Vilvie watched Teressa’s fight with Ziegfried, and only the corners of her eyes twitched.

“Are these two guys here to be funny!?”

Scratching her head, as an expert in developing one of the keys of God, Vilvie covered her face and couldn’t bear to look directly.

Judas Oath and Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in hand, one was killed by the Law in a second, and the other was caught off guard by an emperor-level collapsed beast, and almost threw himself into the street.

Not to mention Vilvae, as the former owner of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor, Kevin also opened his eyes wide, unable to understand why his descendants were weak into this ghost!

Kevin’s heart was full of doubts, and at the same time full of doubts about the battlefield against collapse outside the promised land of the past.

“The strength of the second law is still awakening, it can be regarded as decent, but the future users of the God Key, one by two, do not even know how to use the God Key, which is also …”

The Heavenly Enlightened One was silent, and he didn’t know what to say to Teresa, who took the Judas vow but was killed in seconds.

“Aunt, you are so poor.” Kiana looked at Teresa beside her with strange eyes, and asked with a slight suspicion, “Your S-class Valkyrie exam back then, shouldn’t it be the back door opened for you by Bishop Otto?” ”

Teresa blushed, “This is all an accident, it’s all a second law who doesn’t talk about martial virtue and sneaks up on me!” ”

Himeko patted Teresa’s shoulder, “It’s okay, Teresa, isn’t it a momentary carelessness by the Empty Law for a second, it’s okay, anyway, we know.” ”

Teresa scratched her hair, and in the ridiculous eyes of everyone, she shouted madly, “Aaaaa It was really just an accident! ”

At the headquarters of Heavenly Destiny Floating Island, Youlandale, who had just finished training, looked at Teresa who was killed by the Law of Void in seconds, tilted her head, and her eyes were dazed with a little doubt.

“Senior Teresa, was the battle with the Second Law like this back then?”

Recalling the textbook about Teresa’s heroic performance on the second collapse battlefield, Yurandell’s face was strange, and her expression became more complicated after thinking that Otto, the bishop of Destiny was a granddaughter.

The Void Lawyer in the depths of Kiana’s consciousness snorted coldly after seeing a certain lawyer’s traitor, but after seeing the picture of Teresa being killed by her in seconds, her eyes couldn’t help but have a little joy.

His gaze swept over Teresa outside, and the Void Lawyer supported his cheeks, feeling that this little dot was still the same as before.

[“Since you can catch my spear… What the hell are you?! ”

Frowning, Celine no longer cared about Siegfried, who had escaped with Teresa, but focused on Walter.

Walter replied unhurriedly, “My name is Walter, I am a lawyer like you, and I came here to have a good talk with you.” ”

“Lawyer? Same as me. Celine frowned and looked at Walter in front of her, her eyes full of doubt.

The mosquito-sized Avalanche Beast whispered in Celine’s ear.

Celine asked suspiciously, “God, what are you trying to tell me…”

Walter heard Celine’s question, his eyes widened, his heart tightened, and he couldn’t help but think, “God? Do you say… Can a fully embodied lawyer talk to Honkai? ”

Under Walter’s nervous gaze, Celine the Void Law on the opposite side did not know what to hear, and the Archolic Spear itself emerged, and his eyes were full of killing intent when he looked at Walter again.

“Hahahahahaha! So it was. ”

“Haha, so it is. It seems that before me, there was a traitor who rebelled against God! ”

“And you’re just an imitation of that traitor!”

“It’s a fake, and it’s embarrassing to call yourself a lawyer. Use your life to pay for the sins of betrayal! ”

“Your God is just using you. It seems that you must be defeated first… to have a good talk with you! ”

The attacks sent by the Star of Eden in Walter’s hands were all blocked by the Void Barrier, and they had no effect at all.

“Is this tickling-like attack your full strength?”

Celine taunted mercilessly.

She was always surrounded by an imaginary barrier, which the Star of Eden alone could not break.

“Those spears of mine are just bait~”

“Bye bye ~ impostor~”

Celine’s golden eyes shone with pleasure and looked at Walter indifferently.

The imaginary hand stretched out from all sides and grabbed Walter, and the huge white wyvern suddenly appeared and opened its huge mouth.

“You’re just… Let’s be safe to become its food! ”

Benares opened his mouth and swallowed Walter into his stomach. 】

“Walter, the ally of anti-entropy, I have long wanted to ask. Dean, why are you so relieved to recruit him into St. Freya College as a history teacher? ”

Infinite Tower Himeko asked Teresa, but looked at Delisa with a confused look, looking like a silly roe deer under Himeko’s question.

