Doomsday Virus

Chapter 142: spark

在 At the moment when the two enemies met again, they re-collised without exception with the fierce spark of either you or me dying!

Pullman just raised his hand and pointed at the man who caused all the trouble.

Wu Xia Leng felt the tremor on the ground beneath his feet, but he had already seen the attack method of the soil controller. The opponent had to lift his hand and point to a certain position, and the surrounding earth elements would condense into the attack form.

For Xia Leng, whose eyes are comparable to high-speed cameras, it is tantamount to tell him in advance that I will come to hit you later, and you are ready ...

As soon as Pullman's palm moved, before Xia Leng completely raised it, Xia Leng had done the evasive action.


The result was not the same. As soon as Xia Leng ducked, there was a sharp soil piercing through the concrete floor where he stood.

Moreover, Xia Leng also found that the controller was much slower than before, and he dealt with a large number of prisoners, which also caused him a lot of consumption, so that his mobility was much slower.

After Pullman saw his attack being dodged by the opponent seemingly without pressure, he clenched his teeth and owed a sharp earth spear from the surrounding area, and fired at the target.

This time, not only did all these spears have been evaded by Xia Leng one by one, but even with their 20 years of single hand speed, they quickly grasped the soil spear that flew by their eyes, and then suddenly abruptly. Backhand shot towards the opponent !!


For a moment, just hearing a crisp sound like glass shattering, Pullman widened his eyes, watching the spear tip less than 5 cm away from his eyeball ...

土 The soil spear he made was actually caught by the opponent and shot back? !!

If he was not protected by a shield, he would be penetrated by the earth spear on the spot and died violently.

Moreover, the shield condensed by the earth elements was also pierced by cracks from this powerfully projected earth spear. Whether it is attack or defense, it has been weakened a lot compared to the previous one, or because of countermeasures. The reason that the prisoners were consumed a lot of energy.

Wu Xia Leng naturally saw this situation through this short fighting process.

Therefore, instead of seeing the controller, he fled and ran away, but instead faced Pullman directly this time, and the cold and murderous spirit contained in his eyes was released again!

Perhaps this time, there is a chance to kill the master who has already consumed more than half of his physical strength!

"You **** guy, look down on me ?!"

When Pullman saw this man who once saw himself and ran away, he dared to face himself now, and his anger was ignited again.

Because no one has dared to provoke himself this way, and he is still a guy who is clearly inferior to himself!

In fact, there is also a chain of contempt among baptizers.

The wise men despise the eschatological hunters who scramble around like monkeys, while the eschatologists despise the eschatological warriors who only understand the violent violence, and the eschatologists despise the seemingly most mysterious scholar.

However, the controller is on the top level of all baptists. Of course, the controllers have this strength, and indeed they have this qualification. Otherwise, how could Pullman's sixth-level controller strength be on an equal footing with two seventh-rank backbones.

He turned the soil spear that almost passed through the shield into sand and dust, and gathered hundreds of dense soil spurs behind him. Pullman snarled and covered the dense soil spurs behind him. Fired out!

However, under his slow casting speed, Xia Leng's body has long disappeared without a trace.

Just as Pullman, who was already in a semi-weak state, looked around, trying to find his figure again.

Suddenly I saw a shadow appearing under my feet, and it was getting bigger and bigger, indicating that at this moment a giant was pressing towards me from the top of my head!

Looking up, he instantly gave him an incredible expression !,

I saw a heavy roller that was used to expand the cell and smashed down against Pullman's head!

Xia Leng was standing on the top of the roller at this time. No one knew how he moved the machine into the air and smashed it!

It's too late for Pullman to dodge, and the shield in the weak state may be difficult to withstand this smash.

He then gritted his teeth and mobilized the remaining energy in the body again to create a soil wall standing like a bamboo shoot after rain to reduce the pressure brought by the roller.

Howling !!!

The road roller smashed down, and at the same time pressed on the load-bearing wall and his shield made by Pullman!

I saw the surface of the shield made of mud, and was suddenly pressed out by shocking spider web cracks!

If the load-bearing wall is not called in time to resist, then Pullman is likely to be directly pressed into a pool of meat sauce!

At this time, he has been sweating like rain, with blue tendons appearing on his forehead. If you change to the usual full state, you can directly summon countless sharp and hard soil spurs, and twist the road roller with the enemy to pieces!

However, Xia Leng certainly does not seek death in his heyday, but kills him while he is ill !.

There is no knight spirit in the rules of the last days. As long as you can survive and kill the enemy, no matter how many tricks you use, no one will feel that you are shameful. After all, the glory is created by the winner!

Pullman's eyes will soon be unable to bear the shield. If he continues to be so passive, as a sixth-order controller, he really will die in the hands of this guy!

Alas, he struggled with the last trace of energy, strengthened the shield again, and then took out a blue pill from his pocket.

This pill was developed by the Yaxishanhui family and has the same effect as the EPC-4 type stimulant injection developed by Komodo Company ~ ~ so at that time Pullman could see that Hawkeye used this kind of drug .

Of course, the side effects are also obvious, that is, after the effect of the medicine, its own strength will be greatly reduced, or even temporarily paralyzed. If the enemy has not been resolved at that time, it is not much different from being at the mercy of others.

Therefore, Xia Leng has used his final secret weapon with the strength that he has not yet surpassed Tier VI!

At this time, Xia Leng stepped on the roller and continued to press down on his own strength. He felt that the shield of the other party seemed to produce a broken sound.

If you can really kill this controller and devour the other's spar, then you can definitely break through the fifth-order threshold and even gain the ability of the first controller!

Suddenly, a dangerous breath spread into Xia Leng's brain through black light induction, and felt that Pullman, who was already weak under the roller, suddenly burst into momentum!

Xia Leng suddenly understood what, without saying a word, exert force on both legs, and quickly flew away from here!

他 At the moment he avoided, within 5 meters of Pullman as the center, a small tortoise formed by sand and dust was created out of thin air!

The sand-dust tornado instantly twisted the road roller into powdery metal fragments, mixed with the tornado, and expanded the size of the tornado again, reaching a diameter of ten meters!

If you observe carefully, you can see that the billions of gravels that make up the tornado are all sharp like fangs, everything is twisted into dust by the tornado!

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