DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 255: The Ownership of Roshan

The killing prompt that suddenly appeared on the screen puzzled Zhao Dingguo and the others.

After the extreme escape just now, hadn't Gang Feng already rushed home? How could he still die? Although Karl has heavenly fire, he has not been resurrected yet!

After a moment of doubt, Zhao Dingguo immediately looked at the small map, and then noticed a red dot on the lower slope of his high ground.

It turned out that the resurrected prophet quickly flew to the high ground and intercepted the unprepared Gang Feng. Although he reacted quickly and quickly became invisible, before flying in this time, the prophet bought another set of fans.

Needless to say the results!

Originally, Gangfeng was still in a good mood for his ultimate escape, but before he could reach home, he was killed by the prophet, which brought his resentment towards the prophet to its peak. His three deaths were all directly or indirectly related to the prophet. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would hate it in his heart!

For a moment, the entire voice channel was filled with Gang Feng's thoughts.

The prophet who successfully killed Gang Feng did not stop, he flew directly to the bottom lane and continued to lead the lane. Originally, this counter-attack should have been a complete victory for the natural disaster. But one was stolen at the last moment, and the original joy immediately turned into depression. Although the natural disasters still took a lot of advantage, the morale that had been raised with great effort has been drained again. And not long after, the Konoe side launched a blackmail in the middle, and also caught the ice soul who moved a little rashly!

Are they going to push the second tower in the middle?

Realizing this, Shenniu and Baihu quickly came to defend.

In the previous team battle, Yan Yuelan's White Tiger actually came over to support. But just as she was about to get masculine, the troll warrior rushed over and attacked twice. With great luck, she got out of the dizzy state and abruptly interrupted the white tiger's masculinity. This time, facing the arrival of the five guards, Bai Hu naturally arrived at the foot of the tower early.

However, as they waited and waited, the people on the guard side seemed to have disappeared, and there was no movement.

Could it be that it was withdrawn?

Just when a few people were confused, the prophet suddenly appeared in the bottom lane and began to lead the route. Because the troop line in the bottom lane was not good before, several people mistakenly thought that the guards were going to turn down, so they rushed to the bottom lane. But at this moment, they suddenly received news that the guards had killed Roshan!

The Troll Warlord has received the Immortal Shield!

It turned out that after capturing a person, the guard fired a shot and pretended to advance, but in fact he went to hit Roshan. In order to confuse the natural disaster party, after recruiting tree warriors to help resist Roshan's attack, the prophet himself teleported to the bottom lane and performed a small strategic deception!

Thanks to the prophet's tree warriors, the Troll Warlord also activated his ultimate attack speed-increasing move. Under a wanton and crazy attack, the guards quickly obtained the Immortal Shield!

The huge experience has allowed three of them to advance to the next level!

"It's hard to fight now!"

Whether it was Zhao Dingguo, who was developing on the top lane, or Shenniu, who was preparing to rush to the bottom lane, they were all aware of the tricky situation. Because they were unable to detect and stop them in time, the Guards had this immortal shield and could advance forcefully, possibly even hitting the high ground in one wave. The Troll's equipment itself is pretty good, with prosthetic legs and a domination helmet, and now it has the Immortal Shield for protection. It's hard for the Scourge to win!

If it is broken all the way, this regular season game will be very dangerous.

However, despite their anxiety, the situation will not change according to their ideas. With the prophet, the guards began to lead the line in two directions. The other four people even gathered in front of the second tower in the bottom lane of the Scourge and launched an attack on this defense tower, which had little remaining durability!

"We can't hold on anymore, go back to the high ground!"

After the Shenniu Gorge sealed the road, activated the defensive runes, and Ice Soul did not hesitate to enlarge the Qing soldiers to drag two groups, the four people from the natural disaster finally exhausted their means and had to voluntarily abandon the tower.

At the same time, the Prophet leisurely pushed down the second tower in the middle lane alone.

Faced with the severe situation, Zhao Dingguo originally wanted to go directly to Yangzhong Road. But even if he got there, it would be impossible to kill the prophet without the cooperation of others. On the contrary, rushing over will affect the speed of making money. As long as the high ground is not broken, he can ignore it in the later stage.

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo did not immediately return to defense, but pushed the second tower of the guard alone!

Because of his presence, the top lane has become the only line on the natural disaster side where the outer tower is still there.

"Go to the high ground!"

At the same time, after destroying the second towers in the middle and lower lanes, the five guardsmen gathered in the lower lane and began to try to attack the high ground. Because of the Immortal Shield, the Troll Warlord resolutely stood at the front, obviously wanting to use his first life to absorb the damage of the natural disaster, and then buy time for his teammates!

Of course the people from the disaster side will not let them get what they want!

Except for Zhao Dingguo, who is ready to launch large-scale support at any time, the remaining four people have gathered on the high ground and are preparing to launch a highland defensive battle.

To be fair, this opponent is very strong and has a good grasp of the rhythm. After killing one person first and taking the Immortal Shield, the Konoe team keenly grasped the period of time when the gap between themselves and their opponents was the largest, and took the initiative to initiate a highland battle. At this time, although Zhao Dingguo had a lot of money, he was still some distance away from the 3800 saint's relics. This was the most embarrassing moment!

