[At night, Naruto appeared in the Anbu base. 】

【"Hi, Uzumaki Naruto, come and get my equipment."】

【The ninja in the window of the iron fence looked at the introduction letter handed over by Naruto, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes. 】

[6 years old, even the Kakashi back then could not meet the standard to enter Anbu. 】

【Anbu held back the wonder in his heart, handed Naruto a cardboard box and a long sword and said, "This is your equipment, report to the team yourself."】

【Naruto took the equipment and walked towards the waiting room where the team was. 】

【Push open the door and several masked Anbu are staring at Naruto coldly. 】

【"Is this the guy?" "I heard he's only 6 years old. Is Hokage-sama crazy?"

[Before they finish muttering, a teenager holding a cardboard box walked in again. 】

【"I am Uchiha Itachi who joined Anbu today, please give me your advice."】

【Yamato with a silly face came forward with a smile: "What a coincidence, both of you are here. You can use the cabinet next to Naruto."】

【 Uchiha Itachi should be respectful, and then looked at Naruto who was a little shorter than himself. Even when he received the order to send the letter of appointment, he was shocked. He was only as old as his younger brother. Already been invited into Anbu. 】

[Thinking of Sasuke begging himself to teach him shuriken and ninjutsu, and wanting to surpass Naruto, he feels helpless for his brother, the two are no longer on the same level. 】

【At this moment, Naruto turned around, with a bright smile on his face: "Please give me your advice."】

【Uchiha Itachi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded to Naruto: "Please advise."】

【Yamato said to the two of them: "Because of Naruto's special status, today's assembly is at night, and the sixth class will gather at the third practice field 5 minutes later."】

【Naruto and Itachi nodded yes, they changed their equipment and rushed to the practice field. 】

[ Naruto's mask is a fox mask, which happens to be the one that Bai Naruto wanted to buy and threw on the ground. 】

Senju Hashirama: (angry) Only six years old, is this a peaceful time? That Uchiha Itachi doesn't look very old, does Konoha already need a child to go to the battlefield?

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Mr. Hashirama, the main reason is that this ninja is really excellent. He was 5 years old from Jōnin school and graduated early in less than a year. Now he has five years of ninja experience. And it was recommended by Danzo, who said he wanted to accumulate experience.

Senju Hashirama: What about Vortex Naruto?

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage building had an ugly expression on his face. As someone who has seen the real Senju Hashirama, he knows how much Senju Hashirama opposes children going to the battlefield.

Senju Tobirama: Brother, the Anbu we cultivated since childhood is different. It belongs to the elite of Konoha, and it is impossible to cultivate it in the way of greenhouse flowers, not to mention that he is still Jinchūriki. Didn’t you choose it to balance the combat power of various countries? Are you handing out Tailed Beasts?

Senju Hashirama: But I didn't tell you to seal Nine Tails on the child!

Jinchūriki need to be cultivated, and it is necessary to teach Jinchūriki to learn the sealing technique. Generally, Nine Tails will be transferred only after they have mastered the sealing technique of sealing Nine Tails after the age of 12.

If Jinchūriki doesn't have enough strength, it will inevitably cause the tailed beast to go berserk.

Knowing this, Namikaze Minato chose to split Nine Tails into two, and then reduce the chance of Nine Tails going berserk, giving Naruto time to develop.

Otherwise, with Naruto's baby body, even with him and Kushina's Chakra, it still can't seal the entire Nine Tails.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage building was relieved,

After all, it was his own teacher who took the initiative to take the responsibility on himself. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly rejoiced. As long as he refused to admit the matter of the Senju clan, the chances of winning over Teacher Tobirama would be very high.

Fortunately, I didn't completely kill them all back then, and many offshoots were scattered and integrated into the Konoha civilians by myself, which would be a good explanation at that time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Well, it's all my lack of ability. If I could support the Fourth Generation in time, Naruto wouldn't have suffered. When Naruto was sent to the root, it must have been Danzo's idea. I have always opposed controlling Naruto. I am afraid that the Sarutobi Hiruzen in that world could not bear the pressure. It is not like me, who firmly opposed Danzo to take Naruto away!

At this time, Danzo, who is still idle at home and under the care of Anbu, has a face full of MMP, and he really blames me for everything.

Shimura Danzō: Huh!

At this time, everyone has become accustomed to Sarutobi Hiruzen's shamelessness. After all, the things in the black-frame projection did not happen in reality. It seems that everyone has no way to blame Naruto's pain in the projection on the head of Sarutobi Hiruzen in this world. .

[In the training ground, a man named Anbu watched Naruto and Itachi continuously shoot shurikens. 】

【However, the pace of the two of them did not waver in the slightest, and they walked forward without changing their expressions. 】

【"What are you doing!"】

【A white-haired Anbu appears behind the two. 】

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