Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand six hundred and twenty-nine national hatred

TheWildWind23: Does anyone know the people who were involved in the cruise nightclub incident last time?

Chunhua Yuanye: Is it the incident involving the mayor’s son?

TheWildWind23: Yes. A large group of people talk too much and I feel unsafe. Isn't the news about smugglers smuggling into China false?

Chunhua Yuanye: I don’t know them... They don’t seem to be high school students. They are so bold in doing things.

So angry: I know my friend.

TheWildWind23: Really? I didn’t have high hopes for coming here. Did we know him directly?

I’m so angry: That’s not so direct. There is one person who is the brother of my friend’s classmate. What are you doing with them?

TheWildWind23: I would like to ask if they have any next steps, I would like to join.

Spring Flower Field: Join them? But their actions are extremely dangerous... Speaking of which, where have you been recently?

Xie Feng looked at the bright screen of his mobile phone and didn't know what to answer.

TheWildWind23: I’m not afraid. Everyone seems to be a little discouraged recently. I am too, and I have even considered smuggling and escaping.

I’m so angry: It’s’s us who act like a chariot with a mantis’ arm, isn’t it?

So angry: Although I can’t see any hope...but maybe the meaning of my life is to defend the City of Tears.

Chunhua Yuanye: I don’t blame the people who want to leave at all. I understand them all. I can’t stand a man, so I understand even more if a girl wants to leave.

Kii Kazuda: If you want to leave, you have to leave quickly. I heard that the border will be closed recently.

TheWildWind23: Thank you, I won’t leave.

TheWildWind23: I think just shouting slogans doesn’t make much sense anymore. No matter how much we protest, will anyone be willing to bow their heads and listen? They don't even pretend anymore. For one crime, we just send our brothers and sisters to jail for nothing.

Chunhua Yuanye: Yes...

Little Puppet Man: If peace doesn’t work, then we have no choice but to be unpeaceful, I understand.

TheWildWind23: Isn’t history shaped by major events? If our shouts no longer have weight, then I want to do something bigger and change history.

So angry: I’ll chat with you privately.

... Xie Feng checked the time before putting down his phone. It was already past one o'clock in the night.

The heavy rain that had lasted for several days outside the window was a pattern that was rarely seen even in the City of Tears. At this moment, it finally stopped. Except for the water droplets winding down from the glass, it seemed that the whole world was only silent. Only when you look out the window do you realize that the glass is good at soundproofing: on the road between high-rise buildings, there are still countless lights that seem to never stop flowing.

Every corridor in the hotel leads directly to the elevator. You can see the end at a glance, and there is no place to hide. So after Chief Qiu entered Dong Luorong's room, Xie Feng immediately returned to his room, opened the door, and sat on the floor inside the door frame to guard. In this way, people outside could not see her; and once there was a noise in the elevator, she could immediately poke her head out to take a look.

She had been sitting like this for two or three hours, during which she looked at him at least four or five times. Every time the person entering and exiting the elevator was not Chief Qiu.

After Xie Feng came back, the first thing he did was to search for information about Qiu Changtian. Like all imperial officials, the only information about him on the Internet is officially compiled and published information, and every word is bright, majestic, serious and noble - this is not surprising. Before the imperial officials were dismissed, they were all good and self-satisfied public servants. Only when something went wrong, Everyone would suddenly act surprised, as if they hadn't expected it.

There is one thing that makes Qiu Changtian look inconsistent with the traditional image of a bureaucrat: he has a smooth official career, is young and promising, but is still unmarried.

This is quite interesting. People who are not married are difficult to trust in their career, but he has done well along the way; but judging from his age, there is no room for another two years.

If he was married, Xie Feng didn't know if he would feel better.

No matter what, she is far from "easy" now.

She felt like a wild animal that had been caught in a net, but she still didn't know it. It wasn't until she suddenly saw the rope net that she was about to struggle to escape, and she realized it was too late.

Did Dong Luorong lie to her? No. But it was even more hateful than lying to her - Dong Luorong knew everything. She knew why Xie Feng was living on the street. She knew the hatred of Xie Feng's family and country, but she said nothing. She refused to lie to Xie Feng. , unwilling to let oneself make mistakes.

Isn’t Xie Feng himself evil? Had she already guessed it? The roads open to women in an empire are so narrow and short. They seem to be the same as those for men. In fact, many roads are cut off after they reach the age of marriage; the entire empire is weighing on women, pressing them to a certain level. At such a high altitude, Dong Luorong goes outside the norm, so why does he have a better life than ordinary middle-class men?

Has Xie Feng asked? She has never asked once. She herself was so cowardly and timid that she didn't dare to ask. Is it any wonder that Dongluo Rong didn't tell the whole story?

...Besides, Dong Luorong doesn’t want this kind of life.

But so what, even if she was following a wealthy businessman, Xie Feng would not feel so uncomfortable - but the other party was an imperial official, a security officer who took over the sovereignty of the City of Tears on behalf of the empire and suppressed countless people in the City of Tears.