Immeasurable Tower Jizi couldn’t help frowning, and said with a slight suspicion, “Shouldn’t you even recognize the anti-entropy alliance master?” You are also comrades-in-arms! There’s no reason why you can’t remember what this first lawyer looks like! He hasn’t even changed his name! ”

“This, this….. So what….. The dean just didn’t think about it for a moment. ”

Teresa’s swallowing look made Infinity Tajiko even more suspicious.

Teresa also has words of suffering!

She has no memory of reverse entropy at all!

Not to mention remember what the anti-entropy alliance master Walter looks like!

Covering her little head with her hands, Teresa was a little skeptical of life, could it be that she was suddenly hit with the sequelae of amnesia by the Law of Emptiness!?

Come to think of it, it seems that only this statement can explain it.

Fu Hua sat on the side, glanced at Delisa vaguely, his eyes glanced at it hurriedly, according to her familiarity with Yuduchen, it was not difficult to see that Teresa’s brain had traces of Yuduchen.

“However, the Lord of the Walter Alliance was swallowed into the dragon’s belly, is he actually alive?” Bronia frowned and thought of another question, that is, “The God of Collapse, does it really exist!?” ”

“In a sense, mankind has never discovered the existence of the God of Collapse.”

Fu Hua muttered, she couldn’t answer Bronia’s question.

“However, since the Second Law has said so, then the existence of the gods of Honkai should be true.”

Although Fu Hua said this, to be honest, she always felt a little strange, and instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the God of Collapse in the mouth of the Void Lawr.

Most of the heroes of the promised land of the past knew the God of Collapse, or the true face of the Will of Collapse.

But Fu Hua, as an honest person among the heroes, is almost a marginal figure, and she is not aware of this secret plan.

“But the second law is really good.”

Raiden Bud Yi looked at the Void Law who easily killed Delisa and defeated Walter and couldn’t help but say with some emotion.

“I’ll be better than her!” This is dissatisfaction from the Law of Thunder!

Hearing this, Raiden Bud Yi asked with some doubt, “As far as I know, the conquest of gems seems to be part of the power of the Void Law, right?” Isn’t the power you can exert the power she can exert? ”

Thunderbolt’s question silenced the Thunder Lawyer.

In a sense, this is a fact, and she cannot argue with it.

In the promised land of the past, Alicia looked at Walter who was swallowed into her stomach with some unbearability.

“His body simply cannot support the erosion of the core of the lawyer.”

“As the heir of the Lawyer, he may be very good, but Walter still can’t exert the true power of the Lawyer.”

As former civilized people, they all know what the true power of the Law of Reason is, but Walter obviously did not use this power to the extreme.

The two lawyers, like two extremes, like two sides of a mirror.

One suffers from the malice of mankind and wants to destroy humanity.

The other is to protect humanity.

“Why would he want to protect humanity?” Holding her chin, Alicia felt a little curious.

How did Walter get recognized by the Law of Reason and gain the power of the Law of Reason, and why did he choose to protect humanity after becoming the new Law of Reason.

The questions that Alicia cares about are answered on the screen.

[In the afterglow of the setting sun, above the desolate ruins.]

The man with short blue-purple hair leaned against the broken wall, his expression pale, and the blood stains in the large beach indicated that he had reached the end of his life, revealing a bitter smile.


“Blood… Why can’t the blood stop…”

Beside him, the boy wept and pressed his hands on his wounds, but in vain.

The man with short blue hair smiled softly, comforting the sad teenager.

“Haha… Don’t force it. I felt that my life had come to an end. ”

The teenager burst into tears, and could only weakly hold the man’s wound, shake his head vigorously, and loudly retorted, “No! You won’t die! You are Walter, our hero! ”

“Walter…” the blue-haired man smiled widely, and he extended his hand to the teenager in front of him.

“That’s a great name, isn’t it?”


With tears, the young man’s face clearly appeared in front of everyone, which was almost exactly the same as the anti-entropy alliance master.

The blue-haired man’s hand rested in front of the other party, and a core slowly emerged from the palm.

“Then, from now on, you are Walter.”

“The heart of the lawyer. And the mission of protecting this world-”

“Just please, Walter.”

In the midst of nothingness, Walter Young opened his eyes.

“Although it is only a false and short life.”

“But to receive the name Walter from her…”

“That’s wonderful…”

“In honor of that hero, I became Walter.”

“I’ve remembered the meaning of this name for decades.”

“Today! Walter, fight again to protect this world! ”

Take off your glasses, and your brown eyes turn red.

Reaching out, in the midst of Benares’ roar of pain, Walter reappeared in front of Celine.

“Second Lawyer, are you ready, facing the First Lawyer, facing Walter’s power?!”

Countless Titan mechs were created out of thin air, and Walter gave an order, and all began to attack.

