Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand one hundred and eleven. This chapter should be saved until November 11th...

From a certain point of view, Ji Shanqing is really a big gift package. It seems that God saw that she had too many twists and turns and lived too hard, so she specially sent such a grand prize. On the way to find the great witch, Lin Sanjiu almost felt grateful - many of the troubles that had troubled her were dissolved like ice and snow in the sun in front of Ji Shanqing.

"Sister, you may not believe it,"

Probably because he saw her sighing several times, the gift bag smiled sheepishly, biting her red lips with the tips of her little white teeth. "After getting to know data bodies, I discovered that they are not as omniscient and omnipotent as they claim to be. Take an example you know, no matter how hard they try, they can never create life - at best, they can't create life. They can only program a piece of living flesh. What is the difference between a piece of breathing flesh and a human being, they still don’t understand. Of course, I don’t understand either.”

He paused and then said: "Consciousness, a mysterious power, comes from human self-awareness. If you think about it, the data body cannot even create a truly conscious life, let alone a higher level of self. Conscious... So don't think I programmed a consciousness, but in fact, I just programmed a 'shell' based on other people's consciousnesses, and then put my own consciousness in it. It can only make I can freely enter and exit the starry sky, but in fact I still don’t have consciousness, nor do I have the attachment conditions that other people have.”

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a little worried after hearing this: "Then can you restore the attachment conditions of Bohemia?"

"Only her attachment condition has been contaminated, and the rest of her consciousness is still intact, right? After my sister gives her the potential value, I can analyze all her consciousness, make an internal comparison with her own situation, and find out It should not be difficult to find the root of the problem." Ji Shanqing sighed slightly, "Although the data body cannot be created, it is first-rate in analysis."

"That's great. When she comes to pick me up, you can show it to her." Lin Sanjiu finally let go of the stone in her heart and asked, "So about five lives..."

"My sister cares about her so much."

Libao smiled, reached out and grabbed her wrist, and she naturally held his fingers with her backhand - which seemed to make him happy. "I guess the problem is on the material level, that is, in her body. I have to leave the starry sky of consciousness and meet her in the real world before I can find a way to help her solve the problem."

"Can you come here?" Lin Sanjiu turned around and slowed down.

"I will definitely go there as soon as possible." Libao nodded, "Now that we can meet in the consciousness starry sky, I will always know your location."

Lin Sanjiu squeezed his fingers gratefully.

"Think about it, it's incredible." She laughed softly, "Human beings, or intelligent life, can actually exist in so many different forms. Data bodies, conscious bodies, fallen species, replica creatures, and new humans. ...If my consciousness is downloaded into a machine body now, wouldn't it be me?"

Ji Shanqing listened quietly, waiting for her to continue.

"If you think about it this way," she sighed softly, "it's as if Yu Yuan turned into a data body and Bohemia converted to the mushroom society, then it's not a big deal. They are still them, but they have changed. The form is just there... In the case of Bohemia, the form is not even changed, just a few small details.”

Ji Shanqing smiled silently, that smile was extremely clear. "But, sister is still unwilling to let them go like this, right?"

Lin Sanjiu felt a little embarrassed. "Yeah," she thought for a moment and made an inappropriate analogy: "Just like I like to eat red velvet cake and can get happiness from red velvet cake, then I may always want my relatives and friends to Everyone tastes it, everyone likes it... It’s not that I don’t respect other people’s wishes, but I hope that people I care about can experience what I experience from it.”

Ji Shanqing thought silently and said, "It's a pity that life is not a red velvet cake."

"If there were cakes with the taste of life, then the store would have gone bankrupt and closed down long ago."

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Sanjiu thought about the problem of the great witch again.

"...The last time Bohemia saw her, he found that she was gradually unable to remember things, and she lost her memory backwards starting from the most recent memory. What is going on?"

"Ah, I do know this." The gift bag said "Ah", as if this matter was beyond his expectation, but it was also reasonable: "...Consciousness actually originates from the brain! And people The brain is actually just some matter. After the conscious body is separated from the material basis for too long, it may be damaged, reduced or unstable. If it is constantly disconnected from the brain, it will be like that pig's eye, and the conscious body will gradually dissipate... ...Fortunately, she is not in another person's brain and has strong abilities, so the dissipation speed will be slower. But no matter what, we must find the great witch as soon as possible and send her out of the consciousness starry sky as soon as possible."

