Noah wasn’t kidding, because he really hadn’t experimented

Who has nothing to do to run into the universe and bombard a planet to see if it can burst the planet?

Idle panic.

It’s okay to almost know your strength, but if you can’t fight, you have to fight to know.

[What about the ancient mage! ] What level is he! 】

[That’s right, Noah is all cosmic-level, so isn’t the ancient mage more interested?] Steady Heavenly Father? 】

[It shouldn’t be at the Heavenly Father level, and the strength shown when fighting Casillas doesn’t seem to be so strong. ] 】

[Nonsense, Dormammu is a Latitude Demon God, that is, the level of a single universe, that can resist Dormammu’s ancient one, how is it similar. ] 】

[Don’t be mistaken, Gu Yi resisted Dormammu by relying on the earth’s defensive array, not going up to fight by himself. ] 】

[You mean Furuichi is weak?] 】

[Dormammu said that she was speechless, the person I can’t beat, you say she is weak? ] 】

[It turns out that Odin of Asgard belongs to the level of the Heavenly Father, and I am what god they claim to be, and for a long time the Heavenly Father is a position level. ] 】

[Hahahaha, it’s a little interesting, I’m also a heavenly father? Odin, we are the same! 】

[Odin should be more than that simple, although he is the God King Heavenly Father, his strength is not weak, do you think he can’t destroy a planet? ] 】

[My father is the strongest! ] Hmph, what a messy ranking, actually ranked my father in the third ranking! Wait for me to go to Earth, and talk to you about Noah! 】

[What about the back?] This is only four levels, a total of eight, what about the rest? 】

[Curious, what kind of level will be later.] 】

“And the back?” Tony couldn’t help but ask

Everyone was waiting for Noah’s follow-up explanation

Some of the most famous beings in the universe are now the Odin of Asgard, Captain Marvel the Space Ranger, and Dormammu,

And these are all well-known, the rest….

They were so curious about what kind of existence could continue to be ranked!

“You can’t say.”

Who knew that Noah actually shook his head directly and did not say the remaining rank

This made them look stunned

What do you mean,

The pants are all off, and you tell me that the bathhouse is out of water today?

“What do you mean?” Tony looked at him strangely

Eight levels, only four you say you can’t say, this also….

Kavin doesn’t take you such a card!

[Tony, give you a planet and kill Noah for me!] 】

[I’ll give you two planets and slap him…..].

[Damn, it’s all four, why don’t you continue! ] 】

[Some things can’t be said, everyone who understands it understands.] 】

[The Riddler gave me death!] 】

[If you have not reached this level, do not try to understand, it is not good for yourself. 】

[I don’t know what to worry about, you can reach that level, know what is the point, Noah can explain, it has already given you face. ] 】

“Heavenly Father! Kind of interesting. ”

Odin listened to Noah’s lecture on hierarchy, and the spear in his hand was held

Subconsciously, I thought of the spirit when I fought in the Nine Realms in the past

But I don’t know when it started, he was more concerned about more mysterious powers, resulting in no further advances.

“Gu Yi’s strength should be higher than mine, she is connected to some existences, is it a single cosmic level?”

“It’s so interesting.”

Odin couldn’t help but laugh

He didn’t need what was behind the single cosmic level after that, because he knew that he hadn’t reached that level, and it would be a bad thing to understand

Because when you know something, some presence notices you in turn.

And what Odin is most afraid of now is the attention of certain existences

He has been trying to make himself stronger, and the method he has thought of is somewhat inappropriate for outsiders to know

So if you are seen, I am afraid that it will be bad luck….

He Odin is strong, but in the eyes of those beings, his strength is meaningless

Because it’s not a latitude at all.


“What about Thanos? I see that the barrage keeps saying Thanos, what level is he? Tony asked.

It has long been seen that the barrage has been brushing Thanos, and there are countless people spraying him

It seems to be a strong man in the universe, but also robbing planets everywhere, is a big villain

Tony had long been interested in this person, and couldn’t help but start asking.


Noah was stunned, then shook his head

“Not sure.”

“Not sure?” Tony was a little surprised by this answer

Noah said that each of them gave an example, and several of them he had never heard


Now you say you don’t know?

“Thanos Thanos, the Titans of Titans, is born with divine powers,”

“His skin is naturally able to resist cold and hot electric radiation, toxic aging diseases, etc., and his skin alone can hardly be destroyed…”

“His talent is amazing, whether it is magic or otherwise, he can quickly learn,” he


“But his strength…”

“Maybe it’s also the Heavenly Father level, but it definitely hasn’t reached the level of a single universe. If he really wants to fight, with Thanos’ abilities, Odin may be able to defeat him. ”

After Noah said this, he also added a sentence in his heart

If he has the Infinity Gauntlet, his strength will continue to improve. ’

“Of course, don’t think that these ratings are certain,”

he said

“It’s like you, Tony, your physical body is only the stage of an ordinary earthling, but when you put on the armor, isn’t it the surface level?”

“You mean that other means are also counted at the level of strength?” Tony’s eyes lit up and he quickly understood his words.

“Of course…”

“Who said that the Heavenly Father level must not be promoted, you must know that Odin also has a battle armor, Thor’s weapons have increased his strength, and these external ones can also enhance his own strength.”

“Paying a lot of attention to the ancient mage?”

After Noah finished speaking, he saw that the barrage was brushing about the strength of Gu Yi, and smiled slightly.

“My teacher, the strength of Gu Yi, the single universe!”

“What about the remaining four!?”

At this moment, Dormammu’s voice sounded

He also arrived here, and the momentum that came before made everyone condense

But really when he appeared, he couldn’t help but stop moving

Because he is so many, he also wants to know the rating in Noah’s mouth!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for your strong support, thank you, love you, Mo Da.

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