Makarov held a fan in his hand and fanned himself while saying:

“We are about to arrive at Tianlang Island. Now we will announce the content of the exam. This exam is divided into three parts.”

“We will go to the place where the smoke is coming out of the island shore. There are nine roads there, and only one road can allow one group to pass.”

At this, an image appeared out of thin air next to Makarov.

“The roads from left to right are AI, including four S-class wizard assessment routes, a fierce battle route where four teams fight each other, and a quiet route that can be passed without taking an exam.”

“If you pass the line, you will be promoted. When you see me again after promotion, I will announce the content of the second test. That’s all.”

Makarov said, jumping off the platform and wiping his sweat while walking to the room.

[It’s so hot! It feels even hotter up high, let’s go back to the room, I’ll have some ice beer.

After the content of the exam was announced, the contestants’ lazy state disappeared instantly, and everyone was full of energy, ready to face the next battle.

In the cave on the other side, as the two slowly walked forward in”three three three”, many fireflies suddenly floated around, Xiaoyang used light magic, and a white sphere suddenly appeared in the air. This sphere was like a night pearl, emitting a soft milky white light in the air.

The light scared the surrounding fireflies back into the corner, and soon, the two arrived at the designated location.

After arriving at the designated location, Xiaoyang took out a recliner, a round table and some snacks from the space.

He sat on the recliner and took out his mobile phone to read a novel.

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, Laxus came up to him.

“Xiaoyang, let’s play games together, I’m going to be a star soon”.

Hearing this, Xiaoyang decisively refused:”No, this game is a pit, have you forgotten that we lost ten games in a row some time ago”.

Laxus patted his chest with pride:”Don’t worry, I’ve practiced, I can beat five people alone now, I can take you to fly directly”.

Hearing this, Xiaoyang looked at him with suspicion.

“Are you sure? I remember you said that last time.”

Xiao Yang waved his hand and said,”You play by yourself first. I’ll find you later when I want to play.”

After that, he picked up a bucket of popcorn and immersed himself in the world of the novel.


Seeing that Xiaoyang didn’t want to play with him, Laxus’ mouth drooped slightly.

[Xiao Yang actually didn’t believe me, I had to let him see for himself.

He opened the game and turned up the volume on his phone.

At first, Laxus was full of confidence, but after twenty minutes, his expression began to turn angry.

“Lu Bu, don’t jump, you can’t defeat him alone”

“Shooter, don’t go alone”

“Auxiliary, come and heal me, don’t run away by yourself”

“You four, push the tower! Don’t show off in front of other people’s towers. Quickly! Push! The tower! Don’t give up!”

“I C”.

One minute later


Laxus put his phone on the table beside him and stood up. His expression was a little distorted. He took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger.

Because Laxus turned up the volume of his phone, the failure notification sound was clearly transmitted to Xiaoyang’s ears.

He picked up the phone beside him with the mentality of watching the fun.

“Laxus is a jungler, 12-2-3”

“Lu Bu 2-8-2”

“Middle 5-2-1”

“Cai Wenji 0-0-25”

“Sun Shangxiang 3-20-5”

Then he clicked on the battle replay and moved the progress bar to the last 2 minutes

“Well, after Laxus killed all five of the opponents, he also died. At this time, none of the four teammates pushed the tower, but instead ran to the opponent’s fountain. After 5 seconds, the four successfully returned home. At this time, all the enemies on the opposite side were resurrected, and they successfully pushed down their own crystal within a minute.”

“Very good, this is a forever diamond, it stays in diamond forever”


Xiao Yang looked up at Laxus and found that the ground under his feet had cracks, and these cracks were still expanding.

Laxus turned his head and looked at Xiao Yang with a fake smile:”I’ll go to the back and be back soon”.

At this moment, a female voice came from not far away:”It’s okay, as the saying goes, good wine sinks to the bottom of the jar. I’ve always had good luck, don’t worry”.

Laxus looked at the place where the sound came from, and two beautiful women in swimsuits slowly appeared in front of him.

Laxus raised his eyebrows:”It turns out to be Kana and Lucy, you came at the right time”.

Kana and Lucy:(O O)

Cana took two steps back, sweat on her head increasing. She stared at Laxus and tilted her head towards Lucy.

“What did you just say sinks to the bottom of the jar, Lucy~ (voice trembling and drawn out)”

Lucy was stunned by the huge impact. It took her three seconds to react. She raised her hands and exclaimed:

“Σo O La… Laxus!! You must be kidding, the probability is 1/9, and I can still encounter this.”

Laxus listened to Lucy’s exclamation, and the smile on his face became brighter. Golden lightning appeared on his body, and at the same time, a strong magic power emanated from him.

“Okay, without further ado, let’s begin the assessment.”


A sudden voice drew the three people’s attention.

Seeing the person lying on the recliner, Lucy shouted in surprise:”Xiao, Xiaoyang, why are you here too?”

“Good afternoon,” Xiao Yang raised his hand and greeted the two. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Xiao Yang! Since he is here, it means there should be more than one examiner this time……

As soon as this thought came to Cana’s mind, she saw Laxus trying to attack her, so she quickly stopped him:

“Wait, wait, wait, I choose Xiaoyang, I choose Xiaoyang as the examiner”


Laxus pouted, and his amazing aura disappeared instantly. He slowly retreated behind Xiaoyang.

Seeing this scene, Kana breathed a sigh of relief:”Huh, I guessed right, it was so dangerous just now.”

Xiaoyang spread his wings and flew in front of the two:”How do you know that I am also a tester this time?”

Kana showed a proud smile on her face:”As far as I know, Xiaoyang, you definitely can’t come here as a contestant, but if you are here to travel, you should be visiting the island now, so there is only one last possibility, that is, the tester.”

Xiaoyang clapped his hands and praised:”Kana is very good, this level is indeed divided into two contents, one is to defeat Laxus, and the other is to pass my test, so you choose my test now, right?”

The two kept nodding:”That’s right, we choose your test, let’s start quickly.”

As soon as they finished speaking, a purple magic circle appeared in front of Xiaoyang.

The expressions of the two suddenly became dull, and they stood there stupidly.

Laxus, who was behind, saw that the two were trapped in the illusion and walked to Xiaoyang and complained to him:

“”It’s Cana who came this time. If it was Natsu, he would definitely rush up to me stupidly. I wanted to vent my anger, but now no one wants to fight me.”

Laxus held his head with his hands and kicked the stone at his feet out of boredom.

“By the way, Xiaoyang, what illusion did you give them this time?”

“It’s a zombie siege. The two of them need to defeat 50 zombies in a city, including 10.8 S-level zombies, 5 A-level zombies, 10 B-level zombies and 34 C-level zombies.

“I set up this illusion based on their strengths. Cana’s strength has now reached S-level, but like Levi, her melee ability is not good. Lucy’s strength is almost at S-level.”

Laxus thought for a moment and asked,”What do zombies look like? I haven’t seen them yet.”

“It seems that your phone has not updated the movie yet? I will show you one”[]

Xiao Yang used illusion magic to create a zombie in front of Laxus. The air in front of him suddenly began to twist, and a humanoid creature appeared out of thin air.

The creature’s face was livid, and half of its head was chopped off out of thin air, revealing the pink and black brain inside. There was also an opening in its stomach, and two black intestines in its stomach hung down to its feet like two ropes.

Laxus frowned at the zombie in front of him and subconsciously took two steps back:

How disgusting, a zombie actually looks like this, I wonder if Kana and the others will regret it”

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