Elle stood there, not speaking for a long time, a pair of eyes, staring directly at the tablet in her hand.

People who are closer can even hear sounds coming from the tablet.

"Ellie, what happened?" General Yu Hai asked in a deep voice.

As the founder of the 56th Security Zone, he has a heavy burden on his shoulders, especially after reading the information just now, he has a feeling that he will be abandoned by the times.

"General," Elle looked up, "Mr. Chentian sent me a short video. I'm now casting on the big screen. After

some operation, the picture changed on the big screen in front of him.

It was a battle scene in a clearing, where several people in special armor besieged a young figure wearing a helmet.

The two sides of the battle are very different in equipment, but the result of the battle is exactly the opposite.

The young figure wearing a helmet, although it did not have armor protection, but it was amazingly effective, and with its own strength, it resisted the siege of those armored people.

The picture is only twenty seconds long, and it is recorded from the perspective of one of the warframe men.

After the short video ended, the research room fell silent again.

Although the image just now was only a few seconds long, it showed everyone the superiority and mobility of that kind of armor.

This is many times more advanced than the warframe they have seen before!

"Elle, what else did Mr. Chentian say?" General Yu Hai's voice sounded again.

"Mr. Chen Tian said, don't guard the old yellow calendar, even the mutant beasts are constantly evolving and mutating, guarding the past, they will only be abandoned."

The research room fell silent again.

At this moment, more than one person was thinking that since others could make that kind of armor, they could too.

Some people are thinking that the warframe is a foreign object after all, if they can become as powerful as the young figure in the picture, even if there is no warframe!


Just when everyone was immersed in their own thoughts, the ground suddenly shook, and the alarm lights around them were even more red.

"Get out of here, it's an earthquake!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone reacted immediately.

"Protect the 'light brain', it is the hope for the future of our safe zone!"

"Cut off the power and open the emergency gate!"

"Protect the general!"

The scene was chaotic.

Fortunately, there is no danger, and the shock just now has passed.

However, it also sounded the alarm for everyone.

The underground research room is the most confidential place in the security zone.

In the 56th security zone, there are three research rooms like this.

The "evolution potion" that the safe zone is proud of was developed in this laboratory.

A sudden earthquake has exposed some problems that have not been paid attention to before:

even if it is underground, it is not absolutely safe!

The "light brain" with ultra-high computing power and deduction ability needs to strengthen defense, which is related to the development of science and technology in the future of the security zone.

This time the "hacking" incident, if not for the "light brain" intelligent system alarm, they were still kept in the dark.

The morning sun shines in all corners of the safe zone.

People who had gotten up discussed the previous earthquake with each other, as if it had become a recognized topic.

Chentian, who was in the villa, was also very concerned about this sudden earthquake.

He remembered some memories again.

In the previous life, it was after the earthquake that the trainees of the training camp went out to practice.

"The source came from the southeast, with an amplitude of 4.7, and there were no casualties."

Night Night Armor, the news that has just been announced, will be announced.

"What caused the earthquake?" Chentian asked.

"The reason is unknown!"

Chentian was silent again.

He remembers that there had been more than one earthquake in the safe zone in the previous life.

In other words, the time of the incident is getting closer and closer.

"Mr. Chentian, breakfast is ready!"

At this time, Xia Dong's voice came from downstairs.

Coming to the restaurant on the first floor, Chen Tian looked at the two sisters who did not report to the training camp with some surprise.

"The two children were a little frightened, and I gave them two days off." Xia Dong on the side said busily.

In fact, it was he who lost trust in the camp.

You know, his two daughters were forcibly taken away during class.

In any case, the manager of the training camp should also come forward to clarify, at least contact him as a parent!

But so far, there is nothing, as if his two daughters deserve to be taken away and deserve to be wronged.

Chen Tian didn't say anything, as long as this family followed the rules, he didn't mind letting them live here.

Now, as the date of finding out what he really wants is getting closer, how long can he stay in the "fifty-sixth safe period"?

After breakfast, Chen Tian locked himself in the training room again and continued to experience the Essence Mystic Technique.

Regarding the secret content of the "Six Star Disk", he had already read it once, but he had no clue at all.

For this reason, he also asked Ye Yejia for help, who knew that Ye Yejia let him understand on his own.

There is no way, Chentian can only rely on himself.

Sitting cross-kneeled on the ground, Chentian's body condensed his thoughts, like a huge cloak, covering him in it.

"If you want to perform a secret technique, you need to make 'Nian Energy' specialized!"

Chentian's eyebrows are wrinkled together, and they can kill flies.

That alone was incomprehensible to him.

How to transform "mental energy"?

What is idiosyncratization?

Where to start?

My mind was in chaos, and I didn't know what to do at all.

This is different from previous training, as long as you work hard, you can see the results.

"Fine mysticism" is about comprehension.

If you can't understand it, you may try hard for a lifetime and you won't be able to get started.

Finally, it can be understood why Night Armor's previous initiative to teach him the "Essence Mystic Art".

I don't want to hit him!

Having the minimum requirements for practicing "Essence Mysticism" does not mean that you will be able to achieve success.

"Forget it, instead of blindly thinking about it, it's better to do what I can do!"

After thinking hard about it, Chen Tian decided to find something to do and relax his mood.



Two figures, one black and one white, appeared out of thin air, it was the little black dog and the little white cat released by Chentian.

Since Chen Tian wanted to comprehend the essence mystic, he took these two restless little guys into the "life space" in advance.


The little black dog flicked its tail and came over.

It is accustomed to switching between the two spatial worlds, not to mention that no matter where it goes, it is accompanied by the little white cat, a little friend who resists beating.

The little white cat should have just been beaten, the snow-white hair was a little messy, and when he saw Chentian, he didn't come over at the first time, but walked outside the house, looking like I don't want to be with you.

"Tyrant, Snow Emperor, I haven't played a game with you for a long time, come and come, let's have a good time." Chen Tian said with a smile.

It's good not to say this sentence, as soon as this word came out, the little white cat who was just pacing out, immediately ran away!

It can be clear that this is where is playing, this is the little master to play with them!

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