Doomsday Virus

Chapter 121: supplement

"This **** has been hidden for so long. It is actually just a place for waste refugees, and I have been wasting so much time investigating. Today we must hang all of them into bacon!"

"Boss, there are still a lot of women hidden in that mine. You can let us play for a while before they are slaughtered."

Somewhere in the basin area, a strong man with scars across his face, with the mighty mob behind, is heading to the remaining mine.

They are just another group of people from the mountains next door.

虽然 Although this ethnic group is not as large and regular as the fortresses and towns affiliated with the major mercenary companies.

But he also possesses powerful equipment and the existence of baptist members.

As for the Scar Man who is the leader of the tribe, he is an eschatological warrior close to the middle of the third order!

曾经 With his own strength, he once worked under the affiliated fortress of Griffin Mercenary Company and served as the mercenary squadron leader.

But because of his cruel character and disregarding the rules of the fortress, he ransacked the fortress, crushed and killed ordinary residents, and even his own people.

After being exiled from the fortress, he released his sexual and brutal character more completely that day, and quickly adapted to the cruel rules of the wasteland and wilderness, and used his identity as a baptizer to form a gathering place.

As the leader, the rules of the gathering place he set are: no rules!

What they pursue is absolute violence first, weak meat and strong food!

As long as you have the strength and fist in the tribe, no matter how you squeeze and kill members, there will be no punishment, and you can even challenge the status of the leader!

It is precisely because of this brutal tribal rule that the gathering of Scar Men has attracted many mobs who believe in the supremacy of power, including the existence of baptists!

Although there are not as many tribal members as other tribal populations because of this special factor, everyone is as fierce and fearless to die as the ancient Spartan warriors!

Therefore, by relying on the powerful fighting power of the ethnic group, he captured a lot of wild gathering places, and now the target is just a small tribe hidden in the mines of the basin.

And just on the way, I happened to meet six people sent by this tribe to cut a headless corpse of a mutant iron bear on the side of the road, although there are some doubts why this group of ordinary people can kill this iron bear with a second-order strength , But still killed five of them easily.

As for the last severely wounded civilian released, he deliberately released him to inform the mine tribe leader to prepare them for battle in advance.

Because the Scar Man does not like the battle of aggression without any challenge, he likes to look at the despair expression of the opponent under the crushing of his own strength!

Just as the group was about to reach the mouth of the mine on the edge of the mountain, suddenly a first-order eschatological hunter in the team heard a footstep coming towards this side, and immediately reported to the Scarface boss.

"Oh? Actually chose to run out of this great defensive position of the mine to take the initiative to meet us? I don't know whether to brag about their bravery or to say they are stupid hahaha!"

The Scar Man laughed, making his horrible face even more brutal.

Afterwards, he pulled out a metal mace full of violent elements from behind, coupled with his third-order mid-level power, it was enough to smash the enemy into a pool of flesh!

However, when the sound of footsteps appeared in front of everyone, they let them all stop.

There was only one man wearing a black hoodie sweater that was quite brand new in the last days, and came quietly in the footsteps ...

"7 baptists, one third order, three two order, three first order, can barely make up for the energy expended before."

Xia Leng glanced at the immense battle group with more than 50 men in front of his always so unpredictable eyes, and said to himself the distribution of strength contained in it, except for the seven baptizers Ordinary person, as if he was like air ...

"Damn! What is this **** talking about ?! They sent you out alone to die, or did you ask us to surrender?"

The Sword Scar Man said fiercely that the eschatological hunter next to him could not detect the special breath of this man, so he regarded it as an ordinary person.

However, in tribal wars in the last days, there is basically no difference between surrender and suicide, because the powerful side does not need the existence of prisoners of war to waste food, let alone these untouchables who do not have the ability to baptize to join themselves!

"Boss, don't waste time with this guy, let me solve him."

末 A doomsday hunter pulled out a steel machete from his waist, with a grinning smile, walked towards the man who was thought to be sent to death, and planned to cut the other's trachea without much nonsense!

When the eschatological hunter approached, he found that the exquisite face carved out of the other person did not show a scared expression. Was he frightened?

As he raised his arm holding the machete and chopped it severely towards the neck of the opponent, the others sneered cruelly, waiting to watch the **** picture of three feet of blood splashing.


With a crisp sound, the **** picture did indeed allow them to see ~ ~, but what he saw was his companion ...

I saw that Xia Leng's standing posture did not know when it had changed, but in the blink of an eye, he put the head of the eschatological hunter on the ground and exploded directly like a balloon! !!

Due to the sudden death, the opponent's headless body grabbed the arm of the machete, and waved a few times under conditional reflexes, and then there was no movement ...

Xi Wei waited for everyone to react from this shocking scene, and suddenly it was a blink of an eye. This man disappeared into the air again from the eyes of everyone! !!

Do not! The speed of the other party is too fast, it is hard to see with the naked eye! !!

Huh! !!

Click! !!

男 The Scar Man, who had received professional combat training, took the lead in responding, but heard two loud sounds from behind him, staring back with wide eyes.

I saw that the man did not know when he was behind him, and one fist directly smashed the head of a second-tier soldier on the spot, while the other arm gripped the neck of a first-tier hunter. A random twist, also instantly violently died!

In less than a second, he killed his three baptizers? !!

Huh! !! boom! !! Huh! !! !!

The afterimage in front of me has not completely disappeared, but three consecutive sounds have come out. The last three other baptizers have also been shot in the same **** manner, and the process is like silky lubrication. The slightest drag! !!

And never heard a scream from beginning to end, because they die too quickly and have no chance to send out!

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