Thinking that he had wasted a lot of time, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but speed up - even though Qing Jiu Liu was usually a mess, he was very reliable when it came to the key matters entrusted to him. She believed that there must be nothing wrong with the great miko's physical body. Of course, it might be a little unkempt under Kiyokuru's care.

Then, just save her consciousness!

Driven by this idea, the two of them traveled through most of the starry sky of consciousness like meteors. The closer they got to the location of the branch of the concrete world, the fewer other pedestrians on the road became. I don’t know when only a vast space was left. The dark void. Thanks to Lin Sanjiu's extremely abundant consciousness from Pig Eyes, it was not only enough for her to use as "fuel" for flying, but Teacher Yi, who had not been able to appear for a long time due to the dryness of her consciousness, was gradually reshaped in her sea of ​​consciousness. .

"You just like to hear people talk nonsense,"

Regarding Lin Sanjiu's question of "Can I enter university in one go?" Teacher Yi sneered: "You just have more consciousness. This has nothing to do with your level of consciousness. Because you are taking it from others." You came here, but you didn’t deepen your understanding of it at all in the process. Even if all the consciousness in the world is given to you now, you still won’t be able to advance to school by then."

When she finished speaking, Lin Sanjiu had already seen from a distance the small building that looked like a building made of building blocks in the depths of the void - it floated up from the deep darkness, with the various blocks on its body scattered or floating. It may be convex or deep, and at first glance it is hard to imagine that it is also a building. As soon as Teacher Yi finished speaking, she stopped in her tracks.

"Wait a minute," Lin Sanjiu grabbed the gift bag and asked Teacher Yi with a somewhat surprised expression, "Even if I have so much more consciousness, I can't upgrade?"

"No," Teacher Yi sighed, "If you ask me a few more times, I can only repeat the same answer."


She has a battle coming up! She couldn't hope that the branch owner just wasn't at home, right?

"You did not reach the highest level. You used other methods to force your way into the starry sky." Libao couldn't hear Teacher Yi's answer and could only watch her expression gradually turn ugly: "...I want you and others who have already lost their consciousness. The battle to reach the top level of evolution is inherently a matter of losing more than winning."

The great witch couldn't wait for her to slowly upgrade. No matter what, she had to rush in to save people today. She had no attachment conditions, and her combat power was much lower than others. When she heard that the gift package had no attachment conditions, she was only thinking about Bohemia, but she forgot that in this way, both of them became stars in the sky. A rare chicken with weak legs.

The weakling still has to challenge the branch owner who can imprison the great witch. The chance of victory is so slim that even Lin Sanjiu himself is worried.

"If you can't defeat him, maybe there are other ways." Li Bao frowned his beautiful eyebrows, but his tone was quite calm. "Look, it doesn't look like there's anyone guarding the outside of the Concrete World branch... I think we should get closer first, UU Reading www.uukns.nett, to find out what's going on inside and out, and then make the next plan."

Probably because he saw the worry on her face, he smiled softly and comforted her: "Don't worry, sister, I'm here. We can definitely bring the great witch out."

After transforming into stars again and trying to control their own light, Lin Sanjiu and the two quietly approached the Concrete World branch. The starry sky connected by consciousness is actually boundless in the true sense; this area is far beyond the scope of activities of the evolvers. Looking around, there is only darkness and silence everywhere, as if all the senses have been stripped away. of endless abyss.

Not to mention the caretakers, the entire concrete branch looks like an abandoned ruin.

After testing, Lin Sanjiu picked out a trace of consciousness derived from the pig's eyes and quietly placed it inside the branch. As soon as she put it in, she and the gift bag immediately retreated far away, concentrating on feeling the trace of consciousness falling into the corridor of the building. Where it passed, there was still deathly silence; she could feel that the lights inside the building weakly dispersed the darkness, barely illuminating one triangular wall after another. As far as the eye could see, there were only countless winding corridors. .

There was nothing, no voice, no shadow...

As his consciousness gradually deepened, Lin Sanjiu's heart lifted higher and higher. Nothing would be even more abnormal; if everything was as peaceful as it seemed, the great witch would have come out long ago.

As if rising and falling with a deep, dark dream, that trace of consciousness drifted into the depths of the branch, silently. When it passed a triangular wall, the "field of vision" suddenly went dark - Lin Sanjiu was startled. When he came back to his senses, he found that the trace of consciousness had disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know when it was swallowed up. Clean and tidy.

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