Xiao Yang had just arrived at the guild from home when he found a large group of people gathered in an open space not far from the guild.

Mira stood aside, looking at these people with a smile. In front of her was a table filled with beer and drinks.

Xiao Yang flew beside Mira, picked up a bottle of drink, and asked while drinking:”What are they doing here?”

Mira shifted her gaze to Xiao Yang,”Oh, it’s Xiao Yang, there are Natsu and Erza in there, they are dueling, everyone in the guild is betting on how many seconds Natsu can last.”

“(-_-)ゞ?Why did Natsu suddenly duel with Erza, and the most important thing is that Erza agreed?”

Hearing Xiaoyang’s question, Mira raised her hand, covered her upturned mouth, and said with a smile:

“I heard that Natsu wanted to duel with Erza before, but Erza always disagreed.”

“Just now, Natsu secretly ate the strawberry cake that Erza had left for her to enjoy slowly, and then he provoked Erza again, so Erza agreed.”

The smile in Mira’s eyes became more and more intense,”By the way, I heard that Natsu ate the last bite of the strawberry cake in front of Erza. It’s a pity that I didn’t see the expression on Erza’s face at that time.”(???)It will definitely be interesting”

“≡ω≡Eat cake? Why does this routine feel so familiar to me?”

“Oh, is there? I don’t know either.” Mira’s eyes narrowed completely into slits, with a mysterious smile on her face.

“”Forget it, I’ll go in and see for myself.”

Xiao Yang flew up and looked down from the sky at Natsu and Erza in the middle of the crowd below.

Erza was wearing the Flame Emperor’s Armor and holding a scarlet dagger in her left hand.

【Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist]

Natsu’s hand was ablaze, and he was about to attack Erza, but he had only taken two steps.

Erza suddenly moved, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them switched positions. Natsu stood there with his fist waving, and three seconds later he fell to the ground in a daze.

Xiaoyang:”=_=||As expected, it is still an instant kill. Only when Natsu is at low health can he defeat the enemy.”

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for changing the original plot so that Erza and Natsu don’t have to go to jail and get the Shadow Corps.】

“This skill is not bad. I wanted it when I saw Jackie Chan Adventures.”Xiao Yang smiled with satisfaction when he heard the system’s voice.

After Natsu was knocked unconscious, everyone dispersed. Happy slowly walked towards Natsu and patted his face when he got to Natsu.

“Natsu, wake up!~”

After Happy finished shouting, Natsu slowly opened his eyes. After 3 seconds, flames ignited on his body and he shouted to the empty space beside him:”Ersa, let’s fight!”

Happy looked at Natsu who was on fire and said calmly:”Natsu, have you forgotten that you have been defeated by Erza? Now Erza has gone to buy the new cake.”

Natsu’s face was full of unwillingness, and he clenched his fists tightly,”Damn, it’s so close, I can defeat Erza soon.”

At this time, Happy slowly said:”By the way, Natsu, Erza asked me to tell you.”

Happy imitated Erza’s tone:

“”Natsu, you haven’t finished eating my cake yet. When I come back with the cake, you’ll be dead.”

Then Happy took out his non-existent phone and took a look.

“”Ah! It’s almost time, that cake shop will start selling exquisite cakes soon, Happy, remember to tell Natsu these words, I have to leave immediately.”

Lucy, who was watching the fun on the side, was speechless.”=_=||Well, there is no need to learn it in such detail. There is no need to talk about buying cakes later”.

Natsu broke out in a cold sweat when he heard Happy’s words.

[Mira’s method is quite useful, but it can’t be used often. No, I have to go out and avoid it, and improve myself at the same time].

[When the time comes, I will come back and defeat Erza, and I will be the strongest in Fairy Tail. Gray will kneel down and say,”Ah, Master Natsu is so awesome, he is the number one in Fiore.”]

Natsu thought and laughed. Happy looked at the silly Natsu and a drop of sweat appeared on his head.

“”Natsu, stop grinning, we should go do the commission.”

A light bulb suddenly lit up in Natsu’s head when he heard Happy’s words.

“Delegation!!!I have a good idea.”

The next morning, Xiaoyang and Laxus just entered the guild and heard Mira yelling:”Oh no, President, there is one less S-level commission posted on the second floor.”

“”Puff”, the coffee that Makarov had just drunk sprayed out in an instant.

His eyes widened,”What, what!?”

Lucky:”What kind of idiot would take something like that?” Lebi thought for a moment,”Come to think of it, I saw Habby quietly taking a commission from the guild yesterday, and I was curious why Habby took the commission so secretly.”

Everyone in the guild heard what Lebi said and started to discuss

“It’s actually Harpy!”

“So it’s Natsu and Lucy?”

“What are these two thinking about?”

“How dare you accept an S-level mission without permission?”

“I didn’t expect them to be so stupid. This is an S-level commission. If you’re not careful, you’ll die.”

“”What mission did they accept?” Makarov looked at Mira seriously and said.

Mira glanced at the commission record,”The cursed island…, Karna Island.”


Wakaba:”Karna Island?”

Lucky:”It’s too much.” Bisca

:”Those guys are so stupid!”

Makarov saw Laxus at the door.

“Laxus, you and Xiaoyang bring those two idiots back immediately.”

Laxus was about to agree, but Xiaoyang interrupted him:

“It’s okay, President. I will inform Erza later. Laxus still has some things to do, so let Gray go this time. There is something else related to Gray there.”

Gray was stunned for a moment, pointing at himself, his tone full of confusion:”Me? How can it be related to me?”

“You will know when you go there. Also, when you go there, you have to pretend to stop Natsu and the others. After all, they ran there secretly, so some punishment is inevitable.”

“Okay.” Gray stood up and walked out of the guild.

Makarov thought for a while and raised his head.

“Xiaoyang, are you sure nothing will happen this time? That’s an S-rank mission”.

Xiaoyang waved his hand,”Don’t worry, I’ve divined, there won’t be much danger this time, Natsu and Gray are about the same strength, plus Erza, this mission will be done for sure”.

After Xiaoyang and Makarov finished talking, Laxus picked him up, and the two walked to a corner where no one was around.

“Xiaoyang, what did you predict?”

“Well, this commission is the key for Gray to break the shadow of his childhood.”

Laxus nodded,”Okay, I understand. By the way, let’s take a mission in two days. I saw a monster commission. I heard that this monster is very delicious.”

“Okay,” Xiao Yang agreed and took out his phone to contact Erza and informed Natsu of their situation.

“Got it, I’ll go.”

Erza’s tone can be described as gritting her teeth, plus the occasional screams from there, Natsu and the other two were in a bad mood, with new and old hatreds added up, a beating was inevitable.

The next night, Xiaoyang opened the flying magic carpet and sat on it, following the instructions on the map, slowly flying towards Karna Island. Halfway through, he suddenly heard a voice from the system

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the puppet show and wave magic】

“It seems that Lucy and Natsu have almost defeated the enemy, and Lucy is lucky enough to get the puppet show”

“You should know that this magic is extremely powerful. It can control everything except humans. In the original novel, Shirley did not make much use of the efficiency of this magic. Fire, water, wind, any natural elements, demons, stars and even gods do not belong to humans.”

“”The wave magic should be acquired by Natsu, but considering his personality, it is unlikely that he can understand this magic. Go back and remind him.”

Xiao Yang flew to the beach of Karna Island and saw a giant rat in a maid costume and Shirley with pink hair and circles in her eyes lying on the beach.

“The mouse looks weird in this outfit!”

Xiao Yang complained and flew to the temple ruins not far away and entered the bottom of the ruins.

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