Opening his eyes, Chen Tian saw a lamp shining down, which made him squint slightly.

The discomfort of his body made him, who was originally dizzy, suddenly startled.

Having survived for so long in the last days, he was well aware of the dangers of this physical condition.

Why are you so weak?

While questions flashed in his mind, Chen Tian quickly looked around.

He found that his hands and legs were tied, unable to move, and on the left side of his body, several instruments were placed, like the kind of facilities in hospitals, which could provide real-time feedback on the patient's physical condition.

The rhythmic "beep" sound came from one of the devices.

On the right side of the body, there are two figures with their backs shaking, both of them are sky-blue surgical gowns, as if they are preparing for surgery.

"The anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Wang, you can begin!"

A simple soft conversation made Chen Tian feel like he had been struck by lightning.

The scene here is exactly the same as his nightmare.

Are you dreaming?

Before this question was understood, Chen Tian felt a sense of dizziness.

It is the anesthetic injected into the body, which is affecting his consciousness.

"Huh? Why is he still awake, is the dose not enough? It

was the man called Dr. Wang who spoke, and listening to his voice, he should be in the middle of his year.

Because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see his face, but he could see a flash of panic in his eyes.

"That's right, I was obviously asleep just now!"

The other voice sounded younger, an assistant.

"Increase the injection dose!" Dr. Wang said grimly.

What they have to do is to extract the heart of this teenager, anyway, this teenager is also dead, and the consequences of excessive anesthetic doses can be ignored.


The assistant turned around and got busy.

Dr. Wang stared at the young man who opened his eyes, and for some reason, a chill rose in his heart.

The boy's eyes were like bloodthirsty beasts.

"You can't blame me for your death, if you want to blame, you can only blame your bad life!"

Comforting himself so much, Dr. Wang looked away and sorted out the surgical tools he would need later.

The young man's heart has been booked by a rich man, and after the operation, the people who are guarding outside will secretly send the teenager's heart away.

"How many years is it now?"

A voice that was so light that it made people tremble came from the mouth of the boy on the humble hospital bed.

The young man's appearance, which looked less than thirteen years old, faced with the fate of being gouged out of his heart, not only did he not panic, but the corners of his lips even flashed a cruel smile.

Isn't this boy crazy?

Or is he a madman himself?

Dr. Wang did not know where the boy came from, he was only responsible for the operation, the money, and the rest of the matter.

"Okay, no!"

Dr. Wang urged, and the chill that rose in his heart made him irritable.

Ignorant of conscience to earn this kind of money, he was already weak-hearted, and now he saw the teenager so weird, he only felt a chill in his back!

"What the hell, how can he still talk!" The assistant came over with a tube of injection.

He didn't want to be affected by his negligence.

Holding the boy's arm, he found the blood vessel, and this needle was just about to pierce it.


A scene that no one expected appeared.

A scalpel that should have been placed in a sterilization box plunged into the assistant's temple.

People, fell straight down.

When this assistant died, he still clutched the syringe in his hand!

Di ~ Di ~ In

the secret room, the crisp sound of the machine is still ringing.

Dr. Wang's whole person was dumbfounded on the spot.

He didn't make a sound, just stared straight at the corpse on the ground.

Blood is flowing out one by one.

The violent beating of his heart made Dr. Wang seem to hear the war drum of death, and he was constantly summoning him.

Obviously, there was no one else in the room except him and this young man.

But the question is, his assistant died, how to die, this is the point!

"It seems that this is not a dream!"

The young man's voice suddenly broke this oppressive silence.

Dr. Wang instinctively stepped back, and his body hit the instrument straight before stopping.

"Back then, because of you, I wasted five years in vain and missed the best opportunity for evolution." The boy seemed to be narrating himself.

At that time, it was in such an environment that these two men performed heart removal surgery on him, but the operation was not completed because the buyer died.

The two simply stitched his wound together for the next buyer.

Then, that night, meteor showers fell from the sky, opening the beginning of human evolution.

Under the baptism of energy, Chen Tian saved his life, but the injury in his heart became a huge hidden danger for him, making him miss the best opportunity to evolve.

For the most important first five years, he was struggling to solve his hidden problems.

Now, he is reborn at this moment, which is really a trick!

"You... You..."

Dr. Wang's eyes were full of fear.


A cold light flashed, and a scalpel plunged directly into Dr. Wang's throat.

Dr. Wang struggled a few times before he lost his life.


The cold light flew by, directly cutting the surgical belt that bound the young man's hands and feet.

A bright scalpel was suspended quietly in front of him like that.

Nian ability, this is the hole card that Chen Tian relied on to survive back then, if it were not for the drag of his body, he would have been promoted to the first ladder of the strong.

This rebirth, the ability to think has not completely disappeared, but the role it can play is also limited.

The dizziness coming out of his mind made Chen Tian fall into a coma again.

Not only the effect of that anesthetic, but also the regurgitation of the forced use of the ability to think.

The current body is like a limited container, which cannot carry his mental energy at all, and if it is not a matter of life and death, he does not want to forcibly use it.

When Chen Tian opened his eyes again, he could still only hear the rhythmic "beeping" sound in the secret room.

"The effect of the anesthetic is over!"

Chen Tian pulled out the catheter on his body, barefoot, and rolled over.

The two corpses on the ground were already cold, and Chen Tian only glanced at it, then moved his gaze to the scalpel that could be used.

Just as I put the scalpel away, I heard a knock on the door.

"Doctor Wang, I just received the news that the operation has been terminated."

It is a man's voice, no need to ask, but also a participant in the interest chain.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chen Tian opened the door straight.

The sudden change in light made the man outside feel a little uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes and was about to speak, but found that it was not Dr. Wang who opened the door, nor the assistant.

"You..." The

man had just uttered a word, and Chen Tian's raised arm directly sent a scalpel into his mouth.

Fast, ruthless, accurate!

A mobile phone was found from the dead man, with a combination lock, but the time and date of the moment could be seen when the screen was lit.

Sure enough, he was born again, before the outbreak of the end times.

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