However, seeing that the high ground was about to be breached, there was no point in not returning to defense!

After a wave of tree warriors started, followed by troll warriors, the heroes of the guards swarmed up and forced their way into the highlands of the natural disaster.

The Earth-shaking Divine Bull originally wanted to use ravines to divide the battlefield, so that the guards would be in a situation where the head and tail could not see each other, thus forming a local advantage to defeat the larger number. If successful, not only will the Guards not be able to reach the high ground this time, but they may be counterattacked. But he didn't get the timing right, and was targeted by Fat Lan again. A flame blast happened to trigger the double casting. After two consecutive explosions, the sacred cow's health instantly dropped a lot. At the same time, the Chaos Meteor of the Prayer also crashed down, killing the Divine Ox instantly!

The two people cooperate very well. If they don't know each other, then they have agreed upon the goals in advance!

Without the powerful control of the Shenniu, the Guards' hope of attacking the high ground is undoubtedly much greater. However, Ice Soul's ultimate cools down very quickly. At this moment, he once again hit a big one at close range, and then used the frost vortex to slow down, slightly restricting the guards. Coupled with Gangfeng's tracking skills, the people from the natural disaster side still had the upper hand in terms of speed.

Just at this time, Bai Hu's Lunar Arrow successfully hit the troll warrior who was rushing at the front.

The short-term counterattack of natural disasters is coming!

Zhao Dingguo launched his ultimate move at the same moment, creating five ghosts on the field. The illusions of these ghosts immediately disrupted the formation of the guards, and also gave the people of the natural disaster a chance to work together to kill the troll general instantly. After watching the last few seconds of his ultimate move pass, Zhao Dingguo launched his descent and officially entered the battlefield!

The target of his arrival is still the troll war general.

Cooperating with several teammates, the Troll Warlord quickly handed over his first life. But just as the Konoe side hoped to see, after one round of skills passed, the output of the natural disaster side became obviously weak. However, the guards took the opportunity to press forward. If Zhao Dingguo and the others were to attack, Fat Lan's second flame blast attack would probably cost another life. If you can't get there, the guards won't chase you and just quickly demolish the highland tower!

This is a dilemma!


At this time, there is actually no choice. As long as the high ground is not broken and there are ghosts in the later stage, they can hold on, even if they die a few times in the middle. If the high ground is broken early, it will be much more difficult for them to hold on due to the prophet's powerful line-leading ability!

There is actually no other choice!

After Extreme Cold Ghost was the first to rush forward, Baihu and Gangfeng also stepped forward one after another and began to tangle with the guards. They don't seek to kill people, they just hope to make the guards retreat in the face of difficulties. However, after handing over the Immortal Shield, the Konoe side was obviously determined to reach this high ground. Seeing the heroes of the natural disaster fighting back, they were not afraid and fought tit for tat!

Another double cast!

Lan Pang seemed to be very lucky, and this time, the white tiger that was hit was almost killed instantly. Fortunately, she still had no use for jumping, so she quickly turned around and fled back, with her remaining blood running back to the spring.

This time when she rushed forward, she only had time to release a Fallen Star before she had to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

"Watch out for skyfire!"

Zhao Dingguo did not forget to remind Yan Yuelan.

On the other side, the prophet trapped Gangfeng with sprouts, and then sprinkled powder for the fourth time since the war started...

The troll warrior in his second life released his ultimate move, switching into a long-range form with full firepower. In conjunction with the release of a smart and fast fire card, Gang Feng had no decent resistance and was instantly killed!

However, while Gang Feng and Bai Hu attracted firepower, Zhao Dingguo and Jihan Ghost also took the opportunity to deal damage. The skills of the two, combined with the refraction's counter-injury, and the divine bull that rejoined the battlefield after resurrection, finally forced the guards back temporarily. But they lost two people here, and the durability of the highland defense tower was also worn away by half. In contrast, although the Imperial Guard surrendered an Immortal Shield, there were no casualties!

In this wave, although Konoe failed to achieve his goal, he still made a profit!

Moreover, seeing that the second tower on the top road was about to be pushed down by the army line, the guards also went over in time to deny it, which once again affected the economy of the natural disaster party.

Zhao Dingguo was sure that if he couldn't play Glory before the opponent's next advance, the bottom lane would probably be ruined. Windrunner, who was at an extreme economic disadvantage in the early stage, had already played Mekensmu, while the Prophet also made a whirlpool, and the fat blue man used Arcane Shoes and Pushing Staff. The equipment and level advantages that the opponent has gradually accumulated are almost to the point where they can forcefully push down the high ground.

On the other hand, God Niu only has a pair of arcane shoes. Ice Soul is slightly better, but it only has prosthetic legs and war drums. Gangfeng was even more miserable. Although he made a lot of money, he died more often. He only had prosthetic leg braces and a healing ring. Obviously, Gangfeng originally wanted to fight wildly, but later had to turn to the Black Emperor Staff. However, he doesn't even have the Ogre Ax yet, so he is really far away from the Black King's Staff!

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable!

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