After getting on the fighter, An Qing and a group of soldiers finally escaped the rock attack without risk.

The fighter flew to a height of thousands of meters, and the rocks that fell over no longer posed a threat.

"Why are rocks coming over?"

There is more than one person who has this doubt.

An Qing was more concerned about the situation below, and after ensuring safety, he ordered: "Put unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!" Several

unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew out of the hatch, and soon, a picture was transmitted.

"This... Are these all ferocious beasts? On

the display screen, the densely swaying black dots made everyone feel cold.

This amount has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Even Anqing, who was mentally prepared, couldn't help but gasp when he saw this picture at this moment.

Although Chen Tian told him that tens of thousands of ferocious beasts were about to attack, the picture displayed was definitely more than 10,000.

"Submit smart AI for preliminary data statistics." An Qing did not lose his cool and ordered again.

In the loudspeaker, a magnetic electronic voice soon sounded: "After preliminary statistics, the number of ferocious beasts is about 37,000." "

Inside the cabin, someone immediately gasped.

Thirty-seven thousand, what a horrible number.

The real data is definitely far more than this number, I am afraid that forty or fifty thousand is possible.

Such a huge tide of beasts, not to mention that they can't withstand it, the "Dawning City" may not be spared.

"Immediately transmit the picture and news to the headquarters!"

An Qing was anxious, but his voice was still calm.

I don't know how soon these ferocious beasts will arrive in the "City of Dawn", in this limited time, I hope that the "City of Dawn" can prepare early.

The city of dawn, the inner city.

Inside a luxurious villa, Roger is reading announcements on a tablet on his couch.

The above is a list of warriors who passed the assessment.

"Those two really passed the assessment!"

Roger stared at the two names on the tablet, a little in a daze.

Chen Tian and Tu Yungang, these are the two people he pays the most attention to.

Compared to that unfathomable teenager, Roger cared more about Tu Yungang.

In the second level of assessment, he was protected by the uncle so that he could survive the assassination of the killer.

When it comes to the behind-the-scenes of those killers, the Black Wolf Gang is so daring.

Roger has been asked to stay at home and not go out these days, but he is not closed to news from the outside world.

He heard from some special channels that in the past few days, the Black Wolf Gang has successively exposed scandals and criminal records, internal backbones have mysteriously committed suicide, related industries have been sealed, and the remaining members are wanted....

Although Roger is young, he is not stupid, and he knows that the destruction of the Black Wolf Gang is inseparable from his sister-in-law.

"Hey, I don't know when I'll be free to go out!"

Roger threw the tablet onto the couch and let the sunlight shine through the floor-to-ceiling windows over his face.

He really wanted to go out, this kind of life like confinement, he had enough.


- his sister-in-law gave the order to die, and he did not dare to disobey.

What's more, there were still people watching him outside.


Roger just complained, and a prevention and control alarm suddenly sounded outside the courtyard.

The sound is long and loud!

Suddenly, Roger got up from the sofa and went straight to the window.

"What happened?"

Before he could figure it out, he received a call from his sister-in-law, told him to wait in place, and quickly came to pick him up.

Roger picked up the tablet again, and the headlines were at the top:

"Dawn City" has turned on its defense system, the army is gathering, and many rich people have fled in warplanes.

"Is this an accident?"

Roger flipped through several pieces of information and didn't find an answer.

Presumably in order to avoid panic, some messages were blocked.

"Roger, come to the West Courtyard quickly!"

Roger, who was sifting through the news, received Rosa's message.

Without having time to ask, Roger simply gestured to the item and ran directly to the west courtyard.

When he arrived, he happened to see a fighter plane slowly landing.

"Come up!"

The hatch opened, and Rosa appeared at the door, did not come down, but beckoned Roger to board.

"Sister-in-law, what happened?"

Entering the warplane, Roger couldn't wait to ask.

He knew that his sister-in-law was very powerful, and others could not know things, but his sister-in-law had a way to know.

"A tide of beasts is rushing over." Rosa answered directly.

"Beast tide?"

Roger was stunned, he had learned in books what a "beast tide" was, and knew its destructive power.

"Sister-in-law, are we leaving the 'City of Dawn'?" Roger asked a new question.

He thought of the rich people in the news who left on warplanes.

"No, we need to figure out the extent of the 'beast tide' first!" Rosa's rare serious look.

"The City of Dawn", with her family inheritance, if it is not necessary, she cannot abandon it and leave.

What's more, Zhao Ban's forces have just collapsed, and she is still ready to show her skills!

"Sister-in-law, where are we going?"

Feeling that the fighter plane had taken off, Roger asked busily.

"Go to the area of the beast tide to check it out!" Lorna said.

This answer made Roger stunned.

Other rich people, how far away and how far to hide, how can he, this sister-in-law, do the opposite.

"This beast tide comes from the ground, and we take the fighter, and it is safe to ensure the altitude." Rosa's tone slowed, mainly not wanting Roger to be too nervous.

"Are we going to support the battle?" Roger asked busily.

"Nope!" After a little silence, Rosa said again, "This time, the main thing is to take you to a long insight!" "

This statement is three points true, seven points false.

Rosa knows the truth of "opportunity and danger coexist", but she can't say this to Roger, for fear that this kid will be too aggressive in the future.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for the assassination before, she wouldn't have brought Roger with her this trip.

Although it is said that after maintaining a certain height, the fierce beasts on the ground cannot threaten them, but there are no absolutes in the world, and there may be flying fierce beasts caught in it.

But if Roger was put somewhere else, Rosa was really a little uneasy.

Although she has destroyed the "Black Wolf Gang" in the past few days, there are still some remnants that have not been pulled out clean, and it is better to take Roger with her than to risk that trap.

This time, the beast tide came too suddenly, and Rosa and her assistant Galoju both thought that it was necessary to go to the scene to take a look, maybe there would be an unexpected harvest.

They have had such gains before, which is why they are so positive at this moment.

Of course, this is also related to whether the family business of the "Dawning City" can be preserved, and what kind of response plan is needed?

Once they notice something is wrong, they can directly turn to other cities, and with the funds in the alliance card, it will not be difficult to make a comeback.

With the flight speed of the fighter, it soon came to the place where the ferocious beast broke out.

"It's that boy, he's actually here!"

Galo in the cabin felt the energy of Chentian's thoughts and immediately spoke up.

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