The cannon fire that rushed into the sky directly hit the Void Lawyer, and the momentum was overwhelming, but it was not enough to kill the Void Lawyer.

“Ambush? Shamelessly using human weapons! ”

The imaginary barrier stopped the artillery fire, but cracks appeared.

“No kidding! How can human weapons harm God! ”

“Let me tell you how vulnerable human weapons are!”

The imaginary hand crushed the mecha, and Cyrene also showed her true ability at this moment.

However, after crushing the mechs, more mechs were created to fill the gap.

“How is it possible! These mechs, you created them?! ”

“Finally found out… This is the ability of the first lawyer. As long as I understand the principles of construction, I can create it with Honkai energy! ”

“As long as I’m alive! This unit will not fall! ”

“This is a weapon created by humans!”

Titans, planes, tanks, aircraft carriers……… As long as it is a weapon in human history, it has been manufactured.

The number of weapons covers the entire sky, enveloping the Void Lawyers!

“I, Walter, challenge you on behalf of humanity!”

“God! Let’s check whether humans are qualified to survive! ”

“The whole army …! Fire!! ”

At this moment, the battle is not between the first law and the second lawyer, but the battle between humans and Honkai!

Looking at Walter’s mountains of human weapons, Celine couldn’t help but panic a little.

The mosquito-type Avalanche Beast kept hovering around Celine’s ears, persuading her to retreat quickly.

“Nope! I won’t run away! ”

Celine would never allow herself to flee like a dog who lost her family in front of such an impostor.

“I won’t lose!”

One after another purple space doors opened, sky-rushing artillery fire entered it, the dark purple space door closed and opened again, and the dense artillery fire did not distinguish between the enemy and my attack, destroying Walter’s creation.

“Space transfer … Finally willing to give it your all? The Second Lawyer. ”

“The power of God is indeed extremely powerful, but it is not over!”

Clench your fists and mobilize the collapse energy in your body, Walter will never fall here!

“Fall, then stand up! That’s how humans move forward step by step! ”

“Come on! Our war has just begun! ”

“Whew… Phew, still won’t give up? Dying! This attack is useless at all! ”

Again and again, he unfolded the door of imaginary space, returning all of Walter’s artillery fire to its original owner, and turning Walter’s artillery fire into a weapon against him.

“Finally, let you die under your own weapons!!”

Celine’s face was hideous, her eyebrows were full of violence, and the golden fiery cannon fire in the dark purple space door shot towards Walter.

Compared to the relaxed second lawyer, Walter cannot stop for a moment, squeezing his potential, “Whew… Call…… I’m going to hold on a little longer… Just hold her back… More parts must be created—”

Before he could finish speaking, a purple imaginary hand suddenly appeared and interrupted his words.

Walter coughed up a mouthful of blood, was squeezed in the gray imaginary hand, and was sent to Celine.

“The game is over, it took me a lot of effort… However, imitations are only imitations after all. ”

The hand pinched Walter’s head to force him to lift, and to Celine’s surprise, a smile appeared on Walter’s face.

The sky shrouded in the smoke of artillery fire streaked a light, it was the silver bullet invented by Einstein, and at this moment Celine instinctively felt danger.

Celine, who is the second lawyer, does not know what this weapon is.

But her body’s instincts told her that this weapon was dangerous.

With 3 seconds left before the weapon hits her, she has no time to teleport herself to safety. There was no time to teleport this weapon into the distance.

At the last moment, an idea flashed through Celine’s mind.

Use the earth as a shield and teleport this weapon deep underground!

The door of the imaginary space was opened by Celine, and the violent roar was accompanied by blazing flames and impact, and the two lawyers. 】

“Is this Mr. Walter’s will?”

Urandale looked at Walter with admiration and chose to die with the Second Law for the sake of humanity.

“He was a real hero.”

If she could meet Walter, Urandell thought she would have a lot in common with the other party.

“This is the inheritance of mankind, and it is also my dream.” Alicia sighed that the inheritance of the name Walter was the embodiment of her dreams for Alicia.

I hope that the lawyer will become a human being, and I hope that the lawyer can also have his own consciousness and choose his own life.

“But this child was obviously so cute when he was a child, why did he feel so rough when he grew up.”

Holding her chin, Alicia, as a Yan dog, decisively shifted her gaze and looked for Celine’s figure.

If you score the appearance of human beings from zero to one hundred points, you must be at least eighty points to get Alicia’s warm hospitality.

It is clear that in this regard, the Second Law is more than concerned in Alicia’s heart!

It can’t be said that Alicia doesn’t care about the two first-law people, but she prefers cute girls a little more.

A mature middle-aged man like Walter is not in the scope of Alicia’s teasing.

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards.

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