After eating, you can take the "Evolution Elixir", which speeds up the progress of this feast a lot.

"I'm full!"

The little girl Liu Ying put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Yaya, why are you only eating so much today, isn't there your favorite 'pulling sweet potato'?" Xu Da on the side asked busily.

"Uncle Xu, I've already eaten."

The little girl's big eyes flashed, and the expectant thoughts were all over her face.

Don't look at her age is only thirteen years old, but the cruel end times urge people to precocious, and she understands a lot of truths.

The promised gold mountain and silver mountain are not as good as the copper plate held in the hand.

Since the "evolution potion" was so precious, of course she wanted to drink it quickly.

Only when he becomes stronger, can he not be bullied, and can he better help Aunt Fang and Uncle Xu.

In this home, she is the youngest and she doesn't want to be a burden.

"Yaya, then you first go to the side and wait for your brother and sister for a while."

Xu Da smiled, not breaking the little girl's thoughts.


Liu Ying had just left the table, and Liu Gang also put down the bowl and chopsticks: "Uncle Xu, Aunt Fang, Brother Tian, Sister Shan, I have eaten well."

After that, he put away the empty bowl and sat shoulder to shoulder with Liu Ying.

The eyes of the two stared straight at the metal box placed in the corner of the wall, as if the box would run away on its own legs.

That is the potion that can make them "warriors", and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can change their fate.

Warriors, not only have a high status in the "City of Dawn", but are also highly respected even in other cities.

After a while, Mei Shan also got off the table.


Looking at Mei Shan, who was going to brush the bowl, the little girl beckoned vigorously, obviously very excited, but she tried to suppress the volume, and she didn't know who was afraid of being heard.

Mei Shan hurriedly put down the apron she had just picked up and walked over.

"Sister, sit here!" The corner of the little girl's mouth smiled dimples.

Mei Shan sat down and glanced at the metal box, although there was not much change in her expression, but her heartbeat had begun to accelerate.

Unlike Liu Ying and Liu Gang, she has always been very longing for "warriors", and often takes advantage of the work of buying vegetables to go to the open-air square to listen to public lectures on "warrior knowledge".

Even, she never missed the radio program "Warrior Lecture Hall", which was broadcast every night, and also took notes.

"Sister, you know a lot, can you tell us about the 'warrior'?" The little girl looked thirsty for knowledge.

Before, she had never dared to think about this, but now it was different, they were about to usher in a turning point in their lives, and naturally they couldn't wait to know what life would be like in the future.

"What do you want to know?" Mei Shan asked.

"Sister, I want to know the division of strength of warriors!" Liu Gang on the side rushed to say.

"I don't know much, but I can tell you. The strength of warriors is from low to high, divided into: warriors, generals, and gods of war. Each level is further divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced. "

Are there only three levels?" Liu Gang asked.

"I only know these three levels."

"Sister, what level does Brother Tian belong to?" Liu Gang asked again.

The little girl on the side also pricked up her ears, for fear of missing half a sentence.

"I don't know!"

Mei Shan glanced at Chentian, who was eating.

"Sister, guess!"

The little girl was busy interjecting, obviously she was also interested in this topic.

"I think it should be 'General Level'."

When she said this, Mei Shan thought of the attitude of the inspector at the auction.

If it weren't for the strength reaching the same level, the other party would not be so polite.

"Wow! Warriors! The little girl immediately looked at Chen Tian with fiery eyes.

"Brother Tian, is he so powerful, too strong, such a young warrior. In the 'City of Dawn', I have only heard that the three inspectors are generals. Liu Gang said with a look of adoration.

Boys have heroic dreams, and Liu Gang is no exception.

Although he lived outside the city, he had heard many legends about the overseers who declared the magistrates.

Among them, the most popular story in the world is the story of supervising one person to defend the city and kill the fierce beasts in all directions.

Under Liu Gang's pillow, there were also photos of the three inspectors, which he had specially purchased from the store with his pocket money.

"Sister, after taking the 'Evolution Elixir', does it hurt a lot?" The little girl asked in a weak voice.

"Yaya, if we can't even bear this pain, then we can only endure the harm inflicted on us by bad people. Today's events, as you have also seen, if we do not have the strength to protect ourselves, we are just fish in the eyes of others.

Mei Shan's words were a bit heavy, and if it had been before, she might have chosen a milder way to express it.

However, today's events are really too dangerous.

She didn't want her brother and sister to have any naïve thoughts.

The world is cruel and desperate.

"Sister, I'm not afraid!"

The little girl grabbed Mei Shan's arm hard, and she didn't know how much moisture she had in this statement.

The three siblings were chatting, and suddenly Xu Da called them over.

"Shanshan, Xiaogang, Yaya, are you ready to take the potion?" Xu Da asked directly.

As a passer-by, he knows the pain when the medicine works, because he is worried that the three children will not survive, so he wants to give psychological counseling to the three of them.

"Uncle Xu, we are not afraid!" The little girl said with her chest straight.

Even the youngest she said this, Mei Shan and Liu Gang, needless to say.

When the "Evolution Elixir" was held in their hands separately, the tension on their faces could no longer be concealed.

However, none of the three flinched and drank the potion separately.

The medicinal effect of the potion would not be exerted so quickly, and Chen Tian said some precautions to them again.

While waiting, Xu Da and Fang Shuping seemed to be more nervous than the three children.

Fang Shuping did not drink the potion with her, considering that Xu Da was too hard to take care of so many people alone.

Time is slowly passing.

The three children, who were placed in the bedroom, began to react.

Their body temperature begins to rise, and gradually, mild cramps appear.

"Do you want to physically cool them down?" Xu Da asked.

"No need!" Chen Tian replied.

Where is this, the real pain is still to come!

"They're sweating a lot, are they going to get dehydrated?" Fang Shuping asked in a low voice.

"There will be no danger to life, just a sin." Chen Tian said again.

"Wouldn't you leave the windows open to circulate better?" Xu Da asked again.

"If you have nothing to do, go cook that beast." Chen Tian said.

With him here, even if something happens to the three children during their evolution, he can remedy it in time.

On the contrary, Xu Da and Fang Shuping are standing here and can't help, they will only worry blindly.

Xu Da pulled Fang Shuping away.

In the room, Chen Tian always paid attention to the changes of the three people on the bed.

After another while, the hands and feet of the three people twitched sharply, and their mouths made painful sounds.

Fortunately, Chentian had already arranged the enchantment in the room, and the sound would not reach outside.

"You are fortunate that in the process of evolution, you can still absorb pure genetic energy."

In a murmur, Chen Tian stretched out his palm, and a small ball of genetic energy appeared in his palm.

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