The old man was so angry that he had to take a walk.

Lin Haoran was furious. He had never thought that someone would dare to steal food under his nose.

This was simply a provocation to his bottom line.

He was stingy and would pick up even a piece of ordinary ghost crystal.

But now all the things dropped by the boss were taken away. Isn't this going to kill Lin Haoran! ?

When the black shadow rushed out, Lin Haoran also reacted as if by instinct. He reacted immediately and let out a roar.

A strong ghost energy suddenly burst out from Lin Haoran's body. Without a trace of hesitation,

Lin Haoran activated the evil ghost armor he was wearing and activated its ability: evil ghost roar! !

In an instant, the black air in front of Lin Haoran was boiling, and a black evil ghost head suddenly appeared.

There were two horns on the head, a hideous face, and dark eyes with a terrifying black light.

The evil ghost opened his bloody mouth and let out a huge roar.


No matter how fast the black shadow was, it could not spread faster than the sound.

In an instant, the black shadow running for his life was shocked by the terrifying sound.


Holding his head with both hands, he let out a painful cry.

[Evil Ghost Roar: Condensing an evil ghost phantom, it lets out a huge roar, causing damage to the enemy and putting the enemy into a state of brain ringing. 】

The roar of the evil ghost phantom made the black shadow stop, and the full appearance of the figure was revealed in front of everyone.

A black body with black air and black body, only a pair of blood-red eyes.

At this time, the left eye of the reincarnation ghost trembled slightly, and a piece of information appeared in Lin Haoran's mind:

[Name: Shadow Black Ghost]

[Qualification: A]

[Type: Elemental]

[Contract: Equal Contract]

[Level: 6]


[Shadow Lurking]: Shadow Black Ghost can lurk in the shadows, which can greatly reduce its presence and breath, and it is difficult to detect its existence. ]

[Ghost Information: Ghosts born in the shadows by ghost energy, invisible and shadowy, like to stay in the dark. If someone passes by it, it will cut your throat without you knowing it. Its weakness is sunlight. ]

[Description: You can't see me...but I can see you, and I like to peek at the activities between couples. ]


Lin Haoran's pupils shrank slightly,

and instantly understood why this guy had been around him all the time, and he and his ghosts hadn't noticed it.

It turned out that he had such an old sixth ability! !

Moreover, it is an elemental monster with A-level qualifications.

It is a very good ghost.

But Lin Haoran saw that the contract status showed an equal contract, which means that this ghost has an owner.

It was the player who ordered it to take his spoils!!

A chill flashed across Lin Haoran's eyes.

"Dare you pull teeth out of a tiger's mouth!?"

"I think you don't know whether to live or die..."

Lin Haoran was murderous and said coldly to his ghost:

"Control it for me............"

"Don't kill it, I still have use."

In fact, without Lin Haoran saying anything, the Ghost Sword Immortal's eyes were already filled with anger, and he attacked with anger,

controlling the Ghost Sword like a stream of light, stabbing at the shadow black ghost with a sword,


It directly pierced through one of the shadow black ghost's thighs, and black blood splashed like black slurry.


The shadow black ghost who had just woken up from the dizziness of brain ringing suddenly let out a miserable cry,

holding his thigh and screaming in pain.

Lin Haoran, Little Lei Ming, Ghost Sword Immortal and Soul Devouring Crow Ghost had all come to the shadow black ghost at this time,

"Duck, duck, duck....................."

The Soul Devouring Crow Ghost stared at the shadow black ghost with his bird eyes, and kept pecking at the shadow black ghost with his sharp crow beak,

making a series of angry duck calls from his mouth.

"You dare to steal things in front of your duck uncle... I think you are floating


“I peck, I peck, I peck you............”

The shadow black ghost let out a cry of pain, but did not dare to resist at all,

because the aura of Little Lei Ming and Ghost Sword Immortal had already pinned it down. If it made any move,

there was no doubt that it would still have a few holes in its body, so it chose to enjoy it,


Under the attack of the Soul Devouring Crow Ghost, the shadow black ghost made a series of strange sounds.

Lin Haoran’s mouth twitched slightly, and he picked up the items dropped by the shadow black ghost,

Finally, his expression eased a little.

Lin Haoran glanced at the trees and bushes around him, and slowly said:

“If I were you...come out now.”

“, a ghost with A-level qualifications, will say goodbye to you. "

Lin Haoran finished talking for a while, but still no one came out, as if there was no one around.

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and he picked up the reggae gun in his hand. A blue lightning suddenly surged from his body, and he said coldly:

"In that case... then die! ! "

The reggae gun in Lin Haoran's hand was like a thunder dragon, and he was about to stab the shadow black ghost's head,


At this moment,

A voice that Lin Haoran felt familiar came from the forest,

and then a woman with an ordinary appearance walked out of the woods.

"Snow White! ? "

Lin Haoran saw this woman, his pupils shrank slightly, and he was silent for a while, then he spoke slowly.

That's right... This person is Bai Xue who killed the elite BOSS Thunderbird Ghost with him.

At that time, he added her as a game friend.

Lin Haoran had some impression of this woman at that time.

She talked a lot, but she knew her limits and knew how to behave.

But Lin Haoran didn't expect that the person who wanted to steal his spoils was actually her.

It can only be said that it was a little unexpected, but it was reasonable.

The wickedness of human hearts,

Lin Haoran already had a deep understanding,

He dared not forget the pain of being devoured by thousands of ghosts!!

Lin Haoran showed a trace of sarcasm on his face, and looked at Bai Xue who bowed her head and dared not speak in front of him,

as if looking at a beast.


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