The dual evolution of the body and mental ability, which consumes so much evolutionary energy.

Judging by the results, all the effort was worth it.

"Finally different from the previous life, without refining and absorbing 'gene hail', I have become an evolutionary."

The white steam around his body continued, and Chen Tian began to drink a lot of mineral water in order to expel the impurities in his body.

When everything returned to calm, Chentian began to feel the changes in his body.

Gently jumping upwards, his body was raised three or four meters high, and Chen Tian casually swung a few punches, directly hitting the afterimage.

Compared with the changes in his body, Chen Tian wanted to know what were the differences in his ability to think after evolution.

"Now I can control five fruit knives at the same time to attack, and the attack range directly reaches fifty meters."

After a simple test, Chentian got the relevant data.

What surprised him the most was that his evolved mind ability gave him the ability to probe the inside of objects through contact.

This ability, for the present, is too practical.

He can directly use this ability to know the classification of genetic worms within the "gene hail".

Soon after the meteor shower, ice cubes wrapped in genetic worms fall from the sky, collectively known as gene hail by later generations.

The gene worm inside, also known as the "parasitic control neural gene chain", can help species change bloodline genes and thus awaken strange abilities.

There is only one premise, that is, it cannot be dominated by genetic insects, otherwise it will be reduced to a "walking beast" with only primitive instincts.

And this is also the main reason for the coming of the end times.


Jia Yuting shook her somewhat swollen head, raised her head, and the airbag in front of her had been deployed, indicating that she had just had a car accident.

She vaguely remembers that she had a big fight with her husband, and took her seven-year-old daughter back to her mother's house overnight, and a meteor shower suddenly fell in the sky on the road, and her daughter excitedly shouted to her mother to watch quickly.

I don't know how long has passed, an unprecedented feeling of dizziness hit, and in the moment before fainting, she slammed the steering wheel and hit the brakes, and I don't remember what happened next.

From the cocked hood, you can tell what the front of the car hit, and then rolled over into the gutter.

"Moe." Thinking of her daughter, Jia Yuting was suddenly startled and hurriedly looked back.

I saw her seven-year-old daughter, reclining in the car seat, motionless.

"Mengmeng, Mengmeng, don't scare your mother."

Unable to care about the pain in her body, Jia Yuting unfastened her seat belt and crawled to her daughter's side.

After a hurried check, her daughter didn't seem to bump into it, but she just couldn't wake up, which was very bad for her.

She was busy dialing 120, and it turned out to be busy.

She called the help number again, changed several times, and also could not call in.

Finally, she called her husband and finally got through.

On the other end of the phone, the screams continued, but it was not her husband who answered the phone, it was a strange man.

"Who are you, my husband?" Jia Yuting asked.

"Sister-in-law, just now the eldest brother ventured to the street to save people, and after carrying the third one back, he suddenly fainted. The meteor shower just now is too evil, the eldest brother is a good person, sister-in-law, you can be careful yourself..." Jia

Yuting's hand holding the phone began to tremble, she didn't know what was wrong with the world, and she was even more worried about her husband's safety, but right now, her daughter needed her more.

After hanging up the phone, she tried to wake her daughter again, but to no avail.

At this time, she noticed that her daughter's breathing began to be rapid, and her body temperature was frighteningly hot.

Must take my daughter to the hospital quickly!

After trying the car, the engine of the car sounded a little strange, the right headlight had been scrapped, the windshield appeared spider web-like cracks, and the miracle was that the wheels of the car could still turn.

However, because it is stuck in the gutter, the wheels can only be idled and cannot walk at all.

She tried to push the car door, but fortunately there was still one side of the car door that could be pushed open.

Stepping out of the car, she came to the side of the road in a panic, tried to stop the passing car for help, but waited for a long time and there was no car.

What to do?

What to do?

The phone doesn't get through, and there is no passing car!

She retreated to the car again, her daughter's body temperature was higher, and her face was as red as a red-hot iron pot.

"Why did it burn so badly, you have to find a way to cool down."

She took off her coat, soaked it in the gutter, and placed it on her daughter's forehead.

Although this method is effective, it is not enough to suppress the daughter's body temperature.

What to do?

What to do?

Just when she was six gods and masterless and anxious, there was a loud bang, something seemed to smash on the trunk lid, and the car shook violently.

It turned out to be a ball of ice.

At this time, Jia Yuting could not care about the origin of this ice cube, and lifted it and smashed it towards the road, and the ice cube fell a small corner, and she hurriedly applied it to her daughter.

This is just an emergency measure, or you have to go to the hospital.

So, she tirelessly calls for help while keeping an eye on the road, and as soon as she spotted a vehicle light, she would run out.

The call for help, she did not get through; She did not wait for the traffic, but a teenager's figure appeared in her field of vision.

At such a night, on the wide road, a teenager appeared on the road, which was really suspicious and strange.

However, for Jia Yuting at this moment, seeing people is equivalent to seeing hope.

"Children, help think of a way, my daughter's high fever does not subside, and she needs to go to the hospital immediately." Jia Yuting got out of the car and shouted at the approaching Chentian.

It's really a rush to the doctor.

How much help can a thirteen-year-old help?

Chen Tian pretended not to hear and continued to look for gene hail, he was not in the mood to care about other people's affairs.

"Little friend, where are you from? Do you know where to get a taxi nearby? Jia Yuting came directly to the young man and continued to ask.

"Fuck off, don't bother me!"

Chentian's voice was cold, and there was an unsympathetic momentum.

This has to do with his experience and his recent rebirth from the end times.

Jia Yuting was startled, instinctively stood still, and looked at the teenager stunned.

At this time, Chen Tian finally found a small piece of genetic hail in the grass, about the size of an almond, if not for his sharp eyes, it would be really difficult to find.

"Damn, it's a corpse poison."

At this moment, Chentian's mood was very bad, and he looked all the way, all of which were this low-grade gene hail.

"That, do you also have relatives with body fever, I just picked up a large piece of ice here, I can divide you a little." Jia Yuting spoke again.

Her thinking was that if the teenager's family also came by car, it would be hope for her daughter.

Even the slightest hope, she will not let go.

She knows that the effect of ice is only temporary, and once the body temperature rises to a certain level, the drug must cool down as soon as possible, otherwise it will be life-threatening.

Chen Tian suddenly looked up at her and asked, "You picked up the 'gene hail'?"

"Gene hail?" Jia Yuting was stunned.

Chen Tian said, "Take me to see the ice cubes you mentioned."

Coming to the front of the car, Chentian's eyes were suddenly attracted by the huge ice cube placed on the empty seat.

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