Doomsday Wonderland

one thousand six hundred and thirty three

( ) I see there is no know...

"It turns out that this is really...'the Garden of Eden'!"

When Lin Sanjiu finally recognized the environment she was in, the skin all over her body began to tremble and she muttered these words.

Because she was so surprised, her eyes were even a little dull - she looked at everything in front of her blankly, and a huge thing walked behind her at some point, casting a huge shadow that enveloped her.

She felt something strange behind her, looked back, and cursed softly.

"What a hell."

...Just half an hour ago, Lin Sanjiu was still sitting in the capsule, drifting in the mucus involuntarily.

Her judgment of "the confluence of tree roots" was correct - as the flow of mucus gradually accelerated, the waves became more violent. From other directions, large numbers of black shadows were swept into where she was. In this "river", after a while, countless corpses of all kinds were floating near the capsule.

Wave after wave of turbulent flow wrapped around the body, causing the capsule to sway and spin. For a moment, Lin Sanjiu was dizzy and couldn't see anything clearly. She could only feel that the flow speed suddenly accelerated. Falling rapidly downward.

The objects in the tree flow hit the capsule fiercely as the waves hit it, and some of the accessories in the capsule were knocked off. In the violent rotation of 360 degrees, the accessories banged, banged, and banged. Lin Sanjiu even almost got embarrassed a few times as he bumped into the wall of the bag one after another.

In this hectic moment, it wasn't until a minute later that Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that the capsule was being attacked.

The capsule designed to imprison female evolved humans cannot be opened from the inside. On the contrary, if you want to use violence to destroy it from the outside, it is not difficult. When Lin Sanjiu raised the alarm in her heart, she couldn't see it. The figure with a clear appearance had just broken away from the mucus flow and hit the capsule door hard again, causing the joint between the door and the capsule wall to shake suddenly.

Lin Sanjiu was startled and wanted to hold the door, but there was no place inside the capsule to use force. Just as she cursed fiercely, she saw the black shadow rushing up again, and this time she succeeded in holding the door. The handle on the outside shook the door vigorously.

This time, she also saw clearly: outside the door was a very strong man, his clothes were in tatters, revealing pale wounds, only the mask on his head was still intact, and a pair of slender and long eyes were looking at him. Staring at Lin Sanjiu through the mask.

——This person is coming in!

Lin Sanjiu also understood: in these strange tree roots, all the creatures involved relied on their own bodies, abilities, and perhaps one or two special items to resist. But no matter what method is used, the corrosive mucus and thin whiskers are enough to make people miserable - moreover, even if they can't hold on at all, they have long become dilapidated corpses.

In this case, a capsule that can accommodate a person like a boat becomes a very eye-catching thing.

The man outside must have reached the limit of survival. He saw that Lin Sanjiu couldn't hold the door inside, so he kicked and kicked her like he was desperate, with the intention of dying together if they couldn't get in.

After several of his attacks, the violently shaking capsule made Lin Sanjiu feel that it was about to fall apart. An evil fire had already emerged in her heart, and she quickly called out the long knife, waiting for the door to open before stabbing it. .

Suddenly he saw a long knife appearing inside and pointing directly at the crack of the door. The man stopped his hand and looked around with his slender eyes.

"You bastard, if you dare to come in, I'll kill you with a knife!" Lin Sanjiu cursed fiercely even though no one outside could hear. "Those who know better, get out of here!"

At this time, the turbulence became more chaotic and intense. Even if he grabbed the door handle, the man's body was still shaken by the beating - he couldn't even keep his body steady, and it was almost impossible to avoid the long knife.

After staring at Lin Sanjiu with his bloodshot eyes for a while, the man finally gave up, let go of the doorknob, and swam away with difficulty.

Lin Sanjiu clenched the knife tightly, not daring to relax at all. It was not until he disappeared from her sight that she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, before he could even take a deep breath, he felt a heavy force suddenly coming from the back of the capsule. The man and the capsule immediately rolled out and rushed out. Lin Sanjiu was caught off guard and knocked his head against the wall of the capsule. If she hadn't turned the long sword into a card instantly, she would have been the first to be penetrated.

Before she could stabilize her body, she was kicked hard again in the same direction - those slender eyes that had circled behind her at some point seemed to be a little surprised that Lin Sanjiu was not dead. She just regained her strength under her feet. It crawled and swam closer to the capsule.

"If you want to die, I will let you die!"

Lin Sanjiu's heart was full of killing intent, and he put away the capsule in a second thought. His body was immediately soaked in mucus, and his skin felt a slight sting. However, before she could call out the sword, she saw the man suddenly panicking and swimming upstream with all his strength. Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and then a tsunami-like turbulence suddenly hit her face-

In an instant, all five senses lost their function. Under the overwhelming force, the vision went black, the whole body ached, and acidic water came out of the nose. Feeling messy like fragments, her body was pushed far away by the turbulence and hit a hard surface.

...Is this the body of some creature?

This idea had just struggled out of Lin Sanjiu's chaotic mind. She suddenly felt that her back was empty. The hard wall-like thing just now disappeared, and a thin beard suddenly pushed at her waist. She was actually pushed out.

——The hard skin of the rhizome opens.