Xie Feng wanted to tear the pillow in his arms into pieces. She wanted to be angry, but she didn't know who to target. She wanted to leave the hotel tonight and cut off contact with Dong Luorong, but she remembered again and again how she had saved her and taken care of herself; she wanted to find a reason to hate Dong Luorong, but she couldn't, and instead couldn't help but put herself in Dong Luorong's shoes. Thinking about the latter's suffering - Xie Feng felt that he should help her at one moment, and at the same time felt that he should hate her, and at the same time he was afraid that he would implicate her.

Dong Luorong herself was a trapped beast, and now she also trapped Xie Feng.

...Later Xie Feng finally figured it out.

There was no need for her to go back and forth and hesitate like this for an Imperial person who accidentally helped her. She is a native of Tear City, and she has a responsibility and mission for Tear City. Now that God has given her a chance to achieve her goal, how could she let down the City of Tears and let down so many compatriots who shed blood and even went to jail because of her own personal affairs?

She should pay more attention when taking action, so as not to cause collateral damage to Dong Luorong - this idea itself is certainly good, but it just seems like the psychological comfort Xie Feng is giving herself.

Contacting the participants of the cruise ship nightclub incident was much faster and easier than Xie Feng imagined. She originally thought that the participants must have hidden themselves away from the limelight and would not easily come into contact with others.

Xie Feng's cell phone vibrated silently in her pocket. She immediately took out her cell phone, put the earphones into her ears, covered her mouth with one hand, and quietly said "Hello?"

Two or three hours have passed, and Qiu Changtian has not left yet. It seems that the possibility of leaving tonight is no longer high.

"Xie Feng, right?" The boy on the other end of the phone had a very clear voice. Even if he sounded older than her, he would never be beyond the age range of a college student. It is hard to imagine that the owner of this voice was involved in the cruise nightclub incident. "...I've heard of you."

"Eh?" Xie Feng was surprised, feeling as if he was recognized by the singer at the concert. How does a person with such a high level of attention and whom the government has offered money to hunt down actually know about him?

"The scene where you ran away from the security guards was very famous." The boy smiled, with a very subtle softness and femininity in his words.

I see. Now that the other party knows about him, it will be much easier to handle. At least Xie Feng's preparations that he just thought about how to prove himself are no longer needed.

"Is he still in the hotel?"

"Yes, I have been staying upstairs and never saw him come out." Xie Feng did not go into details about his experience, but just made an excuse that he happened to meet Commander Qiu in the hotel. "When I saw him, he was alone. There didn't seem to be any security guards or anything."

"Generally speaking, drivers will be arranged in other rooms." The young man said thoughtfully, "I just think it is strange that he would go to the hotel with a woman so openly... Someone will definitely see him, and he is not afraid of the impact. Official status? Or does he really think that the City of Tears is already his private territory?"

Xie Feng suppressed his discomfort and said, "It's very strange, and I don't understand it either."

No matter what happened in Qiu Changtian, they didn't need to spend too much thought on this point. In the words of the young man, the logic of an imperial official's actions had nothing to do with them, as long as they achieved their goals.

It's just that there is a very fine dividing line between angering the empire and provoking greater retaliation, and making demands and achieving the goal. No matter how careful they are, they can't walk too carefully.

An hour later, Xie Feng, who had been waiting at the door and even fell asleep in a daze, was awakened by a phone call.

"There were two dog carts parked on the street near the hotel."

People have arrived? Xie Feng's heart suddenly lifted. Before she could explain, the young man spoke again, with a very satisfied tone. "This shows that there are really important people in the hotel."

It was too fast, even though she found the person, UU Reading www.uukanshu. nnet The news was provided by her, but Xie Feng still couldn't help but feel that everything was progressing too fast, so fast that it almost seemed like it was going out of control.

"It's true that he hasn't left yet... But it's hard for you to come in without being noticed, right? There are cameras in the hotel." Xie Feng couldn't help but ask, "Do we have to take action today? Is it too late?"

"Even we didn't know there was going to be an action today before, and it was even more impossible for Qiu Changtian to have imagined it. If he didn't take precautions now, it would be our best chance. Besides, he probably thought that no one in Tears City would dare to touch him. It's been more than a year since I surrendered. Before the incident at the cruise nightclub, didn't everyone just shout slogans?" The young man chuckled softly and said, "We won't go in for the time being. We'll prepare a plan and wait for a while. Contact you.”

Xie Feng hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. She had been sitting huddled at the door for too long, and her body, which had just recovered from a long illness, began to hurt again. Thousands of threads and thoughts were tearing at her brain in different directions, as if they were tearing her into pieces alive. However, she would not be torn into pieces. How could she be so lucky? She would only be tortured all the time.

"...Hey, I didn't run away."

Along with that strange smell like drunken flowers, Dong Luorong's soft and hoarse voice suddenly rang out.

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