Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 731 Geniuses are inspired by the bath.

"The area covered by the sightseeing itinerary accounts for about one-third of the entire area of ​​Exodus."

Shales's voice must have been carefully selected and adjusted, because it always sounds so soft and moving. Lin Sanjiu was sitting in the maglev single-person transport cabin moving steadily forward, as if she had returned to the time when she was six or seven years old - when she went to the amusement park, she loved getting into the spinning car suspended by a crane; Waiting for the machine to turn on, she soared into the air with the thumping music, leaving happy screams in circles.

"What about the rest of the place?"

She couldn't help the smile on her face and asked loudly. The wind blew her short hair, and the transport cabin made a dexterous and silent turn, sliding her into another metal passage.

Exodus is filled with such metal passages that extend in all directions. In the gentle white light, they connect different spaces with various functions.

"Mainly including power operation supply system, backup motor and emergency system, temperature adjustment facilities, water circulation and water storage tank, air pressure control system..." Sales is very responsible, but the series of names it reported are not really interesting; Lin Sanjiu listened to about ten words, but seeing that it still showed no intention of ending, he hurriedly waved his hand: "No need to go on. What if these things break?"

"Most basic faults can be repaired intelligently by me autonomously. If there are large faults beyond my capabilities, please call technical maintenance personnel."

It seems that this house was built before the apocalypse and its owner thought that he could call a plumber with just one phone call.

"Is two-thirds of the place occupied by these facilities?"

"No. In order to save time, I don't think it is necessary to see every corner of some living facilities that occupy a large area, such as gardens, tennis courts, gyms, kitchens, etc., so I only arrange a walk through for you. The shortest route to these areas. If you are interested, I can help you..."

"Okay, I understand." Sarais was indeed very smart, and Lin Sanjiu really didn't want to wander around a garden for an hour. She was itching and excited, and couldn't help but smile and asked: "What is the first place we want to see?"

"The Executive Suite," Sales said softly, "your future residence."

Lin Sanjiu paused after hearing this, then wiped his nose and stepped heavily on the forward pedal of the transport cabin.

Considering the size of Exodus, her suite is really not that big, only about a hundred or so square meters. She took off her dirty boots and carried them in her hands. She stepped barefoot on the thick carpet and walked into the living room; the bright orange light greeted her warmly, on the workbench, sofa and rows of mahogany bookshelves. , reflecting a textured and moist reflection.

Even though it already belonged to her, Lin Sanjiu still didn't dare to touch it casually; she just bent her waist and looked at it, secretly admiring every clean and sparkling detail.

The previous landlord took away all the books, leaving only a few novels, an atlas from nowhere, and a biography of an unknown historical figure. She walked through the living room and as soon as she reached two dark wooden doors, the doors slowly opened for her.

"The room temperature is 24.7 degrees and the humidity is 40%," Shales said softly, "Do I need to prepare hot water for you?"

It turned out to be the bathroom.

The huge, smooth white bathtub is set in the center of a marble platform, enough for even taller people to fully immerse themselves in the water. In the other corner of this spacious room, after walking down a few steps, you walk into a pool about half a meter deep. , concave platform. Behind him was an elegant tile wall. When Lin Sanjiu raised his head, his eyes fell into the starry sky.

The night sky above the Grand Canyon was the purest black night she had ever seen, scattered with the most dazzling silver stars. The diamond-like night stars spilled into a breathtakingly bright Milky Way, slowly crossing the night sky in her field of vision.

"This is your shower room," Sales introduced in sequence. "There is one-way glass on the head. The shower head has rain mode, HandsFree mode, massage and normal mode that can simulate different levels of rainfall. If you are tired of standing, There are also lounge chairs and backrests..."

Lin Sanjiu finally resisted the desire to take a bath and looked at the bedroom and bathroom. The decoration in the suite was not very luxurious, but it could be seen that every detail had been carefully considered in order to make people feel comfortable. Design - the bed that feels like sinking into heaven when you lie down, the floor lamp that can sense your footsteps, and even the angle between your body and the cabinet next to you when you sit on the chair is considerate, as if the entire apartment is flattering her all the time. , please her.

The only thing that was a bit strange was that there was a mark as big as the mouth of a bowl somehow left on the wall next to the bed.

"Perhaps something was demolished? There used to be some small projects here from time to time."

Saras couldn't seem to tell what it was, so Lin Sanjiu didn't pay attention and got back into the single-person transport cabin with satisfaction.

"Where is this place? Why is it so empty?"

After seeing the vast gym and the shooting room without guns and bullets, Lin Sanjiu asked in a loud voice while driving the transport cabin through a huge metal room covered with thick carpets.