This "nutritious" creature happened to reach the side of the crust, and the rhizome almost couldn't wait to squeeze her out. The man in the turbulent water in the distance stared at this scene in amazement, and then used his hands and feet almost frantically, However, he couldn't get any closer before the hard skin closed up.

...Outside, there is land tens of millions of meters deep.

"I'm really going to die this time..."

The rhizome had been moving downwards, and it was likely that it had already touched the center of the earth. Lin Sanjiu closed her eyes and waited for the rock layer to crush her to death. Suddenly she felt her body become lighter, and was immediately enveloped by a feeling of weightlessness.

The whistling wind in her ears suddenly made her open her eyes. This time, her heart almost jumped out of fear: she was falling from a high place, and the wind slapped her body, stinging. She burst into tears - but at this moment, nothing could compare to the fear of falling to death. Lin Sanjiu quickly called out the long knife and inserted it into something beside her -

This thing may be the cliff wall, but the knife was unexpectedly inserted smoothly, and the falling force suddenly slowed down. Although her body was still falling rapidly, judging from the current speed, at least she could not fall to death - Lin Sanjiu held the handle of the long knife tightly with both hands, and saw a lot of sparks flying from the long knife, and the blade He quickly curled up his mouth, and the black shadow representing the earth under his feet was getting closer and closer. He simply let go of the long knife and jumped.

Lin Sanjiu's body suddenly hit the ground, and Lin Sanjiu felt a sweet sensation in her throat. She quickly rolled over, eliminating a lot of the downward momentum.

Fortunately, the place where she landed was soft and somewhat elastic, so she touched her body and found that apart from some bruises and bruises on her skin, not even a single bone was broken.

After nearly dying, Lin Sanjiu's heavy breathing took a long time to calm down.

"W-what...what's going on..." Her mind was in a mess. "Didn't we almost reach the center of the earth? Why...I fell from a height instead?"

The spark went out, everything was dark, and nothing could be seen.

Lin Sanjiu had seen a lot of dark places - but there had never been a place as dark as here.

Everyone has this experience - no matter how dark the place is, there is always a glimmer of light; no matter how faint it is, after your eyes get used to it for a while, you can always see some outline. For evolutionaries, it becomes clearer.

However, there was only pure darkness in this place, with no room for any light. If it hadn't been for the sparks from the long knife just now, Lin Sanjiu would have thought that he had suddenly gone blind.

It feels like someone used thick bricks and cement to build a room without windows or doors——


Lin Sanjiu was suddenly shocked and felt a drop of cold sweat slipping down her forehead.

The fragmented clues were put together subconsciously by her.

The tree roots are under a shallow layer of soil. The deeper you dig, the thicker the roots become.

After walking thousands of meters downward, everything in the tree roots converged...

It should have been at the center of the earth, but it fell from a high place.

There's no light here, it's like a barricaded room...

Compared with Nuwa, Lin Sanjiu's intelligence was indeed not very impressive; but when things were clearly revealed in front of her, she still couldn't help but tremble - because she finally figured out the mystery of the tree root.

Lin Sanjiu tremblingly called out the [Ability Polishing Agent], and the silver light immediately spread all over the space around her - but because the master's hand kept shaking, the light seemed to be shaking slightly.

She didn't have time to check her surroundings, so she quickly lifted the [Ability Polishing Agent] higher and looked above her head——

There was only a darkness that seemed to swallow everything, and nothing else.

With a "clang" sound, the [Ability Polishing Agent] fell down and rolled to the ground, illuminating a small area around it.

"This is indeed the center of the earth..." Lin Sanjiu said softly, feeling that every word she said was irrational. "It's just that the center of this planet is...empty."

This world is more like a ball with the center hollowed out, so when it reaches the center of the earth, it also reaches a void - it is pushed out by the slime here, and it will naturally fall down.

No wonder the roots grow under a shallow layer of soil, because the tree grows upside down - the roots are on the outermost layer, absorbing a large number of organisms as nutrients, penetrating the earth's crust, and transferring nutrients to the trunk and tree crown—the latter two are growing in the hollow core of the earth.

Thinking about it, the place where she fell out just now was the elusive "tree".

However, Lin Sanjiu looked around and saw no tree. There were indeed many tall plants around her, but they seemed more like some kind of tall herbaceous plants, and she just landed on the leaves of these plants.

Picking up the polishing agent, Lin Sanjiu squinted and could vaguely see a round black shadow at the end of the silver light, UU Reading From this distance, it looked about the same as a car. About the same size as a truck.

"...What kind of thing could it be?"

After watching it for a long time, the thing didn't move at all. It didn't seem to be a living thing. Since it's not a living creature, the danger is much less... She muttered and walked cautiously towards the black figure.

As she got closer, the light dyed the thing clearer.

It was an apple half as tall as hers.

The unique shape of an apple outlines a reflective line in the vast silver light. Even if you can’t see its color or its entirety clearly, even if this apple is more than twice as big as a truck——

Lin Sanjiu opened her mouth wide and couldn't believe her eyes for a while. After a while, she murmured something.

"It turns out that this is really...'the Garden of Eden'..."

When she was still surprised, from the silver light of [Ability Polishing Agent], a dark shadow several times larger than the apple quietly approached Lin Sanjiu.

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