Mom and dad downstairs also had sad looks on their faces.

I’m constantly making phone calls.

“What should I do? The road is already closed, it can’t come! ”

Mom’s brow furrowed tightly

His eyes were full of worry for Nobita.

She is now worried about Nobita’s condition.

Dad frowned when he heard this.

Remember, Nobita’s situation now.

His brows were also tightly furrowed.

“How so?”

“And we can’t get out here, this matter is really troublesome!”

The two are also discussing countermeasures.

“Is Nobita all right?”

Doraemon also muttered to himself.

He was talking to himself entirely, and Nobita was now delirious now.

Consciousness began to blur.

After a while, both mom and dad came here.

“Now that I have taken the medicine, I guess it will work later!”

The family’s faces were full of sadness.

“Just hope his condition doesn’t deteriorate!”

Mom also sighed on the sidelines.

The eyes were also watching Nobita moan in pain.

But there is simply no way to do it.

There is also a snow elf outside the window, secretly observing everything.

It was snowing heavily.

The snow elf floated in the air and saw this scene.

His face was also full of worry.

In the middle of the night.

Mom and dad have already fallen asleep, and Doraemon has also entered the closet to sleep.

In front of Nobita, there was suddenly a white mist, gradually condensing.

Became a human form.

And this figure also reveals Sen Han’s coldness.

The people next to them can’t help but fight a cold war.

That man was the snow elf.

The snow elf knelt in front of Nobita and stretched out a hand to touch Nobita’s forehead.

I hope to use this method to help Nobita cool down.

Nobita also suddenly felt a cold feeling.

Reluctantly opened his eyes.

Found to be a snow elf.

The current snow elf is also looking at Nobita with a worried face.

His eyes were full of self-reproach.

“Snow spirit…”

When Nobita just wanted to say something,

The snow elf made a boo gesture.

He whispered in Nobita’s ear.

“Don’t move!”

“It’s so cold, it should be comfortable, right?”

Hearing the snow elf’s words, Nobita also lay down again.

Closed his eyes.

It has to be said.

This set can indeed temporarily relieve Nobita’s current pain.

Reluctantly nodded.


“I’ve sucked the heat away now!”

“It will get better soon!”

The snow elf said with a gentle look beside Nobita.

Nobita reluctantly opened his eyes.

An innocent smile on his face.

“Thank you!”

“But if you do that, you may…”

Nobita fell silent when he said this.

He knew that the snow elves didn’t want to disappear.

“Will disappear”

The snow elf’s brows also wrinkled slightly, and then soothed.

When he heard this, Nobita’s eyes immediately widened.

The snow elf also saw his doubts.

While trying his best to absorb the heat on Nobita’s forehead

While gently explaining on the side.

“But it doesn’t matter, the snow would have disappeared…”

“But didn’t you say you never want to disappear?”

Nobita’s mood now seemed a little excited.

Although what the snow elf did before made him a little angry.

But he also genuinely considers the snow elves his friend.

“Trust me, I really didn’t mean to give you a cold and fever.”

A tear also flashed in the snow elf’s beautiful big eyes.

“I just want to stay with you!”

When he said this, the snow elf’s voice was a little choked.

Said intermittently.

“I know, I’m having fun with you too!”

When he said this, Nobita’s face also had a smile on his face.

It was a smile from the heart.

“Really? I’m so impressed…”

The snow elf said gently, when he said this

The tears in the snow elf’s eyes could no longer be suppressed.

The tears that slipped from her eyes turned into falling snowflakes in an instant.

Then it fell on Nobita’s face.

Nobita now feels more comfortable than ever.

I closed my eyes comfortably and began to enjoy quietly.

The snow elf knelt quietly and sat beside Nobita.

He stroked Nobita’s forehead with one hand

Time seemed to stand still in this moment.

One night without a word….

In the early morning of the second day, the snow outside also began to melt.

The sun shines in.


Doraemon quickly climbed out of her cabinet.

The first thing before stepping forward was to touch Nobita’s forehead.

At the moment of contact, the eyes widened.

“It’s really like a dream, the burn has actually receded!”

Doraemon’s face was full of surprise.

Nobita also heard the noise and opened his eyes.


“Haha, I don’t even know what to say when I’m happy”

“Yesterday we didn’t have anything to do at all…”

When Doraemon said this, tears rolled in her eyes.

A long sigh of relief.

But it’s too late for much to say


Nobita sat up directly.

“It’s okay, get up now…”

Doraemon still looked at Nobita with a worried expression.

Nobita glanced around.


“Snow? The snow has now receded! ”

Doraemon didn’t understand what Nobita meant.

But still an immediate explanation.

Hearing Doraemon’s words, he quickly looked out the window.

Ran to the window.


The snow outside is melting

The sun filled the sky.

Nobita just looked out the window quietly.

Doraemon was also standing by the side, looking at this scene with satisfaction.

“Nobita is getting up soon, can’t sleep anymore!”

Suddenly, at this time, there was also a mother’s shout below.

After getting dressed, I went to walk around my yard.

“Now with the warm south wind, it seems that spring is about to arrive!”

Doraemon walking in the courtyard is bathed in the sun, and her face is full of enjoyment.

Nobita followed behind, staring at a snowflake above the bushes.

Then he carefully picked up the snowflake.

The corners of his mouth curved a little.

Before I had time to rejoice,

The snowflakes in the hands also melt quickly.

Finally, it turned into a puddle of water in Nobita’s palm.

Looking at this pool of water, Nobita seemed to see the snow elf.

Then he held the puddle of water tightly and did not return to his senses for a long time.

[No. 9: Love that melts the blizzard! ] 】

[Characters: Nobita, Snow Elf].

[Character comment: Her world can only accommodate Nobita alone].

[In her opinion, this cold wind is howling, heavy snow in winter].

[Two people flying in the wind together, two people playing together].

[That’s her greatest happiness].

[She also has no time to think about what spring means to others].

[She only knows that spring means her own death].

[It means you can’t love anymore!] 】

[If you lose your love for Nobita, then you lose the meaning of life].

[She longs for eternal love, and the only way to do it is to block the footsteps of spring with snow].

[Those who should not be eternal, longing for eternity, this is destined to be a tragedy! ] 】

[She also learned later that eternal love does not mean eternal possession].

[She loves Nobita and imprisons him in this ice and snow].

[Don’t let others get close to Nobita, not even willing to let Nobita welcome the warm spring].

[After all, Nobita is flesh and blood, although she likes snow, if she gets eternity].

[Having received eternal life, but she has left herself, then what is the meaning of obtaining this eternal eternal life?] 】

[Rewards are being distributed…].

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