The home was no longer safe, so this time Wang Ming brought his wife with him.

Follow the stairs of the safe passage all the way to the top floor.

Before Wang Ming and his wife recovered from the shock they had just made, they were shocked by the food in Chentian's room.

How can there be so much food?

Gollum ~

Wang Ming and his wife, swallowed their saliva without fighting.

Chen Tian said flatly: "The food here, you can take as much as you can at one time." "

With so much food, Chen Tian can't finish eating alone, let alone take it away, that's why he is so proud at the moment.

"Can we take anything?" Wang Ming asked breathlessly.

"As long as it is food, you can take it as you like, but you can only take it once, and how much you can take away depends on your ability." Chen Tian said with a smile.

He couldn't live here for a few days, and the days after that would be to hunt mutant beasts and collect "evolution beads".

Wang Ming and his wife did not immediately carry the food, but whispered something together.

"Have you figured out what to take?" Chentian asked.

"That..." this time it was Wang Ming's wife who spoke, "Can we live here with you?"

Chentian's eyes widened, and the other party suddenly panicked.

Wang Ming hurriedly said: "We don't want to fight these food, you can also see, our home is no longer safe, I beg you to take us in for a while, we don't live in vain." We can do things for you.

Chentian's silence made the couple's hearts go up and down.

"It's not impossible to promise you!" Chen Tian suddenly showed an evil smile, "But I have conditions!" Wang

Ming and his wife settled down, and in the face of the teenager's conditions, they all agreed.

There were a lot of rice noodles and vegetables in the room, and Tatsumi hadn't touched them these days, and all he ate were ready-made canned food and food.

As soon as Wang Ming and his wife came, these rice noodles and vegetables that were about to expire were useful.

Since there was no water and electricity, and there was no gas, Wang Ming and his wife could only go to the balcony to set up a pot to make a fire, and a hot meal was finally done.

When eating, Wang Ming and his wife were moved to almost tears.

Meals that used to be undesirable are now luxuries.

Three days passed without incident.

Near noon on this day, Chen Tian took the little black dog out to fight again, and Wang Ming and his wife were busy preparing lunch on the balcony.

They became young servants, but willingly.

Through the balcony, you can clearly see the walking corpses walking on the street.

I don't know if it's an illusion, the number of walking corpses and monsters is much less than on the first day of the apocalypse.

"Husband, bring me a bucket of mineral water." The wife who cooks said.

"Good!" Wang Ming turned and entered the living room.

Since living here, the couple has felt a lot more relieved.

Although the teenager told them: in the current world, if you can't become stronger, you can only become food.

But the husband and wife would rather be servants and chores than fight the walking corpses.

The food here is enough for them to eat for a while, maybe hold out for a few more days, and troops will come to rescue them.

Wang Ming went to the house to get mineral water, and suddenly heard his wife's screams, and he hurried to the balcony.

Then I saw a big black bird grabbing his wife and flying into the sky.

Wang Ming's whole person was stupid there.

Listening to his wife's screams and cries for help, he could not do anything.

The big black bird grabbed his wife and flew higher and higher.

Just when Wang Ming stood there dumbfounded and at a loss, with a swoosh, a figure appeared in front of him.

Wang Ming's afterlight saw that it was the young man.

At this time, Chen Tian, with his legs bent on his knees, a pair of eyes locked straight on the big bird flying into the air.


Wang Ming had just said a word, and the young man in front of him disappeared.

There was a muffled sound, and the concrete floor under my feet shook.

Chen Tian burst out with terrifying bouncing force and rushed towards the big bird.


Chen Tian pinched the big bird's neck with one hand, and picked up the woman who had fainted with the other.


The body began to fall downward.

Wang Ming, who witnessed this scene, raised his throat in his heart.

Fifteen floors is high enough, not to mention the teenager's jump, if this falls, it will not fall into meat mud.

Watching the boy, together with his wife and Big Bird, fall together, Wang Ming's body was cold.

He did not dare to go to the railing to look, he was afraid of seeing an unacceptable picture.

Just when Wang Ming was still stunned, with a swoosh, the young man actually stepped on the wall and rushed back to the balcony.

Wang Ming's whole person looked stupid, and he didn't run up to confirm his wife's situation at the first time.

He had only four words in his mind at the moment: How is it possible?

Could it be that this teenager has become so out of gravity?

This is not the case, Chen Tian was able to run up the wall with the help of some skills in mind ability and body technique.

"How long can you live even if you have enough food and water!" As Chen Tian spoke, he had already thrown the unconscious woman to Wang Ming.

The woman's shoulder was scratched with a bleeding hole, but there was no danger to her life.

After this time, Wang Ming and his wife did not dare to go to the balcony, and the two sorted out a room specifically for cooking on the fire.

Time flickered, and a few more days passed.

At this moment, it is the fifteenth day of the outbreak of the apocalypse, and Chentian is leaving.

According to his speculation, at this time, a slightly stronger evolutionary beast should have given birth to an "evolution bead".

"You're leaving?" Hearing that Chen Tian was leaving, Wang Ming and his wife were stunned.

"Everything in the room is yours."

"It's so messy outside, where are you going?" Wang Ming asked busily.

"Where there is a monster, where I go!"

Dropping this sentence, Chen Tian no longer explained and left directly.

That motorcycle, which he installed on an off-road vehicle, only needed to remove the bed in the back row, which could save a lot of space.

Driving the off-road vehicle, Chen Tian went all the way, during which I don't know how many walking corpses were run over by the wheels.

The originally white off-road vehicle was dyed red after a while.

Due to the many road obstacles, Chentian drives very slowly, and occasionally comes down to clean up the cars that block the road.

"From now on, our goal is to collect 'Evolution Beads'!"

Chen Tian glanced at the little black dog in the co-pilot's position.

The little black dog didn't know how to understand it, anyway, "Woof" responded twice.

The place where Chen Tian is going is the pet market, where there should be many mutant beasts.

It may be that it was too smooth before, and in the next few days, Chen Tian killed a lot of mutant beasts, and he was stunned that he couldn't find an "evolution bead".

"Shouldn't it, why are they all such low-level mutant beasts?"

"Or is it that powerful mutant beasts are deliberately avoiding me?"

Chen Tian was depressed.

Soon, though, he gets excited because he meets a woman who can bring him good luck.

"How are you?"

Chen Tian looked at Jia Yuting and her daughter who were shrunk in the mall with some surprise.

"Please save my husband, he has encountered a very terrible mutant beast!" Jia Yuting also did not expect to see Chen Tian again.

"A very terrifying mutant beast?" Chentian's eyes lit up.

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