"Martial arts training ground," no matter where she went, Shales could always respond by her side, like a loyal dog that never strays far away. "After the walls have been modified with special metals, they are now not only completely soundproof, fireproof, and corrosion-proof, but can also withstand an impact of up to forty tons."

"When was it restructured?"

Saras quoted a year, but Lin Sanjiu didn't know where it was dated.

"After leaving the martial arts training ground, we will soon reach the semi-automatic unmanned intelligent medical room."

This arrangement is really very humane - Lin Sanjiu laughed and said, "I'm injured and can be treated."

"Yes, hopefully you can avoid serious injury."

"I try my best."

Sales doesn't seem to know how to respond to jokes.

The magnetic levitation track spread to almost every corner. When she got off the transport cabin, she could directly push open the door of the medical room - perhaps to prevent system errors from causing irreparable consequences. In the so-called semi-automatic unmanned medical room, it is necessary to Instead, there were more places for manual operation; she opened two doors with her hands in succession, and walked into a curtained cubicle under Saras's instructions.

A doctor was waiting for her with a flashing red light.

Specifically, the "doctor" was a huge tunnel-shaped instrument with a dark interior space enough to accommodate an adult. Its appearance was somewhat reminiscent of an MRI machine; Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a few seconds, then lay down on it and was Saras was sent into the "tunnel".

"This is a general diagnosis scan warehouse," the gentle voice control system comforted Lin Sanjiu, who could not see anything. "We can conduct a comprehensive preliminary examination of your overall condition."

The first item to be checked is also generally the most urgent. Lin Sanjiu lay in the dark, listening to Saras announce to her in a good news tone: "Congratulations, you have no high temperature, no internal bleeding, and no internal bleeding. Damaged and abnormal.”

"Can you tell me something I don't know?"

"There is water on the sun."


"The elements present on the sun include oxygen and hydrogen..."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that Sarasi didn't seem to understand the sarcastic words, and it was telling "something she didn't know" according to the instructions.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Lin Sanjiu, who was "basically healthy, but may suffer from knee joint wear in the future, and learned a piece of trivia", got out of the scanning chamber in a daze. She saw a row of robotic arms that could automatically find blood vessels to inject people, an operating table that could perform basic rescue work, and an instrument that seemed to be used to monitor vital indicators. She was finally satisfied.

"It seems that most of them treat trauma? I won't read the rest." She knew that she must be smiling without looking in the mirror. "There will be a real...well, there will be a doctor to take over this medical treatment." room."

However, there may be some key instruments and the like that need to be modified into a shape and size suitable for cat claw operation.

Lin Sanjiu drove the single-person transport cabin up and down, and three hours had passed before he knew it.

She had never seen a house like this before, and couldn't even find the right words to describe it: this was not a "mansion" in the ordinary sense - Exodus was more considerate and thoughtful than humans themselves, So it's solid, solid, comfortable, thoughtful... but not luxurious.

To use an analogy, it's like - like a fortress in the apocalypse.

The next thing to visit is just the kitchen and canteen, so don’t worry.

Lin Sanjiu yawned and greeted Shales, then turned around and flew towards the manager's suite. When she entered the house, the sound of water rushing behind the bathroom door just stopped.

White hot steam rises from the pool water, and the clear water surface shines like broken gems under the light. Lin Sanjiu took off all the dirty clothes and washed the ashes from her body randomly; when she slowly sank into a pool of hot water, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh. .


Saras's voice gradually became lower, and soft music played by an unknown instrument gradually floated from the corner.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she had such a pleasant bath. All the bones, muscles and skin in her body seemed to be moaning in the hot water; she gradually slid towards the bottom of the pool until the water covered her chin. Leaning on the latex pillow, she breathed in the clean and warm steam, and her mind slowly became blurred.

The evolved person probably wouldn't drown in the bathtub, but this was after all a house built before the apocalypse; as if sensing her sleepiness, handrails came out from both sides of the bathtub, supporting her body at a comfortable angle. . With a soft "beep", the pool began to swirl with gentle water flow, gently hitting her skin, always maintaining the same water temperature.

In the haziness, Lin Sanjiu became more and more sleepy. She felt that she had slipped into a dark and sweet place, and the messy thoughts flashed past like fragments, shapeless and illogical, and gradually dispersed, sinking into the abyss of sleep.

Long Er... suddenly stopped going to work.

Mei He had a hard time...

"Fifty percent," Di Mo's surprised face gradually faded away, "Fifty percent..."

Exodus stands in the Grand Canyon...

"Contraband, please be patient and wait..." Sibaan's letter said.

Finally, the shimmering luster of the water swayed in the field of vision, and a red coat floated on the blue water, farther and farther away.

When Lin Sanjiu woke up from a pool of hot water, the feeling of her heart shrinking slightly before she fell asleep still remained in her chest.

Something is very wrong.

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