DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 130 The first sacrifice under the butcher’s hook

Full text without ads Bomberman's original name was Goblin Engineer, in,. (Full text e-book free download) m. There is a very different kind of hero inside.

To talk about his attack power, it is in the whole. m. Among them, there is probably no hero weaker than him. In addition, he is also very fragile and lacks escape skills. Therefore, what this hero needs is wretchedness and awareness. As long as Lei Mi is in a good position, he can definitely be killed at a time and place that his opponent doesn't expect at all. When equipped in the later stage, you can also do decent damage by relying on the remote control bomb of your ultimate move!

As for other aspects, Bomberman also performed well in both advancement and defense!

Because landmines can be planted repeatedly at one point, even at level one, he can do it in seconds. After being planted in advance, three mines can definitely kill many intellectual heroes. The bomber obviously expected that the puppies might go wild, so he buried four of them, and they couldn't finish them until the guards sent out troops!

The puppy stepped on four overlapping super mines in a row and was instantly sent to the sky!

The super user who controlled Bomberman on the natural disaster side obviously understood the true meaning of changing a place with one shot. After killing the puppy with a skill mine, he quickly disappeared from the guard's sight. The puppy carefully walked around in a circle and found no one, so he relaxed and started hunting wildly!

Without the interference of Bomberman, the Centaur Chief and Death Prophet in the bottom lane also began to face each other on the line with confidence.


Facing Zhao Dingguo's butcher was the enemy's blood demon.

The two heroes are both close combatants. They are very close to each other when they are making up for the damage, and they will inevitably have to fight hand-to-hand several times. Therefore, he has used this hero many times and faced off against Blood Demon more than once, so he is very familiar with the characteristics of this melee agility hero. As long as you pay attention to controlling the last hit, you will have a chance to suppress the blood demon. It is this familiarity that gives Zhao Dingguo a slight upper hand in the line!

However, just when he reached level 3, had a level 2 hook, and was about to try to consume the blood demon for one round, another person from the Imperial Guard died!

The one who died this time was the Death Prophet!

He was preparing to synthesize the equipment of the Soul Ring, and he also brought a synthesis scroll with him when he went out. The remaining accessories, the artist's mask and the recovery ring, were planned to be purchased at a roadside outdoor store. The bomber had already set up an ambush here. After killing the puppy, he took advantage of the military line to push under the guard tower and sneaked into the shadow of the woods in Yedian, where he planted several landmines.

How did the Death Prophet who went to the wild store to buy things think that there was a bomb here?

Unprepared, the Death Prophet was blown to pieces and ended up like a puppy!

In an instant, the bomber took two heads!

The sluggish start from the beginning undoubtedly boosted the morale of the natural disaster side. After successive successes, Bomberman disappeared from the battle line again, and his elusiveness made the heroes of the Guard somewhat restrained.

Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo in the middle is in a good situation for the time being.

Although he was slightly disturbed by the news that the bomber had killed two people in a row, Zhao Dingguo quickly adjusted his condition and caught the blood demon's movement error in the gap between the soldiers, threw him out with a hook, and pulled him back.

Then, he immediately activated the Rot skill, causing slowing and damage to the Blood Demon at the same time.

The blood demon's reaction seemed to be a little slow. He was hit twice by Zhao Dingguo's butcher's hook and then he realized his situation.

He quickly gave Zhao Dingguo a Forbidden Demon, and then tried his best to turn around and get out of Zhao Dingguo's attack range. This belated response was undoubtedly correct. The six-second ban on magic made Zhao Dingguo very uncomfortable. Because the Decay skill can be turned on and off at will, once it is turned on, it is equivalent to a passive skill, and being stunned and silenced will also take effect. Once the demon was banned, he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to stop it. It was equivalent to six extra seconds of driving for nothing!

Every second it lasts, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume continues to decrease.

If he were not careful, these six seconds would be enough for him to kill himself!

Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo had no intention of killing the Blood Demon at once, but more wanted to consume his blood. Now that one round has been consumed, you will have the opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop later!

Perhaps because he had a shadow of Zhao Dingguo's hook, the blood demon who was hooked once became a little wary.

Of course he has to be strong if his opponent is weak!

Zhao Dingguo took the opportunity to expand his advantage, and his suppression of the Blood Demon became even stronger. In addition to not daring to activate the Rot skill at will to retreat troops, he seemed to be able to do so freely in other aspects. Soon he played 600 gold coins and used the animal messenger to buy the magic bottle from the store of Resurrection Spring. The hero Butcher is short of blood and mana, plus there is a gank in the middle. The recovery of the magic bottle is still very comfortable. At least it will not be a situation where the blood is exhausted in one round and forced to go home!

Taking advantage of this period of time, the Blood Demon ate two trees and recovered a lot of blood.

He pressed forward again and continued to confront Zhao Dingguo.

Zhao Dingguo already had a rough idea of ​​this opponent's strength and last-hitting skills, so he stepped forward to attack without fear. When it came to last-hitting, he harvested as many natural disaster ghouls as possible while paying attention to denying them. Even if it can't deny to the last hit, it can still effectively interfere with the opponent's ability to kill soldiers. The blood demon can only gain experience and cannot trigger passive skills to restore blood!

