Following behind these survivors, Chen Tian wanted to see what the so-called "safe transfer station" was, but when he arrived at the place, he was stunned.

Is there anything more ingenious in the world?

Looking at the building in front of him, Chen Tian had an urge to laugh.

"Night Beauty Leisure Club", here he came, it was this back door that he walked through.

I didn't expect that after the end of the world, I would come here again.

I didn't expect that this was what the survivors called a "safe transit point."

"Interesting, let's see what is famous here." A playful smile appeared at the corner of Chentian's mouth.

When the last car drove into the yard, the gate was slowly closed.

"Please rest assured that this is safe, I will lead everyone to the lounge where there is water and food, and when we get here, we are a family and we need to help each other."

A tall man stood in front of the steps and talked high.

"This is a temporary 'safe transit point', and in a few days, the state will send someone here to take us all to the 'safe zone', please keep order."

The tall man continued to speak, his sonorous and powerful appearance, as if there really was such a thing.

Chen Tian expressed serious doubts about this.

First of all, even if you want to build a "transit station", why not choose another more suitable place, but choose this place?

Then, a few days ago, the escort troops had just picked up the survivors on the "Green Square", and it was impossible to come again in such a short time.

In the end, Chentian's intuition told him that the people in charge of keeping sentries around didn't look like good people.

"This is someone who inherited the will of that 'leopard brother' and is ready to continue to make trouble here?"

Chentian's eyes were slightly cold.

Like the other survivors who had just arrived, he got out of the car and was led into a hall.

"Everyone must have worked very hard all the way here, so before I continue to introduce the rules here, give everyone a bottle of water."

After the tall man finished speaking, he ordered the people to distribute the bottles of mineral water prepared in advance.

If the survivors who came here were still suspicious at first, after getting the mineral water, they all let go of the mustard in their hearts.

A man handed a bottle of mineral water without even a label to Chentian, who directly refused.

"When we get here, everyone's safety is our responsibility, for each other's safety, I would like to make a small request, please hand over your weapons and let us keep them temporarily."

The tall man's voice sounded again, and before he finished speaking, someone took a bag and collected weapons one by one.

The survivors who have survived to this day are not fools, and when they heard that their weapons were going to be taken away, they immediately became vigilant.

"You have to cooperate with our work, collect weapons, and be responsible for other survivors!"

The tall man's face became ugly.

But no matter what he says, weapons are the bottom line of survivors, and it is impossible to cooperate obediently.

"Damn, one by one, didn't it give you face!"

At this moment, a big man suddenly rushed over and slapped one of the survivors in the face.

The tall man who was speaking didn't want to pretend anymore, made a gesture directly, and then a large wave of people poured in through the side door, all with hard guys in their hands.

"Don't look for smoke, give me some cooperation, now in this world, even if we slaughter you, no one can do anything to us!"

These people not only speak rudely, but also have fierce hands, but whenever someone tries to resist, they directly hit the head as a stick.


A man wearing glasses was smashed to the ground and died directly.

"See no, this is the end of non-cooperation, you are all smart, if you cooperate obediently, you can still keep you, otherwise, the guy in grandpa's hands is not vegetarian."

Frightened by this, the other survivors suddenly did not dare to resist anymore.

Everyone is weak, the other party is not only powerful, but also prepared, no one wants to be the first bird again.

"Yo, this girl looks good, go into the house with my brother and talk."

At this time, a woman was targeted, and the other party not only teased, but also directly started in front of so many people.

The woman trembled with fright, but did not dare to squeak.

So, the other party was even more unscrupulous, smiling evilly while preparing to put his hand into the woman's pants.

At this moment, an untimely teenager's voice suddenly sounded.

"Scum, really scum, not even as good as livestock!"

The man who was looking proud suddenly became angry, and roared at the top of his throat: "Who did it just now?" Who's talking? The

crowd naturally separated, and everyone consciously kept their distance from Chentian, lest they be affected.

Looking at the performance of these people, Chen Tian smiled coldly.

"Did you just speak, are you a little rabbit?"

The man walked over viciously, and the iron bar in his hand could smash at any time.

"It seems that I didn't clean up enough last time, but I missed you little characters." Chentian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You little bunny, what a drag!"

The man picked up the iron bar in his hand and smashed it at Chentian's head.

As if he hadn't seen it, Chen Tian just turned sideways very casually, and dodged the iron bar.

"Since you are scum, you must be a good 'scum' consciousness!"

When the words fell, Chen Tian punched out.


Several people nearby were splattered with blood.

The man who was still arrogant just now was directly headshot by Chentian's punch.

Only this time, the audience was silent.

Everyone has not recovered from this shock.


Chen Tian flashed and was already in front of the tall man.

At this time, the tall man's eyes widened like a ghost, he had never been so afraid in his life.

They just wanted to trick some survivors into enslavement, but they didn't expect to lure a little demon over.

"I..." The

tall man was about to speak, but was pinched by Chen Tian's chin.

"Don't make a noise, just die obediently."

With a crisp click, the tall man's jaw shattered along with his neck.

"Guess, who's next?"

Chentian's gaze swept towards those accomplices.

God knows how terrified those people were to be stared at by this gaze.

Almost without shouting slogans, these people ran out in unison.

How could Chen Tian let them run.

Bang bang!

There were several muffled sounds, and all those who fled flew back upside down and hit the wall hard.

These people are like pictures hanging on the wall, and it takes a while before their bodies slowly slide down.

No life left!

At this moment, the survivors who remained in this hall were even more terrified than they had just been.

Chen Tian smiled at them, and everyone snorted in unison.

"I still have to clean up, you guys feel free!"

After speaking, Chen Tian walked towards the room inside.

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