. Problem.

After he took the initiative to critically attack Xiao Xun, it took him a full 1,500 days of system use.

And he only had about twenty days left, not even a month..It is precisely for this reason.

The system has been issuing red warnings since the beginning.

"Warning, warning! The current system has been used for less than one hundred days. Please replenish it in time. Please replenish it in time!"

It's like some members urging you to renew when your membership is about to expire.

However, it was just distressing for a while.

Su Xun quickly thought of a way to quickly restore the system usage time.

This is the only way , may not be implemented until after returning.

After taking a nap, when Su Xun opened his eyes, the plane had already arrived at the rebirth.

It can be said that the location chosen for the rebirth itself has already taken into account that he may frequently travel to and from the airport. The situation of natural islands and rebirth.

The distance between the two is relatively not far.

But this is also because in the early days of the apocalypse.

By the middle of the apocalypse, the mutated birds in the sky are particularly terrifying. By that time, ordinary people sitting on It is no longer possible for the plane to fly safely through the sky. At that time, it is generally a wise choice to choose to take the waterway.

As soon as you get off the plane, Xiaodao and others are already greeting you below.


Xiao Dao and others bowed respectfully to Su Xun


Su Xun nodded.

"Xiaodao, this is Xiaoxun. You first take her to look around in this rebirth. Then she will propose some plans to optimize our base. Just follow the plan she gave."

"Yes, Master!"

Xiao Dao nodded.

Su Xun returned to the room.

"Someone coming"

Human Base: Rebirth

Residential Area

"It made me laugh to death. Do you really think that Master Su remembers you, a pariah from District 9? ?"

Several women looked at the beautiful woman in front of them mockingly.

Although the woman was wearing a simple casual dress, she was very clean and had a student spirit.

It was Xu Shuang

"I estimate that Master Su accidentally mentioned it at that time, and the people below misunderstood it, so he accidentally rescued you. You didn't even look at your identity!"

"That's right, that's right, or maybe she was just bragging from the beginning and said that she knew Master Su. If you don't take a piss and take a picture of yourself, are you worthy of Master Su?"

"Who says otherwise? Before the end of the world, Master Su was already the acting head of the Su family, one of the five major families in Dongzhou. Now that the end of the world has come, he is the first to establish a human base in District 5. According to this If the situation continues to develop, I am afraid that Master Su will have the final say in the future of the entire Dongzhou!"

"Yes, who doesn’t know now that Master Su is the general person in charge of our rebirth base. I don’t know how many women wanted to curry favor with them, but they didn’t even meet in person, so they were stopped by Miss Xiaodao next to Master Su. You are the only one. You despicable woman in District 9, let alone Master Su, I’m afraid he doesn’t know you at all. Even if he does, I’m afraid you, an ant-like figure, will have been forgotten by Master Su long ago."

"not like this."Xu Shuang looked aggrieved.

The women in front of her were the ones she got to know after entering the rebirth base.

After the mysterious man sent her to the rebirth base, he gave instructions to the person in charge here and left.

Originally , It was nothing, but these women had heard somewhere that she and Master Su knew each other, and rushed to flatter her.

She couldn't refuse, so she accepted their kindness.

According to them, Master Su must be right. She was interesting, and he couldn't tell how long she would be called away soon, and they hoped that she would put in a few nice words for them.

But they never expected that after many days, there was no news at all.

Later I found out that Su The young master is not in the rebirth base now, so they thought it was because the young master Su had not come back yet.

But some time ago, the young master Su finally came back. They thought that Xu Shuang would be summoned this time, but after waiting for several days, it was still a little bit... There was no news.

These women thought that Master Su had probably forgotten Xu Shuang, or that Xu Shuang actually didn't know Master Su at all. They felt that they had been deceived and had given Xu Shuang so many benefits in vain, and they were angry. I couldn't help it, so today I started to get angry with Xu Shuang because of some trivial matters.

Just as Xu Shuang was listening to their abuse in aggrieved manner, several soldiers in combat uniforms came towards me from a distance.

Seeing several soldiers, The women quickly stopped cursing and pretended to be ladies.

For no other reason than that if they could become the wives of soldiers in this rebirth base, their treatment and resources would be greatly improved.

Don't look at some of them. Before the end of the world, they were some family daughters, but now in this end of the world, they are just a group of women struggling for resources and treatment.

If they can tie the knot with these soldiers, the quality of life may be improved all of a sudden. Improved several times

"Dear brothers, why are you free to come to our residential area C today?"

A woman came up to her.

But she was pushed away.

"Who is Miss Xu Shuang? Our young master invites you!" ps: I owe an update and will make it up tomorrow.

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