On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo has a supply of magic bottles. So although it was a little unrestrained, the effect was very good, and at one point the healing ointment on the blood demon was also consumed.

At this moment, the Blood Demon didn't have any supplies on him!

This made Zhao Dingguo's mind active again.

He is now level 5 and has a level 3 hook. If you can find an opportunity to kill the blood demon, you can quickly reach level 6 and then travel to other lanes. Since the puppy is fighting in the jungle, there is one less person on the line, so he, the butcher in the mid lane, is needed to lead the rhythm!

Zhao Dingguo knew his position and became more and more serious while controlling the Blood Demon's blood volume.

However, before he could take action, the Scourge Legion took another head!

The heroes of the natural disaster side on the top road are the bounty hunter and the earth-shaking sacred bull. These are two melee combatants. For Feng Xing, a long-range hero with very good online abilities, he would not be at a disadvantage against these two heroes. But after all, Shenniu has a ravine skill that can block the road for eight seconds. Windrunner was trying to replenish his troops and accidentally made a mistake in his position. And Shenniu also seized this opportunity in time, and a ravine was sealed on his side!

Although Fengxing activated Wind Step and entered a short-term immune state to physical attacks, he was still killed by Gangfeng and Shenniu in the end!

Except for Bomberman relying on Mine Yinmen, this is the first round of the official battle between the two sides!

It's rude to come back without reciprocating. Seeing that natural disasters were frequently successful, Zhao Dingguo's teammates also gave their best effort.

The bomber appears and disappears from time to time. Although it brings a lot of trouble to the guards, there is also a hidden danger. Shadow Shaman will be left alone from time to time, facing the range that Death Prophet releases from time to time. With the ability to generate skills, the Shadow Shaman's blood volume was also greatly consumed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the puppy, who had been playing jungle, walked towards the army line and outflanked the Shadow Shaman from behind!

As soon as the tearing wound with a powerful slowing effect appeared, the fate of the Shadow Shaman was already doomed.

With one against three, the Shadow Shaman was eventually trampled down by the centaur chief's horse hoof. This was actually suspected of robbing people.

The score on the field became 3"

In this case, Zhao Dingguo in the middle took action against the Blood Demon.

Under Zhao Dingguo's deliberate indulgence, the Blood Demon tried twice, and found that Zhao Dingguo did not suppress him deliberately, and he suddenly became bolder. Seeing the remaining blood of the soldiers, they dared to step forward to make up for it. Although Zhao Dingguo had an excellent time to take action, Gorefiend's three skills took effect at the critical moment, providing an acceleration effect when Zhao Dingguo's health was lower than the ship, allowing Gorefiend to escape by chance!

He used an animal messenger to deliver an ointment, and his blood volume immediately recovered to 80%!

This made Zhao Dingguo quite depressed.

Do you have to wait until level six to get the ultimate move?

The Butcher's ultimate move is to bite a unit within three seconds, causing damage while rendering the opponent completely unable to move and unable to use any skills or equipment. Combined with the burn from the Decay skill, the damage in these three seconds is considerable. Without such a control now, Zhao Dingguo found that it was really difficult to kill the blood demon!

After using an animal messenger to transport a pair of boots of speed, Zhao Dingguo could only wait patiently until level 6.

Fortunately, his last hit was better than that of Blood Demon, and the two of them were roughly half a level apart in terms of experience. If there are no surprises, he must have reached level 6 first, and then used his ultimate move to kill the Blood Demon.

This time, Zhao Dingguo finally succeeded!

Because the hook and target cannot be blocked by other units, Zhao Dingguo has been moving quietly. Seeing that Blood Demon was about to reach level 6, he finally found an opportunity. The soldier next to Blood Demon died, and there was no obstacle between the two. Zhao Dingguo did not hesitate and immediately threw out the hook!

In fact, the moment the soldier died, the Blood Demon realized something was wrong.

However, he could not dodge as fast as the hook, and was dragged over by Zhao Dingguo on the spot. Zhao Dingguo, who was already prepared, immediately used his ultimate move to bite him, giving the Blood Demon no chance to ban him! A level three hook can cause up to 10 points of damage. In conjunction with his ultimate move and Rot, Zhao Dingguo successfully knocked the blood of the Gorefiend to the bottom, and then used two normal attacks to take him away!

Killing the Blood Demon once when he is almost level 6 is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

The pace of the natural disaster side's mid laner will be slowed down as a result, and Zhao Dingguo, who has gained a lot of experience, can immediately start roaming and cooperate with the heroes on the upper and lower lanes to kill the opponent.

However, before that, his first priority is to control the talisman!

After the three chances of the magic bottle are used up, you can load the talisman in the river on the upper and lower roads and use it three times again. This is what Zhao Dingguo is thinking at the moment. What made him a little excited was that right in the middle of the river in the bottom lane, he saw a bright red talisman - an accelerating talisman!

Like the recovery charm, it is Zhao Dingguo's favorite.

After using acceleration, Zhao Dingguo activates the Rot skill, which allows him to stick close to his opponent, making it impossible for him to escape no matter what, and finally tear the opponent apart with a hook! When he thought of this scene, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but get a little excited. Caizi Pavilion

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